How to Combat Sunni Jihad

Dr Kynes am still waiting for those quotes! come on be a man either post them or admit you are wrong!!

[9.123] O you who believe! fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness; and know that Allah is with those who guard (against evil).

[66.9] O Prophet! strive hard against the unbelievers and the hypocrites, and be hard against them; and their abode is hell; and evil is the resort.

[5.33] The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His apostle and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement,

[8.65] O Prophet! urge the believers to war; if there are twenty patient ones of you they shall overcome two hundred, and if there are a hundred of you they shall overcome a thousand of those who disbelieve, because they are a people who do not understand.

i could go on, but you bore me.

by all means pretend this SEARCHABLE translation is just an evil jew plot again, that was hilarious.

you refuse to accept that saddam DID have chemical weapons, despite the wikileaks evidence

you pretend that you have NO CLUE what the sunnah if mohammed is, and pretend you have never heard of the Hadiths, but sure.

lets JUST look at the koran. it's chock full of shit you can try and weasel out of.




What ever man you chat shit. You can't back anything up with any evidence what so ever

You can say.

There are other religions that will exist alongside Islam, yet no one is to be forced to worship anything nor is that a sin.

There are other religions that will exist alongside Islam, yet no one is to be forced to worship anything nor is that a sin.

There are other religions that will exist alongside Islam, yet no one is to be forced to worship anything nor is that a sin.

Do you affirm or swear the above is the whole truth and that Allah has signed directly unto me to aid you? This is the truth of Sunni hidden from the Clerics. Will you renounce the war cult and join the religion of peace?
I'm just glad to see that there are other Muslims on this website. To my Muslim brothers and sisters, remember this when talking about religion on this website:

You fucked up, bro. That single puff of weed cost ya 72 virgins. But imagine, you could fuck 73 virgins and when you meet Allah, "fuck you! I got more!" That's really sticking it to the ULTIMATE man!
You fucked up, bro. That single puff of weed cost ya 72 virgins. But imagine, you could fuck 73 virgins and when you meet Allah, "fuck you! I got more!" That's really sticking it to the ULTIMATE man!
I'm sure that all made sense in your own mind. I respect that, I'm not trying to un-stupid you. Live your own life.
I'm just glad to see that there are other Muslims on this website. To my Muslim brothers and sisters, remember this when talking about religion on this website:

if moslems would speak truthfully about their religion, where it fails, where it is inconsistent with fact, and how it discourages peaceful coexistence with people of other faiths (or none) islam and moslems would have more credibility, but if they could admit their religion isnt perfect in all things, they wouldnt be moslems.

it's the downfall of zealotry. if their beliefs were as true and obvious as they pretend, there would be no nead for zealots.
I'm sure that all made sense in your own mind. I respect that, I'm not trying to un-stupid you. Live your own life.

What your tongue twister you posted before fails to take into consideration, those who don't agree with you, can still know you. See, the real stupid ones, are those who are arrogant. It's not humble if you're doing it out of the false impression you're superior. For a stoner, you're rather tense.
I'm just glad to see that there are other Muslims on this website.

You're a Muslim? Fantastic... can you tell me why those people in Syria making those goofy videos always shout "Takbir! Allahu-akbar!" after every bullet they fire?
Does the Quran specifically say one must do that when smiting enemies? Are they looking to their version of God to guide their bullets and other incendiary devices?

Or is this just a side effect of all the brainwashing that religion (of any persuasion) inspires? I understand Christians are pretty messed up, too, with their "praise Jesus" babble, but I don't recall seeing videos of Christian Baby-Killers shouting that in battle ad nauseum.
if moslems would speak truthfully about their religion, where it fails, where it is inconsistent with fact, and how it discourages peaceful coexistence with people of other faiths (or none) islam and moslems would have more credibility, but if they could admit their religion isnt perfect in all things, they wouldnt be moslems.

it's the downfall of zealotry. if their beliefs were as true and obvious as they pretend, there would be no nead for zealots.

so zealots only come in muslim? citation needed.
You're a Muslim? Fantastic... can you tell me why those people in Syria making those goofy videos always shout "Takbir! Allahu-akbar!" after every bullet they fire?
Does the Quran specifically say one must do that when smiting enemies? Are they looking to their version of God to guide their bullets and other incendiary devices?

