Here it comes - gun control!!!

The problem with media is that they started off as an institution that was meant keep an eye on the government and alert the people of wrong doing, but they have turned into entertainment. They capitalized on the first amendment and they are not looking back.
Did you hear that NY, NY City reported ZERO (0) homicides for the first time ever. Since they started recording it of course. I think it happened like 3-4 weeks ago

Now I get it. The cause of all these murderous rampages was large, sugary drinks all along. Bloomberg banned large, sugary drinks and the murder rate dropped to zero: PERFECT correlation!

I have to apologize to Bloomberg. I used to think the was just another douche-bag nanny.

The US, and the world, needs to ban large, sugary drinks. There is no mention of large, sugary drinks in the second amendment; full steam ahead.
Now I get it. The cause of all these murderous rampages was large, sugary drinks all along. Bloomberg banned large, sugary drinks and the murder rate dropped to zero: PERFECT correlation!

I have to apologize to Bloomberg. I used to think the was just another douche-bag nanny.

The US, and the world, needs to ban large, sugary drinks. There is no mention of large, sugary drinks in the second amendment; full steam ahead.

I don't see why for such a sarcastic response. It was just a fact, and i look at it another way. Guns have long been banned in the city yet they still have large homicide numbers so
scathing my head here, they are banning semi-automatic weapons. WTF? so does that mean drive-by shootings will be done with gunpowder muskets and ram-rods

Just the price of them will go up
Criminals will just use illegal guns.
I prefer criminals with legal guns don't you ?
Bla bla bla get back to prepping, Im done with you. Youre either completely fucking ignorant, or have the reading comprehension of a retarded mouse.

my reading comprehension is fine, you keep squeaking about not banning guns, but then you squawk about requiring licenses and background check for permission to buy a gun.

how hard is it for you to imagine a tightening of the criteria (like california does) where the ACCUSATION of domestic violence is a disqualifier, even just a loud argument with the wife can get you barred from gun ownership for life. or maybe holding certain views might be sufficient to be denied the privilege? you're so sure your rights will not be infringed you will submit everyone else to the inquisition. must be grand to be so perfect.

you fail to understand the simple fact, that the army is an illegal organization, and instead sling ad hominems and change the subject.
you declared that citizens dont need the "firepower" of an AR or AK, anyone would conclude that you mean you dont mind if they are banned. you hint at yuor opinion then feign being insulted when somebody calles you a lefty gun banner.
well you are a lefty gun banner. you pretend to support the second amendment, while calling everyone else who DOES in fact support the second amendment a "wingnut".

and i did read what you posted and concluded your comments on not wanting gun bans was a LIE. admitting you want guns banned alienates those you hope to sway to your side for "reasonable" measures to "filter" who can own guns. where i come from thats infringement on the second amendment's provisions.
The problem with media is that they started off as an institution that was meant keep an eye on the government and alert the people of wrong doing, but they have turned into entertainment. They capitalized on the first amendment and they are not looking back.

so... the problem with the media is... capitalism and free enterprise?
so... the problem with the media is... capitalism and free enterprise?

no, the main problem with the media is that there are so many who believe every word that comes out of that box.

He is just giving me shit because i believe in capitalism & free market principals.

I do not blame the media for capitalizing this, they are no longer media. They are entertainment posing as free press. The only real media we still have is live footage from the congressional halls, but unfortunately no one watches that.

Take the time to watch it when you get a chance and you'll see how they never get anything done.

"motion to table Topic A"
"all in favor Nay, motion denied"

"motion to table Topic A"
"all in favor Nay, motion denied"

"motion to table Topic A"
"all in favor Yay, motion Passes"
" take the table congressman X"

"motion to rebuttal Topic A"
"all in favor Nay, motion denied"

"motion to reconsider Topic A"
"all in favor Yay, motion Passes"
" take the table congressman y"
"congressman Y: motion to take Topic A off the table"

"all in favor Yay, motion Passes"
"Topic A has been taken off the table"

Just a non stop cycle of congress not going anywhere. not to mention none of them are ever there
He is just giving me shit because i believe in capitalism & free market principals.

I do not blame the media for capitalizing this, they are no longer media. They are entertainment posing as free press. The only real media we still have is live footage from the congressional halls, but unfortunately no one watches that.

Take the time to watch it when you get a chance and you'll see how they never get anything done.

"motion to table Topic A"
"all in favor Nay, motion denied"

"motion to table Topic A"
"all in favor Nay, motion denied"

"motion to table Topic A"
"all in favor Yay, motion Passes"
" take the table congressman X"

"motion to rebuttal Topic A"
"all in favor Nay, motion denied"

"motion to rebuttal Topic A"
"all in favor Yay, motion Passes"
" take the table congressman y"
"congressman Y: motion to take Topic A off the table"

"all in favor Yay, motion Passes"
"Topic A has been taken off the table"

Just a non stop cycle of congress not going anywhere

You do know what "media" means don't you?

Now why would you expect the "news media" to act contrarily to your understanding of the way this country ought to work? Why are you condemning "the media" for doing something that you believe every other business has a right to do? Make as much money as they can?
Lol ahh yeah, hunting advice from a dude that lives in San Diego. Yes, finally someone from the great hunting Mecca gives his advice.

