thanks for finding me my friend. ya i still post on the web at other forums, just not that one, i was sick of how it was being ran so went my own way.
still working at the leds and trying to test out these new models and see how they treat me? not sure if i will truly find out this grow because of the crazy summer temps but i tend on finding out how they work compared to my older 2010 model grows.[/QUOTE]
I cant believe how much BS there is today in the world, none the less thats good to know, i dont plan on going there anymore. And plus the only reason why im on these sites is so i can follow up on your new stuff and see how its all treating you. So its good to actually be talking to you my friend

thanks for the reply.
i intend to get the spectra 500w when the time (and money) comes haha they are a big chip from the wallet. It wont be for a while though....i actually had my eye on those blackstars the seller seems chill and honest but i know you have heard that they dont actually pull what they say they pull (or something like that) so im skeptical but they are the only thing in my price range right now. anyways sorry for the paragraph haha i know you have ladies to tend too.
happy growing irishboy