How to Combat Sunni Jihad

So the Quran and the Communist Manifesto are basically the same thing then. Should just ban those books eh?

Looking at the number they both have killed it would be beneficial to humanity as well as many other cult like literature but it's impossible to ban crazy.
The only reason we infidels still exist is because we're either out of their reach or they're biding their time until they can instill their ways upon the masses and eventually eliminate them.

You call it biding their time, I call it surviving our incessant warmongering, persecution and genocidal occupations.

You're shouting shillery for Merica, the most belligerent and bellicose power structure on earth and pointing at the weakest foe it has ever faced calling them a threat.

Sorry to insult my Muslim friends with this one, but the truth is, they are all pathetic. They are not a threat at all. The only country that can invade Merica, is Merica.
You call it biding their time, I call it surviving our incessant warmongering, persecution and genocidal occupations.

You're shouting shillery for Merica, the most belligerent and bellicose power structure on earth and pointing at the weakest foe it has ever faced calling them a threat.

Sorry to insult my Muslim friends with this one, but the truth is, they are all pathetic. They are not a threat at all. The only country that can invade Merica, is Merica.

I'm not shouting for anyone. I agree with you. Muslims are pathetic. They think if they're diligent enough, the magic shit in their holy book will come true and they'll finally put their major whoop ass forward. What your "Merica" doesn't realize, is even a mosquito can spread disease from their small stings.

I'm not on anyone's side, my marxist comrade. I only tell it how I see it. But with a little flare. Cause, otherwise, it's boring.
I'm not shouting for anyone. I agree with you. Muslims are pathetic. They think if they're diligent enough, the magic shit in their holy book will come true and they'll finally put their major whoop ass forward. What your "Merica" doesn't realize, is even a mosquito can spread disease from their small stings.

I'm not on anyone's side, my marxist comrade. I only tell it how I see it. But with a little flare. Cause, otherwise, it's boring.

See, this is brilliant Canna. The best way to discredit me is to first say you agree with me, then ultimately call me a Marxist and reject.

Wrong on both counts.

You do not agree with me, you agree with a small proviso, that they are pathetic, but then you even contradict this.

I'm also not a Marxist.

A for effort though, Bravo.
If Muslim nations actively persecute "infidels", what do you call what Israel does to Palestinians?

repeating the same specious "question" (google begging the question) while ignoring the already provided response is childish, Times Infinity Plus One!!

meanwhile, the astute observer recongizes that smok3y1, after Double Dawg Daring me to post some exhortations to violence in the koran has vanished like a fart in the wind, no doubt to resurface later with the same bullshit challenge to "'man up" and once again make him look like a moron.

the inability to face facts is what makes moslems, marxists and other zealots USELESS.
they cannot defend their bullshit claims except by childish repetition of nonsense, endless lies to conceal their own philosophical failings.
So the Quran and the Communist Manifesto are basically the same thing then. Should just ban those books eh?

is he finding more ways to tie marxism into an argument that has nothing whatsoever to do with it?

watch out, louis farrakahn and "poverty pimps" are not far behind. he may end in a flourish with a discussion of what types of aryan women he prefers.

he must have the week off from his minimum wage drudgery.
See, this is brilliant Canna. The best way to discredit me is to first say you agree with me, then ultimately call me a Marxist and reject.

Wrong on both counts.

You do not agree with me, you agree with a small proviso, that they are pathetic, but then you even contradict this.

I'm also not a Marxist.

A for effort though, Bravo.

Oh so close! You're the first person who gets 90% of my trolling method. I was wondering how long it'd take before someone caught on. If you can figure out why I contradict so often, you'll have the other 10%.

So far I've suckered in many times: Harekin, Duke, Buck, London Fog and once in a while Echelon. But I like Echy, so I don't fuck with him too much. Just last night, Dr. Kynes (Doc) accidentally got caught in my web.

But I can't believe the "socialist" libertarian marxist got it, almost.
the inability to face facts...
for example, putting others on an "ignore" list.

is what makes moslems, marxists and other zealots USELESS.

childish repetition of his favorite boogeymen.

they cannot defend their bullshit claims except by childish repetition of nonsense

see above.

endless lies to conceal their own philosophical failings.

the black man came in through the window in the dark and wasn't arrested! that's a fact!

that's just the most recent one to come to mind, i could go back to the

thread to find some better examples.

next, you should stamp your feet, and hold your breath till you turn blue.

your periodic tantrums coincide precisely with those delightfully frequent occurrences wherein you make unsupportable statements in direct contradiction of all logic, reality and common sense.

you may now begin the ad hominems, we await your invective.

