Gun Control


Active Member
sounds like you have never did door to doors.
you want some door to door search;s going on your about road blocks all over the place.i dont know who you are. but i know who i am . and if they start gun confiscation i KNOW im not sitting and waiting my turn.
ill go turn em in..right up the street at my local cops home..
then ill go to the next one..then the next one.

in what sense are you sayin ive never done door to doors?

i mean you do your thing your way, and i'll do mine, let see how long we last in comparison. :clap:


Active Member
Vancouver BC and Seattle WA have about the same amount of gun violence a year. The difference is that BC has more restrictions than Washington. Criminals who want to shoot you will. making it 5 times more illegal doesn't stop them. Everyone in Switzerland has a army rifle. They have less gun related violence than Vancouver.


Well-Known Member
Well Mao was correct "Political power comes from the barral of a gun" that is true. If you want a government by the people and for the people the people must be armed. Or they will eventually fall to tyranny to someone with a gun and a lust for power.

I sugjest we do what our founders did at Lexington and Concord gather up at the city parks and tell the police/national guard come and get them. See if they have the testicular fortitude to fire on us. Wars are often won in the will. Do the line grunts/officers really want to fire on Americans defending the 2nd ammendment.

If we all stay home and wait we will be picked off one at a time. If we stand together in one place draw a line in the sand we can call their bluff. Then we have the inititive.

The problems will be (that I can see):
1. Martial law/inability to travel
2. No internet to know whats going on.
3. Fear (Pandemic)


Well-Known Member
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]"To my mind it is wholly irresponsible to go into the world incapable of preventing violence, injury, crime, and death. How feeble is the mindset to accept defenselessness. How unnatural. How cheap. How cowardly. How pathetic." ~ Ted Nugent[/FONT]


Well-Known Member
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]"To my mind it is wholly irresponsible to go into the world incapable of preventing violence, injury, crime, and death. How feeble is the mindset to accept defenselessness. How unnatural. How cheap. How cowardly. How pathetic." ~ Ted Nugent[/FONT]
lol Nugent... use to watch his hunting show back in the day. crazy bastard :hump:


Well-Known Member
How does one prevent "Violence, injury, crime and death" a gun is a good start. In the state in which I live it is very much legal to shoot and kill a trespasser with no evidence of the perpetrators intentions other than being on your property unwanted. Not like in some states where the trespasser must first show intention of bodily harm before you are legally allowed to shoot.

When you have to ask the government permission to do something its no longer a right but a privilege.

I am an individual, not a cog in the government machine!!


Well-Known Member
in what sense are you sayin ive never done door to doors?

i mean you do your thing your way, and i'll do mine, let see how long we last in comparison. :clap:
KID i was wearing metal helmets when you were still in diapers .
in iraq it was very common in areas to go from one door to another .busting it in when familys were inside and pointing guns in their faces. most american soldiers are smart enough to know this shit is wrong right off the bat. but it is what they HAVE TO DO.
anyone starts shooting tear gas into my buddies home and rushing it with guns ..while his family is in the home deserves the very same thing..ONLY WORSE to happen to his family.
most soldiers in know of in iraq were very appoligetic about having to invade someones home..the home is sacred even in the american constitution.
cops violate peoples homes on a daily basis in this country. hen they start raiding homes for legal guns then they are the law breakers..they are the law breakers now.
any law contrary to the constitution is a null and viod law that i or no other has a obligation to follow.
when you have a illegal government you have no obligation to follow any law they make.


Active Member
SEE thats exactly what i was diggin for, a claim to military, so iraq? marines? army? what was your platoon? your mos? rank? how long did you serve? it may sound like im bein fineite or tedious, i just dont like posers, (not saying you are, i'm actually curious) only because i know an abundance of 82'nd 101'st , grunts, fisters, artillery. old and young and none share that similar view.
i just cant reiderate enough this is NOT to trash you or anyone, just want to understand where you're coming from, and having ties to the military, i am intersted in what you've done. where you've served, and training you've done, shit like that.

and any military should check out apo, ( not just for airbourne for military in general.

most american soldiers are smart enough to know this shit is wrong right off the bat. but it is what they HAVE TO DO.