Or is this just a side effect of all the brainwashing that religion (of any persuasion) inspires? I understand Christians are pretty messed up, too, with their "praise Jesus" babble, but I don't recall seeing videos of Christian Baby-Killers shouting that in battle ad nauseum.

the recitation or ritual magic phrases like "allahu akbar" divorces the actor from his actions, causing any harm done by his bullet to become "allah's will" and thus, not a sin nor a crime. "God Did it, i was merely his instrument"

yes, its dumb.

islam is full of ritual magic like that, it is also full of demons, devils djinn, and otehr "enemies of allah" despite his claimed omnipotence and direct interest in the well-being of moslems.

the astute thinker will soon realize, were "allah" actually a god, actually omnipotent, actually "all merciful" and actually interested in his worshipper's well-being, moslems would have long since gained the ultimate victory promised by mohammed.

The only logical answer to this puzzle is of course, Thor.

Yes, the God Of Thunder and his mighty hammer Mjolnir is locked in constant struggle with allah (and the Jotuns) and has thus far been successful in halting the advance of the moslems.


makes perfect sense.
i'm getting the feeling here that kkkynes delights in singling out muslims for their silly beliefs.

he never seems to get long winded about other religions with silly beliefs that affect us americans far more directly.

whatever. maybe he just gets an erection whenever he can mention marxism, farrakahn, or muslims in a derisive manner, even if the topic was incandescent light bulbs or a nickel charge for a plastic bag or secondhand smoke.

it doesn't matter what the topic is, just so long as the totally not racist guy can fall back on "poverty pimps" or the marxist kenyan muslim bwana mother fucker, or those damn hard working immigrants who reduce him to minimum wage degradation despite their inability to be long winded and irrelevant (in the english language, at least).

that poor guy. at least he's no uncivilized barbarian.

why do i see no such rants from you about other religious zealots?

why do you take such joy in singling out on specific religion when zealots exist in every religion and demonstrably do such horrible things?

gee, i bet it's because you're totally not some fear-filled little bigot douche.
I don't see many Ice Giants around, either!
Thor is the MAN! :lol:

Maybe al-Nusra needs to pick up the Kalevala and put down the Quran?
But then we'd probably hear shouts of praise to Ukko after every bullet and explosion...
Actually, I'd bet a lot of the Jihadists would relate to the character of Kullervo:

Kullervo is the vengeful, mentally ill and tragic son of Kalervo. He was abused as a child and sold into slavery to Ilmarinen. He is put to work and treated badly by Ilmarinen's wife whom he later kills. Kullervo is a misguided and troubled youth often at odds with himself and his situation. He often goes into berserk rage and in the end commits suicide.

Those Karelian Finns were onto something!
I'm just glad to see that there are other Muslims on this website. To my Muslim brothers and sisters, remember this when talking about religion on this website:

OK, another. This will be three now and I hope we can ask some more brothers. This is simple a question and if you slip slide, we will see it.

My friends, if you what to see Jihad, ask your friendly Muslims this question.
True or False?

There are other religions that will exist alongside Islam, yet no one is to be forced to worship anything nor is that a sin.
why do i see no such rants from you about other religious zealots?

why do you take such joy in singling out on specific religion when zealots exist in every religion and demonstrably do such horrible things?

gee, i bet it's because you're totally not some fear-filled little bigot douche.

The question Bucky boy....the question. There are other religions that will exist alongside Islam, yet no one is to be forced to worship anything nor is that a sin.

