The thing is, the Jihad is payback element as well as conquest. But it is run by un-educated Clerics, uncontaminated by western thought. They don't know the difference between a Nuke and a Fuel/Air weapon and don't want to. A nuke is the same, but bigger.
This straight from a Pushtu, raised in the tribe, in the compound which actually turned out to be a fort as he realized as he got older.
His Dad was a big wheel in the interlocking air defense and they had, a surface to air battery, in their barn. My friend would have been ripe for Jihad had his Dad not shipped him here, where he was recruited by the FBI.
Guys like him are the ones used like feral dogs for dirty deeds. Is it a vendetta culture. And Vendetta has no time limit. Sunni and Sh'ia is more or less mutual vendetta against the split rule of Islam.
So, Mustard is one thing. It is the prime horror of blister agents even now. Safer to make and safer to use. It is a liquid a room temperature. But, SARIN???? Damn, that could kill 1/2 of Manhattan if you flew a plane in, loaded with it. Any little Cessna is a WMD.
Mustard doesn't kill so easy, it maims deeply and forever. Can you mix them? Add some Sarin? Sure ya can! So, this is not about gassing anyone but the USA. It cannot be allowed to become a customary horror on the civilians in the USA.
It was a trench gas in WW1 and had not been used against civilians until the Baathist Sunni Nazi, Sadam. Now, the horror of the Nazi still continues.
Hitler was the first to use gas as mass murder for civilians.
Has mustard gas been used against civilians?
Yes. Saddam Hussein used mustard gas on Kurds in northern Iraq during a 1987-88 campaign known as the Anfal. The worst attack occurred in March 1988 in the Kurdish village of Halabja; a combination of chemical agents including mustard gas and sarin killed 5,000 people and left 65,000 others with severe skin and respiratory diseases, abnormal rates of cancer and birth defects, and a devastated environment. Experts say Saddam launched about 280 chemical attacks against the Kurds.