Active Member
THE ONE thing you have to know, is that there is a reason old mobsters said "respect the law" not obey, but respect, because take what you know as far as what the law is, and then understand ("respect") the law will do whatever the fuck they want, doesnt have to be fair, doesnt have to be right or just, cops'll do what they want, politicians and fed will do what they want.

hell look at legal grow houses in cali, within regulations and state law, but the feds still some bustin in.

KID i was wearing metal helmets when you were still in diapers .
in iraq it was very common in areas to go from one door to another .busting it in when familys were inside and pointing guns in their faces. most american soldiers are smart enough to know this shit is wrong right off the bat. but it is what they HAVE TO DO.
and no i didnt not serve in iraq..i know ALOT of young men who did.
nothin personal, but then dont speak as if it was experience, it aint right, and disrespectful, i dont claim to have been there nor lead the implication, but family is the majority of my posts as far as a soldiers additude and mentality about the fact, never hit land in iraq meself, but i was in the navy, i've done shit and seen shit, from a coast, (and if anyone wants to ask, was ABE, V2, CVN 77 G.H.W.Bush, did TAD on the teddy, nimitz)


New Member
Since when do you need a permit to own a gun?Just get one and keep your mouth shut.:twisted:
If you buy a gun legally, they require a waiting period, an FBI check to make sure you are not a psycho or a felon, then you get the gun, but it is registered to you and your current address as stated on your drivers licence. Now a carry permit, (In Nevada) requires taking a class on Gun law and operation, plus going to a range and actually shooting 20 rounds per weapon you are registering on your carry permit. It is always nice to have a permit to carry and especially in Nv, because in the baddest part of town it is like a 5 year sentence for carrying a gun in your vehicle if you don't have a permit, and where do you think you would need a gun the most, that's right, in the baddest part of town. Of course, most thinking persons would have a few unregistered guns just in case.
anyone that is for the legalization of marijuana should agree with the same principles of the second amendment. we believe that there are things in our society that are going to exist. marijuana and guns should be considered within the same category because governments think they can control the inevitable. we know better than anyone that prohibition of anything doesn't work. regulation and control over the market stops the black market. maybe gun control works in the UK, but they also live on an island with a population significantly less than the United States. it's a little easier to keep firearms off of an isolated, small island. We have ten fold the land mass, two borders, and three sources of water (if you consider the gulf separate from the atlantic). no one disagrees that the black market should be stopped. no nra member likes the black market. and that's where all of the killings with firearms come from. they don't register their guns, they don't wait, they don't do background checks. they're criminals. if we want to stop crimes with deadly weapons, stop the black market. stop attacking law abiding citizens who aren't harming anyone. i believe that everyone is entitled to firearms but people should be able to lose that privilege if they are not responsible with their firearms. they are a tool and should be used with care and respect.


Well-Known Member
I own many guns, legally. I shoot for fun and as a sport. I don't believe in gun control because it doesn't work, and would never give my guns up. The government can ban guns but murders will still occur.


Well-Known Member
I own many guns, legally. I shoot for fun and as a sport. I don't believe in gun control because it doesn't work, and would never give my guns up. The government can ban guns but murders will still occur.
probably go up honestly, just another thing on the black market.


Well-Known Member
i believe that everyone is entitled to firearms but people should be able to lose that privilege if they are not responsible with their firearms. they are a tool and should be used with care and respect.

read this Coloradostate...

Amendment II

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

Please notice that being armed is a RIGHT, not a privilege. Governments cannot take rights away, they are immutable. if your irresponsible with your weapons and cause someone to die that should not have, you will pay for it one way or another. no reason to get the govt involved they only make things worse.


Well-Known Member
probably go up honestly, just another thing on the black market.
I live in California which makes it very difficult to acquire a ccw(conceal carry weapon permit), but when TX and a few other states issued ccw's to law abiding citizens crime went down dramatically. Having this permit make criminals think twice, would you rob an armed or unarmed person? This is why people should be pro gun, they think guns kill people, but really, people kill people.