How to Combat Sunni Jihad

The true capitalist is a Stoic

Actually, capitalism leads invariably to statism since the state exists to protect private property. Furthermore, you ought to study stoicism a bit more if you think that capitalism would be compatible with the core tenet of stoicism, that to live in accordance with nature is the highest form of morality. That makes stoicism and capitalism pretty much mutually exclusive.

is in no way, shape or form related to stoicism.

are you seriously arguing that capitalism is inconsistent with the natural order?

the accumulation of resources for the exclusive use by one's own is the entire basis for bee colonies, ant colonies, wolf packs, etc etc etc.

youre presumption that "capitalism" was invented by man ignores the natural territorial behavior of creatures throughout the animal kingdom,, and even the actions of some plants, like the Juniper which toxifies the soil around itself to prevent competition.

what could be more natural than securing territory and food for one's progeny. even Nietzsche would approve.
are you seriously arguing that capitalism is inconsistent with the natural order?

the accumulation of resources for the exclusive use by one's own is the entire basis for bee colonies, ant colonies, wolf packs, etc etc etc.

youre presumption that "capitalism" was invented by man ignores the natural territorial behavior of creatures throughout the animal kingdom,, and even the actions of some plants, like the Juniper which toxifies the soil around itself to prevent competition.

what could be more natural than securing territory and food for one's progeny. even Nietzsche would approve.

I was trolling him. Get lost! :finger:

That is exactly what I am arguing.

well then thats one more example of you being 100% wrong.

bee colonies regularly do battle with each other
EVERY social predatory animal will attack members of another social group if they encroach on their territory, EVERY SINGLE ONE
wolverines urinate and defecate on their leftovers to prevent other critters from feeding on their kills.
leopards hide their leftovers in trees and kill to protect food they arent even gonna eat today
ant colonies go to war if another colony is too close or they meet over some resource, like say, a fallen ice cream cone.
dolphins from different pods regularly drive each other away from food sources
even caterpillars will kill other caterpillars, even ones of the same species if they are on the same plant

every example of what lefties would call "selfishness" and they decry as "capitalism" has wide ranging analogs in nature. defending a resource for YOUR offspring rather than blithely sharing it is not only common in nature, but it is UBIQUITOUS.

capitalism and self interest are far more natural to social creatures than blind willingness to share with individuals outside the social group, and among the higher predators, they will happily beat the ass of lower ranked members of the same group over scraps!

or are chimpanzees corrupted by the evils of republican thought and the Boooosh doctrine?
bee colonies regularly do battle with each other
EVERY social predatory animal will attack members of another social group if they encroach on their territory, EVERY SINGLE ONE
wolverines urinate and defecate on their leftovers to prevent other critters from feeding on their kills.
leopards hide their leftovers in trees and kill to protect food they arent even gonna eat today
ant colonies go to war if another colony is too close or they meet over some resource, like say, a fallen ice cream cone.
dolphins from different pods regularly drive each other away from food sources
even caterpillars will kill other caterpillars, even ones of the same species if they are on the same plant

Survival of the fittest is an inapt description of natural selection. Examples of interspecies symbiosis and cooperation are far more abundant than competition, in fact, even in the food chain this is so. If a species has no natural predators (too fit) it can destroy an ecosystem.

The smoking gun is the evidence found in intraspecies cooperation being of such importance. Mutual aid is at least as important of an evolutionary factor as competition. It is education that increases one's chances of survival, not phenotypical traits. It is mutual aid that makes it possible for one generation to teach the next how to survive that makes it possible for them to procreate.
Survival of the fittest is an inapt description of natural selection. Examples of interspecies symbiosis and cooperation are far more abundant than competition, in fact, even in the food chain this is so. If a species has no natural predators (too fit) it can destroy an ecosystem.

The smoking gun is the evidence found in intraspecies cooperation being of such importance. Mutual aid is at least as important of an evolutionary factor as competition. It is education that increases one's chances of survival, not phenotypical traits. It is mutual aid that makes it possible for one generation to teach the next how to survive that makes it possible for them to procreate.


mmm yes. because getting eaten by wolves is just an example of the rabbit's GENEROSITY.

put some wheels on those golaposts and you can move them much more easily.

selfishness and resource hoarding is as natural as the wind and tides.

liberalism, blind generosity and self sacrifice for strangers is UNKNOWN in nature, thus your argument is irrational.

were it not for the valuable service the Plover provides in cleaning his teeth, the crocodile would make a meal of that feathery fool. that "inter-species co-operation is a TRANSACTION between the crocodile and his dental hygienist. this is an example of capitalism, not caring and sharing.

are parasites also an example of co-operation and natural "Libertarian Socialism"?
actually yes.
yes they are.
I didn't move the goalpost Kynes.

Read what I said again and you may see that it is on topic.

Survival of the fittest is an inapt description of natural selection.

Don't get butt hurt because I can convey this eloquently while you scramble for stupid stories about beehives.

I'm just a better writer than you, and I don't need a thesaurus to sound smart.

absolutely untrue, absolutely inaccurate, and nope, you cant convince anyone, not even a retard, that Libertarian Socialist is anything but an oxymoron.

also, i do not own a thesaurus, and the only time i bother looking up words via google is to make you look foolish

mission accomplished.

you still have not distracted anyone from the premise of this thread, nor from the failure of Smok3y1 to accept that the koran is full of violence, nor have you successfully justified moslem atrocities by falsifying jewish ones, nor have you proved your thesis that socialism is distinct from marxism, nor does anyone believe that you are not a marxist.

you have failed in your general intention of derailing this thread, as well as failing in your specific claims and assertions regarding jews, the fitness of the koran for anything but ASS WIPING, and you have failed spectacularly in your attempt to discredit capitalism by asserting that caring and Sharing is the natural order of things.
You seem upset Kynes, as if you must convince yourself of something which you doubt.