This is the only reason I even replied. Marxism is statist by nature. I'm not that kind of socialist and I don't appreciate being called a marxist or a liberal. Liberals are capitalist and marxists are statist, of which I am neither.

The rest of what you think about yourself isn't even entertaining, and most telling of all, that you think I was complimenting you, and followed up with self praise. You must be really insecure if you're willing to take what I said as a compliment. You must be really hungry for a compliment, particularly in regards to your cognitive ability. Telling indeed.
is he finding more ways to tie marxism into an argument that has nothing whatsoever to do with it?

The funniest part is when he tells me to read The Communist Manifesto, which he clearly has not, as evidenced by the fact that he still thinks I'm a Marxist. He must have forgotten already about that time he got caught lying about having read Orwell's books.
This is the only reason I even replied. Marxism is statist by nature. I'm not that kind of socialist and I don't appreciate being called a marxist or a liberal. Liberals are capitalist and marxists are statist, of which I am neither.

The rest of what you think about yourself isn't even entertaining, and most telling of all, that you think I was complimenting you, and followed up with self praise. You must be really insecure if you're willing to take what I said as a compliment. You must be really hungry for a compliment, particularly in regards to your cognitive ability. Telling indeed.

You're very much a Marxist and just waiting for the utopia to come along. The proof is how you collect those checks from the statists you despise so much, but then somehow you're not complicit because you left your master. A runaway slave is still a slave.
You're very much a Marxist and just waiting for the utopia to come along. The proof is how you collect those checks from the statists you despise so much, but then somehow you're not complicit because you left your master. A runaway slave is still a slave.

You jealous?

I would actually be complicit if I was paying taxes or even buying US products.

I do neither, I enjoy the checks though.
This is the only reason I even replied. Marxism is statist by nature. I'm not that kind of socialist and I don't appreciate being called a marxist or a liberal. Liberals are capitalist and marxists are statist, of which I am neither.

The rest of what you think about yourself isn't even entertaining, and most telling of all, that you think I was complimenting you, and followed up with self praise. You must be really insecure if you're willing to take what I said as a compliment. You must be really hungry for a compliment, particularly in regards to your cognitive ability. Telling indeed.

if you believe marx was a statist, then you need to read the communist manifesto, for what i must assume would be the VERY FIRST TIME.

Marx's stated goal was the DEATH OF THE STATE, and the utopian stateless worker's paradise.

but i have told you this before, and it is clearly spelled out in the manifesto. therefore i can only assume you have:

1: assumed i must be lying, but still neglected to read the Communist Manifesto
2: assumed i must be lying, read the Communist Manifesto but then had a debilitating stroke which has damaged large portions of your brain
3: are deliberately lying again.

the same options are present with regards to Smok3y1 and the Koran.
The funniest part is when he tells me to read The Communist Manifesto, which he clearly has not, as evidenced by the fact that he still thinks I'm a Marxist. He must have forgotten already about that time he got caught lying about having read Orwell's books.

mmmmhmmm, yes, i was lying about having read orwell....

cuz nobody raised in the 70's and 80's had to read animal farm (orwell's indictment of the bolsheviks) or 1984 (orwell's indictment of fascism) etc etc etc...

having NOT read some pamphlets and letters by orwell in which he declares his love for actual marxist socialism does not mean i am a liar, it means i was incorrect, a condition i can freely accept.

your inability to accept the EXPLICIT LANGUAGE of the Communist Manifesto (hardly an obscure work, particularly for someone who claims to be a socialist) is a sure sign of deliberate deception.
if you believe marx was a statist, then you need to read the communist manifesto, for what i must assume would be the VERY FIRST TIME.

Marx's stated goal was the DEATH OF THE STATE, and the utopian stateless worker's paradise.

but i have told you this before, and it is clearly spelled out in the manifesto. therefore i can only assume you have:

1: assumed i must be lying, but still neglected to read the Communist Manifesto
2: assumed i must be lying, read the Communist Manifesto but then had a debilitating stroke which has damaged large portions of your brain
3: are deliberately lying again.

the same options are present with regards to Smok3y1 and the Koran.

It's funny AC doesn't realize he's a Marxist. The communist theory Marx proposed is like a giant myth. It's the same as proposed by the Sumerians, Egyptians, Jews, Christians, Mohammadians, Scientologists, etc. The story is the same in all of them, only the characters change.

This is how the theory goes AC, cause I'm nice:

The greedy people form syndicates, corporations, etc using capitalism. There's an uprising. The false prophet in the name of the State comes and tries to fool the people into thinking it will help, thus stoping the uprising. The people then realize the State is evil, and do an uprising again. But this time the people learned their lesson and went through the trials, and returns to the real world with a new perspective so the people can live in harmony with their newly found utopia.