I'm so so so sorry..


Well-Known Member
I know I'm gonna get some shit for this. but for soil I'm using miracle grow.. Should I still buy some fox farms bat guano?


Well-Known Member
Ahhhh wtf? The seeds sprouted using the paper towel method. I let each of them get about a 1" root. I put them in the soil (mg I know bad choice). Now they've been in there for four days and still haven't popped out of the soil. 4 days and 4 seeds with no progress. I'm using the same method as I have before and it's worked. It's never taken this long though. Has this ever happened to any of you guys?


Well-Known Member
Sorry, Hep, I've only grown hydro. I used to pop my seeds directly into damp rockwool cubes, and a few days later the sprouts would pop up. I'm sure a soil guy will chime in here soon...


Well-Known Member
Hopefully.. Maybe a little rep will persuade them ;) ;).. lol.

It's sad to look at the cups they're in and only see soil. Makes me wanna cry.


Well-Known Member
Ahhhh wtf? The seeds sprouted using the paper towel method. I let each of them get about a 1" root. I put them in the soil (mg I know bad choice). Now they've been in there for four days and still haven't popped out of the soil. 4 days and 4 seeds with no progress. I'm using the same method as I have before and it's worked. It's never taken this long though. Has this ever happened to any of you guys?
Might be over fertilisation?
Blood meal / Blood and Bone can be pretty damn harsh on new plants, maybe try out transplanting, or get deep pots, and have the ferts near the bottom might help? bongsmilie

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
No not a thread Heph... it's a DVD... You should acquire yourself a copy of it somehow, You could buy it of Amazon or "Borrow" it off of someone else... Some helpful tips for your outdoors venture... Really it's all common sense but it doesn't hurt to have something else to check against to make sure you're not forgetting something simple...

There is more on it than just the outdoors stuff... but you should get it regardless I reckon...


Well-Known Member
Here is a whole guerrilla grow guide!

Heres another!

Heres another!



IF YOU ARE USING MIRACLE GROW! get the organic potting soil, there chemicals are poison. Your probably better off going with Fox Farm ocean forest because you wont have to feed for 3 weeks. You need Fox Farms Light Warrior for seedlings.


Well-Known Member
scatteredholes the more surface area the better. imagine each hole lets a bubble of air thru, what will have more surface area a lot of little holes or a few big hole?
and if the holes are clumped together thats just means you covering less surface area.

next what about seeds? the simplest way to be sure your not fucking up is to drop them in some water with a drop of seaweed extract. then when the tail shows bury them tail down in the soil (loosely compacted and damp not wet) barely in leave the back side of the seed out and cove with a very hin layer of soil, thicker if your soil dries too quickly. if you saw a tail they will more than likely they will sprout up after a few days(like 3-5) by the 5th day i would check on themif they dont sprout after 8 days the seed was no good, plain and simple. ive had very few seeds die on me. almost 10 recently but i have planted 30 of my own seeds in the pas week with a 100% success rate of the ones that shown tails. i think those 10 where just infertile somehow, and it happens too.


Well-Known Member
mg probably burnded them up didnt see that. you need to get some proper soil. i would just learn coir if i was you, very simple, lots of fun, as much or as little maintenance as you want. wont burn your precious baby's. oh and by the way the reason you may not be able to find them is because they disintegrated lol.MG is an alright soil for plants that are somewhat established. i have sprouted with it b4 but you have to pick out all the nute balls(little green balls disintegrate with water over time)


Well-Known Member
Damn lol. What a ultimate failure to use mg. I've sprouted seeds by just using regular dirt from outside. It's the 5th day in soil (after germinating) and none of them have emerged. Fuck.. I guess I'll just order some more seeds and have an indoor grow next month.


Well-Known Member
love the seaweed extract. 1/4oz water 1tbs of fulvic acid(very simple to make, peatmosss and water and some compost tead wait till it decays strain, microwave and boom nice batch of humic/fulvic acid) to half gal water for foliar

one drop to an oz or 2 of water for seeds.

its full of hormones and minerals with very little nutrients and no N to burn your baby also reported to have a higher female ratio when used, but i just think its good shit.
actual kelp meal is better for teas.


Well-Known Member
Damn lol. What a ultimate failure to use mg. I've sprouted seeds by just using regular dirt from outside. It's the 5th day in soil (after germinating) and none of them have emerged. Fuck.. I guess I'll just order some more seeds and have an indoor grow next month.
regular dirt outside would have been a better choice in this case.


Well-Known Member
Well.. I'm gonna go cry myself to sleep since I failed as a parent by letting my babies die.. Thanks for the help though guys.. rep.


i just order mine from a grow shop. they get delivered there and u pay when ur order comes in. also u may ven get the seds a little cheapr then statd as th sed companys work with grow shops as stokists