guy incognito
Well-Known Member
All the hindus I have known were vegetarian because of their religion. How gay is that?
....and the world is actually on the back of a giant tortoise, which is also on the back of a giant elephant..... seems so plausible!​
So beef, give me a scientific reason why I should not kill you now that I don't have to worry about karma. Surely science can answer such a simple question as to why I should not kill beef boy.
Because killing people is wrong regardless of what you believe in
So.. according to beef's wish poof. All religion has vanished and we live in a world of only science. Because he is still irritating and I no longer have to worry about the karma cause by killing him I decide to kill him by chopping him up inch by inch with a cleaver.
So beef, give me a scientific reason why I should not kill you now that I don't have to worry about karma. Surely science can answer such a simple question as to why I should not kill beef boy.
Ahh... and exactly why is it wrong?
Tell us why science says killing is wrong.
Where did you get that empathy? Is it from science?
Or is it the cultural residue of a religion which has been telling you for 2500 years that killing is bad?
The Aztecs had a religion which told them killing was good. They marched 10,000 prisoners up the pyramids and cut their hearts out to appease their gods.
Now, after countless millions dead we have a world of religions left that tell us killing is bad. Is that what you are arguing against?
In a world without religion where is the inspiration? How will science tell us to be kind to each other?
Because i too, was raised in a certain fashion, and i was taught that killing someone is wrong and bad. Therefor i would feel bad if i killed someone, so i'm not going to.
Karma is as made up as the bible. Do and don't do things because they make you either feel good or feel bad. Don't do them because you think something good will happen to you or bad will happen to you, that rather seems a little, selfish.
You can live out your whole life doing nothing but good, and bad things will still happen. You can live out your life doing nothing but bad, and good things will still happen. Doesn't that clearly debunk the silly idea of karma right away?
Wishful thinking, that is exactly what karma is.
None of the three main Abrahamic religions condemn killing as you claim. They ALL condone it, some even require it. So wtf are you talking about?
"Because killing people is wrong regardless of what you believe in"
"Because i too, was raised in a certain fashion, and i was taught that killing someone is wrong and bad."
"The only reason you don't kill people is because you're worried about what will happen to you in the afterlife? If you believe that, you're a sociopath."
Ahh... and exactly why is it wrong?
Come on Beefy boy. Tell us why science says killing is wrong.
Do you understand what science is? It's a process for testing. That's all. Science doesn't 'give us things'. However, it can explain the things we have, or might get. The reason we behave the way we do is the result of evolution, a separate process that can be explained by science, but science doesn't 'steer' evolution in any direction. (Unless we're bio-engineering things like GMO's) It might be possible in the future to produce humans that have heightened or deadened reactions to things like killing by modifying their brains, but that's all just hearsay."I have a conscience. I feel empathy when I see people in situations that I wouldn't want to be in."
Where did you get that empathy? Is it from science?
Or is it the cultural residue of a religion which has been telling you for 2500 years that killing is bad?
The Aztecs had a religion which told them killing was good. They marched 10,000 prisoners up the pyramids and cut their hearts out to appease their gods.
Now, after countless millions dead we have a world of religions left that tell us killing is bad. Is that what you are arguing against?
A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.
Yes, this is the horror of religion. A system which expouses such things as being kind to each other, being generous to the poor, to love something other than yourself, to not kill and to not steal.
It does not matter whether Kirshna or Jesus existed if it inspires us to act just a little bit better. In a world without religion where is the inspiration? How will science tell us to be kind to each other?
Religion and Religious experience are intertwined. They cultivate each other and without one, the other would not exist. This is why religious experience has been built into our very physiology.
To help us evolve. To show us what we can become. Religion is not an answer, it is a door to a world hopefully slightly better than this one. Why would you not want someone to turn the other cheek? Why are you not thankful that religion is there to inspire them to be better and perhaps when it comes down to it, to forgive and not kill you?
You obviously didn't watch the video. It's 100% about how science can answer moral questions.
When I walked by him he said 'duuuude, kaaaaarma'.
Ahh... and exactly why is it wrong?
Killing is neither right, nor wrong... what is right and wrong is completely objective, it depends on how you personally understand it, and feel about it. If you were born into a society where killing was good, you would probably be ok with it. We are born into a society where killing people is seen as bad, so most of us aren't ok with it.
Personally, i like to go by this philosophy, "Do onto others as you would have them do onto you/ Do not do onto others as you would not have them do to you".
Not only has the society i grew up in taught me that killing is wrong, but i grew up with a sense of empathy and i don't like causing pain to other animals, because i have experienced pain, i would rather not inflict it onto someone else. I have experienced the loss of a loved one, and i would do my best to make sure no one else has to feel that way.
Like i said before, it seems a little selfish and egotistical to parade around life only doing things because you believe that if you do good, good will happen and if you do bad, bad will happen.
Why not parade through life doing good because you want to do good for no other reason than it making you feel good, without expecting anything in return?
Good people are going to do good, bad people are going to do bad, it's up to US as individuals and a society to make sure we are held responsible for the things we say and actions we take... not some magical spirit energy.
Or maybe he's used that one before, and taking into consideration how superstitious people can be, it's worked time and time again, as people think about the words he used, turn around, and give him money for uttering a few simple superstitious words.
Killing is neither right, nor wrong... what is right and wrong is completely subjective, it depends on how you personally understand it, and feel about it. If you were born into a society where killing was good, you would probably be ok with it.
We are born into a society where killing people is seen as bad, so most of us aren't ok with it. Also, it is a major deterrent, knowing that in America you will probably spend the rest of your life in a cage if you do kill someone.
Personally, i like to go by this philosophy, "Do onto others as you would have them do onto you/ Do not do onto others as you would not have them do to you".
Not only has the society i grew up in taught me that killing is wrong, but i grew up with a sense of empathy and i don't like causing pain to other animals, because i have experienced pain, i would rather not inflict it onto someone else. I have experienced the loss of a loved one, and i would do my best to make sure no one else has to feel that way.
Like i said before, it seems a little selfish and egotistical to parade around life only doing things because you believe that if you do good, good will happen and if you do bad, bad will happen.
Why not parade through life doing good because you want to do good for no other reason than it making you feel good, without expecting anything in return? And taking a moral responsibility for your own actions?
Good people are going to do good, bad people are going to do bad, it's up to US as individuals and a society to make sure we are held responsible for the things we say and actions we take... not some made up magical spirit energy.