Holy OverFed Cannabis Batman! (Or: Watering is not the #1 Newbie Problem)


Well-Known Member
I'm willing to accept that @Douglas.Curtis knows what he is doing and don't doubt that he may know how to grow some good weed but really some of ya'll are as easily swayed as the people Curtis claims to be dispelling of information.

You haven't given us anything ground breaking I'm truly waiting for the real information or a grow journal or something to pop up. I truly and earnestly want to see legit detailed information from you not just snippets of common knowledge wrapped up in scientific sophistry.
Excuse me? Where do you see anyone posting what I'm talking about? "Common Knowledge, wrapped up in sophistry," what a crock.

Did you miss this phrase? "High values of Cd accumulation achieved cannot be explained exclusively by passive ion uptake. Immobilization, by binding to the cell walls, is thought to play a minor role"

The entire "Organics only feed what the plant needs" argument fails in the face of that. Here we see elements being absorbed outside the 'passive ionic uptake' channel, in direct conflict with that theory.

Show me. So far I'm the only person I've found that's talking about this.


Well-Known Member
I've always thought Cannabis did better w less. Give it a little too much and you end up with a mess.
@Douglas.Curtis ...just write a book...it'll give u instant credibility. Posting here only gives u a headache.
Not to mention your thread, unless its stickied, will be history in a day.
I did write a book, turns out the major advertising channels don't allow cannabis products.

I figured I'd come here and start explaining what I've been doing, you can see how well it's been received. LOL


Well-Known Member
I did write a book, turns out the major advertising channels don't allow cannabis products.

I figured I'd come here and start explaining what I've been doing, you can see how well it's been received. LOL
Well I'll take a look and try it for myself when I get the time. I took some time to mull over my post through out the day and I feel a bit disappointed in how I acted. I get to ahead of myself and let loose fly my emotions from my fingertips onto the keyboard and I embarrass myself.

Sorry for being an ass myself. I'll be mature now...I'll just wait and see. You said you harvest in three months? I hope you'll stick around RIU, there are a lot of awesome people here who do blow off the hinge like I do. I'd like to see what some of that harvest looks like when you're done.


Well-Known Member
Well I'll take a look and try it for myself when I get the time. I took some time to mull over my post through out the day and I feel a bit disappointed in how I acted. I get to ahead of myself and let loose fly my emotions from my fingertips onto the keyboard and I embarrass myself.

Sorry for being an ass myself. I'll be mature now...I'll just wait and see. You said you harvest in three months? I hope you'll stick around RIU, there are a lot of awesome people here who do blow off the hinge like I do. I'd like to see what some of that harvest looks like when you're done.
Totally understand, appreciate the post.

I look forward to posting the progress. :)


Well-Known Member
I did write a book, turns out the major advertising channels don't allow cannabis products.

I figured I'd come here and start explaining what I've been doing, you can see how well it's been received. LOL
People butt heads. My bad for being harsh.

I wasn't saying that you are wrong. Just an incomplete thought on the subject.

My advice has always been more is less and keep it simple.

Its just not as simple as shades of green.
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Well-Known Member
It takes a big awareness to call oneself out. It takes an even bigger person to admit it.

I look forward to providing more information on the subject. :)


Well-Known Member
I did write a book, turns out the major advertising channels don't allow cannabis products.

I figured I'd come here and start explaining what I've been doing, you can see how well it's been received. LOL
its bc its in the kiddies section...I'd be nterested in reading more if u can link me to something or hmu w a pdf.
at any rate...Ima keep my eye on u...haha..cheers


Well-Known Member
Ok so I have a question...U said there is no way to flush out nutrients from overfed plants. I am wondering if, and because we know that N is a mobile element in plants, is it possible to prune away too-green leaves, clawed leaves and save a plant from toxic excess? Sounds feasible, yes?

FWIW, if you mess up plants with how you feed them, flushing won't seem to make a difference. At no time in flower should chopped and dried bud sparkle or burn to a black ash. You get either of those and it's a clear sign your nutrient mix is off or too rich.

When plants are fed a balanced feed and never overfed, reducing the strength of the solution in the root zone will pull excess nutrients from the sap of the plant. Look up Osmosis. :) Easy to do in hydro, I simply dump the res for the first time since I mixed it up for flower and change it out for clean r/o, 5 days before harvest.

My fresh dried cannabis is smooth and tasty, the cure just makes things more complex and fabulous.



Well-Known Member
FWIW, if you mess up plants with how you feed them, flushing won't seem to make a difference. At no time in flower should chopped and dried bud sparkle or burn to a black ash. You get either of those and it's a clear sign your nutrient mix is off or too rich.

When plants are fed a balanced feed and never overfed, reducing the strength of the solution in the root zone will pull excess nutrients from the sap of the plant. Look up Osmosis. :) Easy to do in hydro, I simply dump the res for the first time since I mixed it up for flower and change it out for clean r/o, 5 days before harvest.

My fresh dried cannabis is smooth and tasty, the cure just makes things more complex and fabulous.

How does this look for green leafs?

The yellowing on the lower leafs was from being under fed in coco before I transplanted her to organic soil.



Well-Known Member
So. Does your book delineate each media type to solve?
Unfortunately, no. At this point I have it detailed for DWC only.

I've been running DWC exclusively the last few years, I've only become aware of this information as a whole within the last 2 years. Still learning about it. I've used nearly every other method of hydro and look forward to testing out and detailing a few types in the next year or so.

The environmental conditions for full expression are the same for all grow styles.
The main difference is the root zone temps. Any system where the roots are only intermittently exposed to solution, has to be warmer than I like my canopy temps. I need more equipment for proper side by side's as well. In time. :)

The other main difference, of course, is res management for roots-out systems like that. Since some of the pH swing happens in the root zone, the full swing is a narrower range. The range depends on the system being used.
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Well-Known Member
Man as a person in OP's target audience (a thread in newbie central addressed to noobs) Douglas came off pretty cool to me. He clearly knows his stuff and he's sharing a little insight that is widely overlooked. He has introduced me into a few new concepts that I honestly do not come across in the average journal or thread.

You guys are cannabis growers attacking each other. I thought we'd all be a little more mature and accepting.

If you don't agree with his statements don't just say that and attack him without bringing your own information. You are giving him shit for lack of info? Well you just joined the thread and complained and added nothing. So much of the information those people are complaining about were actually explained or they could have looked up a term themselves. Like he said he has a life and he's an experienced grower. Where is he going to get pictures of his plants at different stages of stress when he understandably wants to keep them all as healthy as possible. Ridicuous, sorry you had to deal with them. I couldn't sit back any longer. Also you are giving him shit for promoting a book on other sites that he made? Ya that is like how it works...

I appreciate the effort Doughlas for trying to teach us something. I'll definitely take this knowledge and improve my plants. Sure others will too.
The problem is he hasn't backed up his claims when asked to back up his claims and instead deflected. It's not a good look.

You probably shouldn't listen to someone just because they sound like they know what they're talking about either.

The advice he's given isn't horrible, but the way he's given it is questionable and will probably only confuse new growers more.


Well-Known Member
Sing to your plants and dream with them, as all area we deep into numbers and statistics do not go further unless you believe only you is enough.