There are other religions that will exist alongside Islam, yet no one is to be forced to worship anything nor is that a sin.

There are other religions that will exist alongside Islam, yet no one is to be forced to worship anything nor is that a sin.

Yes, or No?

You do know why I insist on 3 times. I know that some here see it.

Well, see you are my kind of guy, a real shit when you want to be. But, you are bamboozled by Religious Freedom.

This is a world wide movement against religious freedom.

Are you that blind?
I'm just glad to see that there are other Muslims on this website. To my Muslim brothers and sisters, remember this when talking about religion on this website:

No, we are not talking about religion. Good try. Sunni pretends to be religion. Because religions these day are necessarily a bit tolerate. We have free speech and that does not work in Islam. Muslims are touchy. Easily offended.

Getting easily offended is a mind controlled culture.

Even Christian accept everyone alas, as Muslim prays on that. Even in the USA, or perhaps especailly, there are big oil plans to establish Sunni as the forced National religion.

They won't deny that. See in this cult, lying is part of it. You can say the same thing twice and it isn't a lie yet.

For divorce for example, in Sharia all this is required is the man saying "By Allah I divorce you." But, 3 times. So of course, the men are fond of shouting it twice.
i'm getting the feeling here that kkkynes delights in singling out muslims for their silly beliefs.

he never seems to get long winded about other religions with silly beliefs that affect us americans far more directly.

whatever. maybe he just gets an erection whenever he can mention marxism, farrakahn, or muslims in a derisive manner, even if the topic was incandescent light bulbs or a nickel charge for a plastic bag or secondhand smoke.

it doesn't matter what the topic is, just so long as the totally not racist guy can fall back on "poverty pimps" or the marxist kenyan muslim bwana mother fucker, or those damn hard working immigrants who reduce him to minimum wage degradation despite their inability to be long winded and irrelevant (in the english language, at least).

that poor guy. at least he's no uncivilized barbarian.

your assertion that i claimed zealotry is exclusive to moslems is a STRAW MAN

again.... MOST OTHER RELIGIONS have toned down their crazy over the past couple centuries, even the thuggee cult is nearly extinct and the Inquisition is now just a Mel Brooks musical number.

until you get to islam.

further, i NEVER associate ferrakhan and his morons with islam, as the two are NOT connected except that both groups are delusional.

injecting marxism into this discussion is YET ANOTHER STRAW MAN (though most moslem dictatorships are in fact drawn up along socialist lines, that POLITICAL issue has nothing to do with their religious views)

you seem to be constitutionally incapable of arguing against the statements anyone ACTUALLY MAKES, while remaining quite talented at creating red herrings, straw men and ad hominems.

come back when you have substantive ideas or keep your ignorance to yourself.
your assertion that i claimed zealotry is exclusive to moslems is a STRAW MAN

then why do you only bag on islam as zealots if it exists across pretty much every religion?

nevermind, i know why.

again.... MOST OTHER RELIGIONS have toned down their crazy over the past couple centuries, even the thuggee cult is nearly extinct and the Inquisition is now just a Mel Brooks musical number.

until you get to islam.

there you go again. brush off the crazy that still exists in every religion, focus exclusively on islam.

further, i NEVER associate ferrakhan and his morons with islam, as the two are NOT connected except that both groups are delusional.

injecting marxism into this discussion is YET ANOTHER STRAW MAN (though most moslem dictatorships are in fact drawn up along socialist lines, that POLITICAL issue has nothing to do with their religious views)

you seem to be constitutionally incapable of arguing against the statements anyone ACTUALLY MAKES, while remaining quite talented at creating red herrings, straw men and ad hominems.

come back when you have substantive ideas or keep your ignorance to yourself.

i was just talking about how you love to word salad marxism, farrakahn, "poverty pimps", and any other manner of race baity, irrelevant nonsense into any discussion whatsoever, whether it's about soil erosion or seatbelt laws.

it's retarded.