Germination Concern


Active Member
Hi all.. have two Jack Herrer seeds and two white dragon seeds from BC Seeds and they've been germinating for about five days now using the paper towel method, although i have added a bit of perlite for increased airation.

Anyway, the seeds still haven't popped but all four have some kind of white fuzz on them. Is this some kind of mold or should i keep trying to germinate them?thanks


Well-Known Member
no no no no no no,ill list out my steps that cause the seeds to germ so quick

1. get plastic ziplock bag
2. paper towels
3. chlorine free water
4. seeds
5. a warm place

1a. put the papertowel folded in a ziplock
2a. put some chlorine free water in the bag and get the pt moist but not dripping wet.
3a. put the seeds in between the pt
4a. zip it up,and blow it up with your breath,the co2 in my opinion gives it a boost,seems to work quicker than no co2
5a. put the blown up bag on something warm like a subwoofer for surround sound.

1b. check back in 5hrs and see how dark they appear now and reseal the bag
2b. check back in 10hrs,they may start crackin at this point
3b. in another 5hrs they should have there tap root started poking out.
4b. 2hrs later they should be almost ready to go into a pot.
5b. 2hrs they should be ready to rock and roll,but (optional)if the taps arent growing much since the last check,move the bag in to a darker place and give them an hour to cool down and stick the bag back on the sub after an hour to warm them back up,again thats only if you have tricky seeds

1c. carfully take the seedlings out and plant them .5cm deep
2c. keep the light 1ft away if its a cfl,2ft-4 if hid,keeping them away from the light will prevent them from dying because theyre sensitive to light for the first few days of there life
3c. move the light closer and start growing some great shit.

good luck,this is my method and its 100% all the freaken time


Well-Known Member
Here is the easy way that is fool proof.
1. Put 2 inches of water in a glass.
2. put seeds in glass of water 24 hrs (tap water)
3. plant seeds
4.wait 2 or 3 days and they will be up and growing.


Active Member
thanks for the tips both of you. seeing as i have tried the paper towel method once, i may try soaking next.

thanks again, and if anyone else has any advice feel free to input


Well-Known Member
paper towel in a bowl with cling film over the bowl, towel over the bowl, place in grow room as always warm. 12hrs - 48 hrs all germ every time. Also noticed that the first to pop are usually the strongest!!


Well-Known Member
fuzz on your seeds they are done
before you put more seeds in water scuff the seed with sand paper


Active Member
I do the cup then paper towel method I put them in a cup with some water from the tap for 12 hours then I put them in the paper towel and then the paper towel in a ziplock baggy I then check them every 12 hours longest I have had to wait is 48 hours and ALL of mine have popped I believe sometimes there would be a dud and 4/5 so it definetly does the job good luck!