Indoor and outdoor perpetual harvests with seeds and clones


Well-Known Member
the lights are on 24/7, and I have been misting them. I pulled out one of the ones that I just put in soil (it was a seed germinating/cutting soil) and the very bottom of the stem had split up a whole bunch (more so than when I took the cutting) looking like it was about to root. So I think that both sets of clones will root at about the same time, within the next five days. Hopefully.


Well-Known Member
I don't like it when people get mad at each other.... I am very peaceful in nature (accept to debt collectors, the fuckers, I tell them off before they even piss me off these days)... From here on out there is NO NAME CALLING ON MY JOURNAL (do whatever on my other threads, this one is important to me), negative rep (not this time) to people that argue and bicker and name call on MY JOURNAL, like I said I don't much care what you say on my other threads... well maybe not MASSES and Legalize and Free meds, as I will hopefully eventually accomplish something on them. I appreciate BOTH your feedback, and others that have advice/support to offer. Nothing personal UKcyrus, I just get excited when I see some one has posted on my journal, and the balloon pops when its a negative comment that has nothing to do with my grow, my journal, me, or just growing pot in general.

Damn, wish I had that many clones!!! :), Anyways thanks guys... gunna go take some pics do some shit...


Well-Known Member
definitely! peace!

the only negativity i feel is how jealous i am of the crop, your spaces, and protection from john q.

i hope to be doing something similiar when i "grow up" haha

as for your cuttings, that sounds just fine.

making sure you cut at an angle will enhance your chances of taking root. before using your root tone you can rough up the outside plant wall. i use my finger nails. some go as far using a razor to cut all off, or cut notches in the lowest inches of the branch. it will prolly raise your chance of rooting a couple percent but id just cut myself. lol

with light placement, dont set your plants too close, they are stressed right now. even though they are on 24/7, you have to make sure they arent getting too hot.

the finer the mist the better. you can mist as often as every 20 minutes during the day. i just wait to see that its dry. if you look in my hashberry thread i have a posted a picture of a very small clone/veg box the lower ones were cut a week ago. will be going into veg tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
awesome, thanks! Here is an update of the outdoor...

There is a friend that came to visit there, he is 6 feet 2 inches, and the stems for the plants are exactly 10 inches above ground level right where they come out of the soil, so the Cinderella and GDP are about 5 foot 4 inches, the Super Skunk is 4 foot 6 inches. That's the GDP on his right in the first pic, and in the third and fourth pics. I just took 20 clones from her in the last two weeks, she seems droopy, and her wounds haven't fully healed (is there anything that I can put on there to help them heal?). In the second pic he is standing next to Cinderella. The fifth pic is of two seedlings the purple kush on the left, the sensi star on the right (I just transplanted them into those pots yesterday) and the grape ape in the middle. I took some close ups of Cinderella, because right now she is my favorite, the sixth seventh and eighth pics are her (Look at those Tops!). The ninth pic is of the Super Skunk which is growing very quickly, look at all those bud sites on the lower branches! The ninth tenth and eleventh pics are or the Super Skunk. I also just put her in that blue bin yesterday! And the GDP too, The container the GDP is in has a hole with a 12 inch diameter in the bottom with a whole bunch of root mass there, and if you look closely at pics from the last couple weeks you will see a seem about four inches up from the bottom rim of her container, in that 4 inch area it has been hollow. When I dug the hole for the GDP (which was a bitch) I dig it 7-8 inches farther down than where that bottom rim sits, so there is 11-12 inches of extra space under the bottom of her container, which I filled in the extra 7-8 inches with a good soil mix, and put good soil all around the sides and watered to make it seep into that extra space. I gave her a good watering when I put her in the hole to get as much soil to fill that extra space as possible, because there was no soil in that 4 inch by 20 inch (diameter) space (about one cubic foot).

The 12th 13th and 14th pictures show stems in this order: 13 is GDP, 14 is Cinderella, 15 is Super Skunk.

The last pic is of the outdoor setup as it is for the moment. I am going to put more netting up so the walls are about 3 feet higher than they already are, and extend the top cover to cover the entire area while raising it about 3 feet at the same time as well, so hopefully they don't overgrow the area and end up getting severe windburn. Wind is a constant and overwhelming problem here, as it comes and goes from all directions! Lately it has been coming in from above, so the wind blocks on the side don't stop it, and I can't move them because there is constantly wind blowing from all sides! Its like I am constructing a netted green house, lol! Which would have been much easier if I had decided to do that from the beginning, it would have a lot better of construction too.

They should all really start heavy flowering (budding) in the next week. The biggest three no longer grow symmetrically (the Cinderella changed last, about a week ago), and all their pre-flower pistils are turning brown.