Maine has a huge moose, black bear and deer population. City dwelling douchebags like you pay a premium to hunt here. Some of the best hunting in the continental US. Probably not as good as San Diego though huh?

a j/k was included in that. also no hunting in cali sucks unless ur going for pig or coyote and maybe a deer or two up north but thats as big a game as we get. sad to say. also i was kidding douche bag so no need to twist ur panties in a bunch over the internet tough guy. cool ur jets mr countryman. also just becuz i live here now doesnt mean ive lived here all my life. ive been to the east coast and hunted. even hunted over seas a few times and that wasnt even for hunting for the the illusive towel head at the time. that was fun. didnt get to use any of my guns but was still well worth it.
Well maybe i used media to liberally here , but i mean freedom of the press

The same way ancient aliens is history right. Just because its on the history network.

People think news is news because its on the news network
if you must ask permission to buy a gun then you do not anymore have a RIGHT you have a privilege, and those can be revoked with little or no cause.

as of now, to lose your RIGHT to own firearms you have to commit a felony and be convicted, and even then it's not necessarily permanent. when the feds simply end the privilege of gun ownership, it will be gone forever, and we will be RULED.

citizens are conronted by armed gangs of home invaders, looters, rioters, street thugs, and armed robbers.
a gun which will put them on their butts is essential, since suppressive fire from your squad while you withdraw is not an option.
limiting the 'firepower" of the citizen is infringing on the right to bear arms. shooting is not a hobby, and the second amendment is not about hunting.

"The militia of these free commonwealths, entitled and accustomed to their arms, when compared with any possible army, must be tremendous and irresistible. Who are the militia? Are they not ourselves? Is it feared, then, that we shall turn our arms each man against his own bosom. Congress have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birth-right of an American ...the unlimited power of the sword is not in the hands of either the federal or state governments, but, where I trust in God it will ever remain, in the hands of the people.

The militia, who are in fact the effective part of the people at large, will render many troops quite unnecessary. They will form a powerful check upon the regular troops, and will generally be sufficient to over-awe them.Whereas civil rulers, not having their duty to the people duly before them, may attempt to tyrannize, and as military forces, which must be occasionally raised to defend our country, might pervert their power to the injury of their fellow citizens, the people are confirmed by the article in their right to keep and bear their private arms." ~Tench Coxe Pennsylvanian delegate to the continental congress

LOL!! Are there black choppers circling over your house?
Lol ahh yeah, hunting advice from a dude that lives in San Diego. Yes, finally someone from the great hunting Mecca gives his advice.

Maine has a huge moose, black bear and deer population. City dwelling douchebags like you pay a premium to hunt here. Some of the best hunting in the continental US. Probably not as good as San Diego though huh?

a j/k was included in that. also no hunting in cali sucks unless ur going for pig or coyote and maybe a deer or two up north but thats as big a game as we normally get. sad to say. we do have bear and other pretty good sized game but that takes a lot more effort than all the smaller game. not to mention all the bird we have to hunt. also i was kidding douche bag so no need to twist ur panties in a bunch over the internet tough guy. cool ur jets mr countryman. also just becuz i live here now doesnt mean ive lived here all my life. ive been to the east coast and hunted with family. even hunted over seas a few times and we werent even hunting for the the illusive towel head at the time. that was fun. didnt get to use any of my rifles but was still well worth going.
I remember you mentioning your Enfield before; what variant did you start with and what, if anything, have you done to it? If you don't mind me asking.

i got a no 1 mk 3, all stock, i refinished the wood (natural oak, oiled with linseed) and tuned up the trigger. thats it.

i like it's heft, the bayonet lug is super handy (i always fix bayonets before hunting piggies just in case) i like having detachable mags, and a 10 round box is groovy for popping off,, even if i dont need that many for hunting.

a good enfeild with a chrome lined bore doesnt need any alterations, and sporterizing them is heresy in my book.

my rifle is nearly 100 years old, it doesnt need modifications to make it look more modern, and being heavy just reduces the felt recoil of my hot loads.

i wouldnt alter my grandpappy's rifle or pistol either. im a traditionalist and a conservative in all things. except for my Bosco. im liberal as fuck with the honey and cinnamon.
a j/k was included in that. also no hunting in cali sucks unless ur going for pig or coyote and maybe a deer or two up north but thats as big a game as we normally get. sad to say. we do have bear and other pretty good sized game but that takes a lot more effort than all the smaller game. not to mention all the bird we have to hunt. also i was kidding douche bag so no need to twist ur panties in a bunch over the internet tough guy. cool ur jets mr countryman. also just becuz i live here now doesnt mean ive lived here all my life. ive been to the east coast and hunted with family. even hunted over seas a few times and we werent even hunting for the the illusive towel head at the time. that was fun. didnt get to use any of my rifles but was still well worth going.

Lol wheels, my post was in jest kinda like your, including the j/k just like yours.

To clear one misconception up. I'm not a "country" boy. I was raised outside of Boston, I lived in LA, Dallas and Ft Worth before settling in Maine. Maybe there is some truth though, you couldn't pay me to move back to the city.

I kinda dig the low crime rate and the clean air.
i got a no 1 mk 3, all stock, i refinished the wood (natural oak, oiled with linseed) and tuned up the trigger. thats it.

i like it's heft, the bayonet lug is super handy (i always fix bayonets before hunting piggies just in case) i like having detachable mags, and a 10 round box is groovy for popping off,, even if i dont need that many for hunting.

a good enfeild with a chrome lined bore doesnt need any alterations, and sporterizing them is heresy in my book.

my rifle is nearly 100 years old, it doesnt need modifications to make it look more modern, and being heavy just reduces the felt recoil of my hot loads.

i wouldnt alter my grandpappy's rifle or pistol either. im a traditionalist and a conservative in all things. except for my Bosco. im liberal as fuck with the honey and cinnamon.

Leave Bosco out of this.