How to Combat Sunni Jihad

There are other religions that will exist alongside Islam, yet no one is to be forced to worship anything nor is that a sin.

Statement is historically true.

There have been Persian Jews since biblical times, and there still are many in Iran.
Statement is historically true.

There have been Persian Jews since biblical times, and there still are many in Iran.

many = < 10,000 down from 700,000 before the great imam's totally awesome non persecuting regime

the iranian government and the current Supreme Leader are totally not persecuting the Ba'hai either.

they didnt drive out the zoroastrians either.

they didnt drive out the christians either

they didnt just HANG 5 homosexuals in a delightful carnival atmosphere for being too light in their loafers did they?
(report says 4, but the Supreme Leader caught one more fruit to hang from his gallows tree just before they started kicking stools out from under designer shoes)

your assertion is directly contrary to history and reality. iran's jews are kept like zoo animals in a segregated ghetto under the thumb of the iranian government and their sharia morality police, trotted out now and then to show the world "we arent anti jew, just anti-zionist!" which, it seems, is actually believed by a few poor souls.
many = < 10,000 down from 700,000 before the great imam's totally awesome non persecuting regime

That is a result of Israel offering US tax dollars and Palestinian land to Jewish settlers. In case you were unaware, Zionism is reversing that old trend known as diaspora.

*edit, there are over 25,000 in Tehran.
That is a result of Israel offering US tax dollars and Palestinian land to Jewish settlers. In case you were unaware, Zionism is reversing that old trend known as diaspora.


MOST IRANIAN JEWS fled to the US, not israel.

there are currently more Persian Jews in Los Angeles County than in the entire Islamic Republic of Iran.

the persian jews fled with only what they could carry on their backs.

do not argue this point with me, i PERSONALLY KNOW persian jews who fled the ayatollah's revolution, you would do better arguing the holocaust was a myth than trying to push this story.
do not argue this point with me, i PERSONALLY KNOW persian would do better arguing...

Yet you exaggerate numbers, like 700,000 to 10,000, both completely arbitrary numbers with no historical value. Then you claim there are more in LA than in Iran, with no numbers cited and I'm not even asking for sources because I know you'll just flip a number and then emphatically claim that it is no use to argue with you, since you're an expert with Jewish friends.

The Jews in Iran have the same rights as the Muslims there.

Oh I am arguing this point, for sure. See, he is trying to claim that Muslims will suffer no infidels in their land, but this is simply not true, they will even host Jews, not to mention other religions. There is even a Jew and a few Buddhists in Afghanistan, where the political regime is in fact hostile to non-Muslims.

How welcome are non-Jews in Israel? Goldstein is a hero among settlers.
Yet you exaggerate numbers, like 700,000 to 10,000, both completely arbitrary numbers with no historical value. Then you claim there are more in LA than in Iran, with no numbers cited and I'm not even asking for sources because I know you'll just flip a number and then emphatically claim that it is no use to argue with you, since you're an expert with Jewish friends.

The Jews in Iran have the same rights as the Muslims there.

Oh I am arguing this point, for sure. See, he is trying to claim that Muslims will suffer no infidels in their land, but this is simply not true, they will even host Jews, not to mention other religions. There is even a Jew and a few Buddhists in Afghanistan, where the political regime is in fact hostile to non-Muslims.

How welcome are non-Jews in Israel? Goldstein is a hero among settlers.

your source- even though you didnt list it as such.

Wikipedia numbers are hardly the Gold Standard, even when you do not source them as wikipedia.

even wikipedia recognizes that when the Supreme Leader of iran says something, it's alwaays best to double check:
[h=2]"However, the 2011 census recorded only 8,756 Jews in Iran.[SUP][3][/SUP] "[/h]izzat some cherry picking youre doing? why yes, yes it is.

also, yes, i accidentally added a 0, 70,000 is the pre-revolution jewish population in iran, now less than 10,000 according to their own census.