I want to focus for a minute on the seedlings and smaller plants. The Sensi Star, Purple Kush, and Grape Ape are not preflowering at all, and seem to still be growing symmetrically (and the seedlings that are outside too). I think they are still vegging. I just moved them outside from being indoor plants (and nute burned the Grape Ape). Would it hurt them to have them outside during the days, and move them inside for about 4-6 hours of extra light at night before moving them back outside for the rest of the night, until I want to flower them? (which I will hopefully be able to do inside, once the electrical situation for the indoor set up gets taken care of..... some time :(.

Please comment with any thoughts or ideas or advice or anything you might think/have, I really appreciate the feedback, and sometimes wonder why I don't get much (like most of the questions I have posted in my journal go unanswered!). Like, I could really use feedback on the water questions that I have posted... any one know?

Thanks Slammin... its taking a long while to get it all set up, and is difficult to run the full grow at the same time as working, and new baby, and everything else that is going on, so I know it could be better! Like my seedling situation indoors right now is fairly sad.... and I have been "scared" to mess with the set up much.


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Well-Known Member
What do you guys think of the blue bin set up? They are 2 1/4 Cubic feet, and 1/4 inch thick, I drilled like 30 holes in each of them on the bottom and around the sides. There is about 2 inches in between the bins and the solid ground on all sides (which more like solid rock) which I filled in with soil the best I could. The holes they are in are about 13-15 inches deep. I have been worried about water collecting at the bottom and causing root rot, what do you think?


Well-Known Member
Thats not PM by the way... there is tons of Calcium and Sodium Chloride in the water. Is there any way to lower the ppm of those elements?


Well-Known Member
hey brotha...I havent had a free minute in the last day to sit down and work out your electrical...i should have some time bear with me bro :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
allright, cool.

Fuckin wind, Fuckin Wind, FUCKING WIND!!!!!! GodDamn it just won't stop, tearing holes in my plants (particularly the GDP, which also got severe windburn once already.) Goddamn motherfucking piece of shit wind! Fuck! Don't know what to do, stressin balls and pissed! goddamn goddamn... shit what do I do about it? Comes from EVERY direction... fuck! If I double the netting all around, and added two layers of netting on top would that help? Wouldn't that cut down on light lumens and spectrums? Fuck!


Well-Known Member
Hi loaded, that garden of yours is looking totally amazing, great job mate. Plants are getting huge too :) And yeah I know your frustration with the wind man, I had bad wind burn on one of mine as well, it's a bitch. Now I have my plants in a more sheltered spot but a few times two or three of them have been blown right over along with their pots LOL. No damage done thankfully. I don't know what to suggest man, I reckon more nets will definitely cut down on your light but other than building walls (sheeting of some sort?) round the garden I just don't know what else you could do. It's a tough one. Hopefully the wind will calm down soon though. Hope you don't get too much more damage at any rate. Best of luck with it mate ;)


Well-Known Member
Wind comes down the roof of house too, and into the garden, comes down the hillside, accrooss the hillside, up down and all around. This spot is in a draught, so wind is constant here, which I expected, just didn't expect the winds to be so high as 30-50 mph!!!

Oh and thanks for the compliments!


Well-Known Member
well, the netting and plastic on the side helps.... but there is nothing completely covering the top... damn thats going to be a task! just finished a different task.

Remember how I wanted to move those certain plants indoors at night to keep them from flowering? Well I think I have gotten the setup for that! I think I need three more fixtures though. My investment was $0 today, just about an hour of time...

There are the two 40w tube fluorescents on the seedlings and first batch of clones, I am going to put chop sticks in the soil for the overly stretched seedlings that fell over. They are on a shelf, and attached to the underside of the shelf is the two 4 foot 40w Agro-Brite fluorescent grow tubes. You can see the two sets of double CFL's coming off the edge of the shelf too, to provide a little extra to the 4 larger seedlings and two clones that are under the shelf, there is also that CFL there in the center/back, because the two tube fluorescents are towards the front of the shelf, and one more CFL off to the side, I don't know if you can see it. under the shelf is a 5 foot wide 3 feet deep and 39 inch tall space (though the shelf is only 16 inches wide). This little seedling/clone/small veg area takes up 1/4 of the space in the veg room, leaving plenty of space for the 600w MH that I want to put up in there for the larger vegging plants (then I could move most of the CFL's into the flower room!). I was thinking I would do 60-70 day veg cycles one the plants in there, with the first 30 or so days spent in that little area I constructed, and the next 30-40 days under the 600w MH that I WILL put in there, before spending its flowering time under the 1000w HPS and whatever CFL's I can manage in there. Some plants will be vegged for about four months (120 days), before they get put outside, but thats next spring. I am hoping to Harvest the Purple Kush and Sensi Star sometime in early mid late December (about two months after the harvest of outdoor), and then have some smaller GDP clones to harvest in January, and a Different bigger set to harvest in February (Along with more Cinderella in February), all the while taking clones etc. I am interested to see how many of those seedlings I have there will be female, because I will probably be harvesting them in Mid to late spring, and taking clones off of the best of them. At Least One of the plants that I veg for 120 days will be Cinderella! I want her to be 6 feet when I put her out in June (I planted her seed in June this year), then another three months of veg, she will start flowering this time next year and be twice the size as the one I have now!! :)
By the time I am putting more outside next year, I will have a better more established means of blocking the wind while allowing for pure clear sunlight to come down. When my indoor really get going I am going to be doing a lot of experimenting with SCROG, FIM, SLT, etc etc... so I would probably really like input as I go through that process!