NOPE, you are hilarious.
like a retarded kid falling down a flight of stairs.
you flail, you scream, you cry, but you completely ignore the Hand Rail which would have prevented your fall into comical disgrace, but also could have stopped your tumble at any time.

Hint: the hand rail is learning what words actually mean, and READING the material relating to your supposed philosophy.
NOPE, you are hilarious.
like a retarded kid falling down a flight of stairs.
you flail, you scream, you cry, but you completely ignore the Hand Rail which would have prevented your fall into comical disgrace, but also could have stopped your tumble at any time.

Hint: the hand rail is learning what words actually mean, and READING the material relating to your supposed philosophy.

So let me guess, I should read Marx, since I'm clearly a Marxist?
So let me guess, I should read Marx, since I'm clearly a Marxist?

actually you should have read Marx in high school.
but as a self declared "socialist" (even of the imaginary "libertarian" sort) you should already be familiar with marx's works,, and should be able to recognize that Socialism is defined by marx, the communist manifesto and the adopted definitions of the communist internationals.

but nahhh. you prefer to re-write the truth to suit your narrative in which conservative capitalist and republican are the synonyms for everything evil.

you keep sharing that trolley car to perdition with mussolini stalin and hitler though. you socialists really should stick together.

Edit: you really havent figured out why everybody who reads your shit calls you a marxist yet? REALLY?
most people would figure it's because you act like a marxist, talk like a marxist, use the same rhetoric and buzzwords as a marxist, you share the same utopian bullshit endgame as a marxist, and you in fact ARE a marxist, despite how angry that title seems to make you.
all your nonsense about "anarchy" and being a "real Libertarian" who is totally opposed to individual liberty (except for himself of course) just reinforces the impression that you are in fact a real, dyed in the wool, old fashioned, communist party membership having, bolshevik supporting, lenin spouting, handing out little red books outside the student union Marxist.
actually you should have read Marx in high school.
but as a self declared "socialist" (even of the imaginary "libertarian" sort) you should already be familiar with marx's works,, and should be able to recognize that Socialism is defined by marx, the communist manifesto and the adopted definitions of the communist internationals.

but nahhh. you prefer to re-write the truth to suit your narrative in which conservative capitalist and republican are the synonyms for everything evil.

you keep sharing that trolley car to perdition with mussolini stalin and hitler though. you socialists really should stick together.

I doubt you have read any of the books you have ever mentioned on this forum.
The thing is, the Jihad is payback element as well as conquest. But it is run by un-educated Clerics, uncontaminated by western thought. They don't know the difference between a Nuke and a Fuel/Air weapon and don't want to. A nuke is the same, but bigger.

This straight from a Pushtu, raised in the tribe, in the compound which actually turned out to be a fort as he realized as he got older.

His Dad was a big wheel in the interlocking air defense and they had, a surface to air battery, in their barn. My friend would have been ripe for Jihad had his Dad not shipped him here, where he was recruited by the FBI.

Guys like him are the ones used like feral dogs for dirty deeds. Is it a vendetta culture. And Vendetta has no time limit. Sunni and Sh'ia is more or less mutual vendetta against the split rule of Islam.

So, Mustard is one thing. It is the prime horror of blister agents even now. Safer to make and safer to use. It is a liquid a room temperature. But, SARIN???? Damn, that could kill 1/2 of Manhattan if you flew a plane in, loaded with it. Any little Cessna is a WMD.

Mustard doesn't kill so easy, it maims deeply and forever. Can you mix them? Add some Sarin? Sure ya can! So, this is not about gassing anyone but the USA. It cannot be allowed to become a customary horror on the civilians in the USA.

It was a trench gas in WW1 and had not been used against civilians until the Baathist Sunni Nazi, Sadam. Now, the horror of the Nazi still continues.

Hitler was the first to use gas as mass murder for civilians.
Has mustard gas been used against civilians?
Yes. Saddam Hussein used mustard gas on Kurds in northern Iraq during a 1987-88 campaign known as the Anfal. The worst attack occurred in March 1988 in the Kurdish village of Halabja; a combination of chemical agents including mustard gas and sarin killed 5,000 people and left 65,000 others with severe skin and respiratory diseases, abnormal rates of cancer and birth defects, and a devastated environment. Experts say Saddam launched about 280 chemical attacks against the Kurds.
Just checking in on Al Jez, running RT right now....I swear these guys are much better than MSNBC. It is almost comical in the hyperbolic hand waving. I mean the pull-less punches from the these Rabid Jihad supporters. They don't even bother to hide their personal hate for the USA.

As I told our Chechen supporter here, he is honest and I value that.

And here is a guy on now that is just telling the real. Invasion, hangings, world war, even. I agree, that is the scope, but we just serve the Sunni Jihad. They want this. We will oppose it.

We are their best enemy. Fine.

But, since we see the Obama dream is to make oil too pricey to buy it. Not his stated reasons. Those are lies. It might just be to aid the fraking business. Sorry, Oil is nos $400, we have to frak. Funny.

It will happen in someone's life span. Cursed to live in interesting times.