[h=3]The United States[/h] The United States is home to 60,000&#8211;80,000 Iranian Jews, most of whom have settled in the Greater Los Angeles area and in Great Neck, New York. Those in metropolitan Los Angeles have settled mostly in the affluent Westside cities of Beverly Hills and Santa Monica and the Los Angeles Westside neighborhoods of Brentwood, Westwood, and West L.A., as well as the San Fernando Valley communities of Tarzana and Encino. According to the former mayor of Beverly Hills, Iranians make up at least a fifth of the resident population of Beverly Hills (the large majority of them Jewish),[SUP][11][/SUP] and a third of the student body at the local high school.[SUP][12][/SUP][SUP][13][/SUP] Following the 1979 Iranian Revolution, tens of thousands of Persian Jews migrated from Iran, forming one of the wealthiest waves of immigrants to ever come to the United States.[SUP][14][/SUP]

[h=3]California[/h] According to the US Census Bureau's 2010 American Community Survey, 26% of Beverly Hills' 34,000 residents are of Iranian origin.[SUP][89][/SUP] On March 21, 2007, Jimmy Delshad, a Persian Jew who immigrated to the United States in 1958, became the mayor of Beverly Hills. This election made Delshad one of the highest ranking elected Iranian-American officials in the United States. He once again took the post of mayor of Beverly Hills on March 16, 2010.
Prominent Persian Jewish congregations in the Los Angeles area include Nessah Synagogue and the Eretz-Siamak Cultural Center. Persian Jews also constitute a large part of the membership at Sinai Temple in Westwood, one of the largest Conservative congregations in the United States. Nessah Synagogue is the biggest Persian Jewish Synogague having about hundreds of Persian Jews attending there different services on the Sabbath. Founded by Rabbi David Shofet and the Iranian Jews of Los Angeles and Beverly Hills, upholds the traditions and customs of Iranian Jews according to Orthodox, Sephardic Halacha. Coming together to form a vibrant community, participating in holy days, festivals and Torah study, as well as many social and educational programs, Nessah is the &#8220;home away from home&#8221; for Iranian Jews and with open arms, welcomes all Jews.

meh, dont know why i even bother.
you wont look at data even from YOUR OWN SOURCE if it contradicts your stated position.
One needs not quote the Torah to see how shameful Israel is. In fact, Zionism is not in accord with Judaism at all. Israel actively persecutes gentiles. Yet, your argument, that Islam is hostile to non-Muslims has no such example, and relies solely on a few passages of the Quran. It relies on such fallacious statements as "Palestine doesn't exist and never did", and "Israel has the right to defend itself".
Thanks, I hadn't seen that wikipedia page, I'll check it out.

i know youre like a hamster having no long term memory, but we had this same argument before.

you threw out wikipedia numbers (as you did when citing "25,000 jews in iran") which were simply LIES from the iranian office of disinformation, while the selfsame wikipedia clearly states that there are less than 10,000 jews in all of iran!

but by all means, lets kick this ball around again.
maybe you wont look like a fool this time.
One needs not quote the Torah to see how shameful Israel is. In fact, Zionism is not in accord with Judaism at all. Israel actively persecutes gentiles. Yet, your argument, that Islam is hostile to non-Muslims has no such example, and relies solely on a few passages of the Quran. It relies on such fallacious statements as "Palestine doesn't exist and never did", and "Israel has the right to defend itself".

the crazy passages of the Torah and Talmud or the New Testament, or Dianetics has ZERO effect on the "truths" of the Koran.

two crazies do not make sanity, and the crazy of one asshole does not in any way justify the crazy of any other asshole.

"Islam" is dedicated to creating a world "at peace" by eliminating all thoughts ideas and beliefs which are not provided by the Koran
much like the "worker's paradise" of Marxism, Islam demands that impure thought be eliminated and all people embrace the theology of their magic book.
lies in service of that end are not only acceptable, but desirable, mohammed was the Excellent Example of how a moslem should live IN ALL THINGS, and the koran clearly states that the believers MUST overthrow the unbelievers, and unless they convert (totally voluntary of course) they should be subjugated as an underclass, taken as slaves, or killed depending on the whim of the caliph/sultan/imam/mullah/supreme leader/ayatollah/pasha/whatever in charge at the moment.