Well-Known Member
gave all of the outdoor a decent feeding of bloom nutes (just bloom nutes tonight) and will follow up tomorrows with water, and then some Catalyst and a different kind of bloom nutes tomorrow evening.

Sorry if my editing all the time messes with yah, its just easier to load the pics, and then go write about them while I can see them... smoke on....


Well-Known Member
The Cinderella still has aphids (even after 1500 lady bugs?)... now there are like three praying mantises crawling around the outdoor garden. And the wind has been exeptionally strong and gusty today, :(. Next time I am going to get 4,500 lady bugs for the outdoor garden, and follow the instructions completely (lol, I didn't spray mist when I let them go last time...). I think the mantises are eating my ladies... but I know they are eating other things that could be a potential threat as well... sorry about that sex post last night, kind of got distracted by my wife's legs, and forgot what site I was on... I am anxious to see how the plants react to the Catalyst and other bloom nutes that they will get this evening... still have to get that damn netting up to help block the wind... but it won't block the wind entirely I know... oh well, work with what I have got... and I need more soil for the seedlings for when I transplant them, and that shit is getting expensive! Well that is about it for now.... oh yeah, I want to put vents in from the house to the garage, because hot air from the house is cool air to the garage, and it would cut down on using an A/C in there, I would like to do it at the same time I do the electrical work... two vents, one for each grow room, both intake only, for both cool and warm air (warm air in the winter time) I NEED to get those things done by the first of October....


Well-Known Member
Hey LD

Water - First off water shouldnt have sodium chloride (table salt) in it but it will have soluble salts like nitrate. phosphate. We are talking about municipal water arent we? The city water will have chlorine in it but if left to set for 24-48 hours, esp shorter if in the sun, the chlorine will dissipate. You can test the EC (electric conductivity) of your wate rto see if you have alot of dissolved salts. If you do you will need to adjust your nute amounts. Also check your water pH.

Bugs - best way to get rid of aphids is soap. It suffocates aphids. Wash plant when done. You can also use Safer Soap (brand name). Seamaiden has a tabacco recipe if ya want that which she says kills spider mites and other insects. Hopefully tabacco spray wont kill your mantis'. Yes your mantis will kill all other bugs and other mantis until there is one Alpha mantis. SHe will regin over about an area of 500sqft. I have found that outdoor beneficial bugs are hard to use on an outdoor crop as they tend to leave (fly away) frequently. With your wind situation maybe leave and go farther away.

Clones - The small ones look a bit strechy. I would suggest putting the light closer to them to reduce strech. THe other clones in the 1 gal pots are looking good (lights are close) Hopefully in a few weeks we'll get you hooked up with some serious lights.

Wind - You cant stop mother nature. The windbreaks you set up like plastic are good but watch out for burning due to magnification of the suns rays. I had some fry a little when I got the plastic too close. In the places you have the wind direction fairly steady, try redirection of the wind with windbreaks (wood or metal barriers) Im not so sure about the top as plastic may magnify the tops too much if too close. Additionally, remember if you block the wind at 90 degrees to the wind direction it will eventually blow your windbreak down, so put it at an angle to the wind direction.

Soil- Try making your own organic soil. Im sure buying the materials in bulk and then making a bunch for use is cheaper. I have several recepies from RIU folks to PM you.

Ok last one cuz I cant remember any more
Holes in rock or hard soil - I have hard soil with roots too but not rock. Since you can at least dig somewhat in the soil/rock you may want to rent a jackhammer for a few hours and make some holes. Other way is a power auger at a rental place also. The excavated rock will make excellent bottom of pot drainage or "sand" for your potting mix too.

Sorry for the length but Im trying to help if I can


Well-Known Member
thanks... I will think about those things...

I have decided not to post any pics for the next two weeks... just to see a visual difference in growth. Otherwise, I will continue to update just like usual.... thanks for all of your support, I am guessing this journal will see a lot more activity once you can see the buds forming... I have been thinking about the nutes I will be using and the best schedule for my plants, but am still unsure of either.... any ideas will be helpful, thanks....