this is not in dispute. this is FACT. you could read it yourself, except that pesky inability to understand english keeps standing in your way.

as to the allegations of israel's "persecution" of "palestinians" why then does a little over 20% of israel's population consist of MOSLEM ARABS including members of the Knessett, judges on the Israeli Supreme Court, the chief of their national police, etc etc etc?

you are once again falsely conflating israel's actual Palestinian Moslem Arab population with the "palestinians" of the "Occupied Territories", who are living in a MILITARY OCCUPATION ZONE and thus, under THOSE circumstances are treated far better than most would expect from ANY civilized nation during an insurgency in a MILITARY OCCUPATION ZONE resulting from a war of aggression.

let us contrast the "Plight" of the "palestinians" with say:

the christian animist atheist and yes, jewish refugees in sudan's little spasm of violence...
or perhaps, the non-moslem refugees in East Timor at the hands of the moslem government of indonesia...
or the repression and oppression of the non-moslem cypriots on the turk-occupied portion of cyprus...
or the systematic oppression rape and murder of non-moslem afghanis during the rule of the Talibs (strict practitioners of the Sunnah of Mohammed)
or saddam's treatment of the shiias and Kurds
or the Turk's treatment of the Kurds
or the Turk's treatment of the armenians
i could go on but yeah. moslems are well noted for their enlightened treatment of those who are different.
t"Islam" is dedicated to creating a world "at peace" by eliminating all thoughts ideas and beliefs which are not provided by the Koran
much like the "worker's paradise" of Marxism, Islam demands that impure thought be eliminated and all people embrace the theology of their magic book.

I have never had a Muslim or a Marxist demand any thing of the sort from me, and I know a lot more Muslims and Marxists than you do.
I have never had a Muslim or a Marxist demand any thing of the sort from me, and I know a lot more Muslims and Marxists than you do.

read the Communnist Manifesto, and you will discover (in explicit detail) how communist revolution will overtake the entire world, all capitalism will fall, and all the world will evolve into a utoipian communist paradise, but unntil such time as all the world is a perfect communist utopia, one must be ever vigilant against the evils of the bouregeois capitalist pigdogs, and good communists must export the joys of "scientific marxism" and communist ideology to all, through education, "re-education" and if necessary, hurling bodies at barricades.

likewise, if you actually read the Koran, you will find basically the same language, but revolving around religion and crazy, instead of discredited economic theories.
I have never had a Muslim or a Marxist demand any thing of the sort from me, and I know a lot more Muslims and Marxists than you do.

Islam separates the corporeal and supernatural (imaginary) worlds. Followers of Mohammad play the character, but before Allah they are their true self. Because in their heart they know their superiority, and one day they shall rise. They're only "cordial" when in the minority, but when they're the ruling class, you must submit to Sharia law. The only reason we infidels still exist is because we're either out of their reach or they're biding their time until they can instill their ways upon the masses and eventually eliminate them.

Mohammad Jr. who called me out, proves it with his verse:

Al-Kafirun (The Unbelievers)
Surah 109

Bismillaah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem
Qul yaa ayyuhal kaafiruun
Laa &#8216;abudu maa t&#8217;abuduun
Walaa antum &#8216;aabidunna maa a&#8217;abud
Walaa ana &#8216;aabidun maa &#8216;abadttum
Walaa antum &#8216;aabiduuna maa a&#8217;abud
Lakum deenukum wa liya deen

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
Say: Oh you who turn away
I do not worship what you worship,
nor do you worship what I worship.
And I will not worship what you worship,
Nor will you worship what I worship.
Your way is yours, and my way is mine.

That's a threat, and they damn well know it.
So the Quran and the Communist Manifesto are basically the same thing then. Should just ban those books eh?

constructing another strawman already?

really, you can do better than that.

those are the only two options for dealing with disagreement on any issue:

argue an extreme position of denial and ignorance, pretending to be unable to comprehend clearly spelled out CRAZY in the doctrines at dispute
accuse the opposition of ENTIRELY UNFOUNDED extremism of their very own as if that excuses the ABUNDANTLY APPARENT extremism of the disputed doctrines

childish indeed.