Is a reversal of Roe v Wade decision next?

Trump: Supreme Court Abortion Ruling 'Only Made Possible Because I Delivered '
Former President Donald Trump praised the Supreme Court's Friday ruling overturning Roe v. Wade as "the biggest win for life in a generation," noting that it was "only made possible" by his actions as president.

The court overturned the 1973 landmark decision that legalized abortion nationwide. The decision sends the issue back to the states to regulate.

In a statement issued by his Save America PAC, Trump said:

Today’s decision, which is the biggest WIN for LIFE in a generation, along with other decisions that have been announced recently, were only made possible because I delivered everything as promised, including nominating and getting three highly respected and strong Constitutionalists confirmed to the United States Supreme Court. It was my great honor to do so! I did not cave to the Radical Left Democrats, their partners in the Fake News Media, or the RINOs who are likewise the true, but silent, enemy of the people. These major Victories prove that even though the Radical Left is doing everything in their power to destroy our Country, your Rights are being protected, the Country is being defended, and there is still hope and time to Save America! I will never stop fighting for the Great People of our Nation!

In an earlier interview, Trump praised the court for "following the Constitution, and giving rights back when they should have been given long ago.

He told Fox News, "This brings everything back to the states where it has always belonged."

Asked whether he felt he played a role in the court’s decision given his conservative nominees, Trump said, "God made the decision."

During his presidency, Trump appointed conservative Justices Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. All three were among the majority in a 6-3 decision on Friday for Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization.

When asked if he had a message for any of his supporters who might be pro-choice, Trump told Fox News: “I think, in the end, this is something that will work out for everybody."
AG Merrick Garland: States Can't Ban Abortion Pills
Just after the Supreme Court delivered its ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization on Friday, which overturned Roe v. Wade, U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland came out swinging against conservative states that are seeking to ban abortion pills.

In a rebuke to a growing number of red states that are clamping down on access to abortifacient drugs, Garland said that states cannot prohibit the abortion drug mifepristone "based on disagreement with the FDA's expert judgment."

The Food and Drug Administration "has approved the use" of mifepristone and that decision could not be overturned by states attempting to limit access to abortion, he said.

"Women who reside in states that have banned access to comprehensive reproductive care must remain free to seek that care in states where it is legal," Garland said. "Moreover, under fundamental First Amendment principles, individuals must remain free to inform and counsel each other about the reproductive care that is available in other states."

Abortifacient medication mifepristone has become an increasingly popular option for at-home abortions since the FDA approved it for use in 2000, Insider reports.

These types of abortions can be done in the first 11 weeks of pregnancy.

According to data from the Guttmacher Institute, medication abortion made up 54% of U.S. abortions in 2020.
Dershowitz to Newsmax: Abortion Ruling Based on 'Extreme Judicial Activism'
The Supreme Court's decision to overrule Roe v. Wade was a "self-inflicted wound" based on "extreme judicial activism," Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz said on Newsmax Friday.

"I think people don't realize the Supreme Court didn't have to overrule Roe v. Wade to decide the case before it, which was the Mississippi statute, which says no abortions after 15 weeks," Dershowitz, a Newsmax analyst, told the network's "John Bachman Now."

"The court could simply have said 'we hold this statute constitutional, no abortions after 15 weeks and no overturning of Roe v. Wade.'"

He knows they went too far.
AG Merrick Garland: States Can't Ban Abortion Pills
Just after the Supreme Court delivered its ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization on Friday, which overturned Roe v. Wade, U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland came out swinging against conservative states that are seeking to ban abortion pills.

In a rebuke to a growing number of red states that are clamping down on access to abortifacient drugs, Garland said that states cannot prohibit the abortion drug mifepristone "based on disagreement with the FDA's expert judgment."

The Food and Drug Administration "has approved the use" of mifepristone and that decision could not be overturned by states attempting to limit access to abortion, he said.

"Women who reside in states that have banned access to comprehensive reproductive care must remain free to seek that care in states where it is legal," Garland said. "Moreover, under fundamental First Amendment principles, individuals must remain free to inform and counsel each other about the reproductive care that is available in other states."

Abortifacient medication mifepristone has become an increasingly popular option for at-home abortions since the FDA approved it for use in 2000, Insider reports.

These types of abortions can be done in the first 11 weeks of pregnancy.

According to data from the Guttmacher Institute, medication abortion made up 54% of U.S. abortions in 2020.

so Merrick has at least one ball, eh?....maybe he can find the other one soon enough to prosecute a shit load of republican insurrectionist...
Dershowitz to Newsmax: Abortion Ruling Based on 'Extreme Judicial Activism'
The Supreme Court's decision to overrule Roe v. Wade was a "self-inflicted wound" based on "extreme judicial activism," Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz said on Newsmax Friday.

"I think people don't realize the Supreme Court didn't have to overrule Roe v. Wade to decide the case before it, which was the Mississippi statute, which says no abortions after 15 weeks," Dershowitz, a Newsmax analyst, told the network's "John Bachman Now."

"The court could simply have said 'we hold this statute constitutional, no abortions after 15 weeks and no overturning of Roe v. Wade.'"

But, he said, "this is extreme judicial activism" with a decision that was not made in the proper case. "The court would have overruled Roe v. Wade in the proper case, maybe a year or two or three from now."

But rushing to overturn the 50-year-old precedent decision, particularly in a case where the issue was not presented, was done to "provoke division," and it will do that, and in the end, "it will help the Democratic Party," Dershowitz said. "In the end, we probably will see future challenges probably, in an effort by the Democrat-controlled House and Senate," he continued.

It was also shocking that Chief Justice John Roberts joined in the opinion on the case, as even without him, the majority would have ruled and he could then have written a separate opinion, said Dershowitz.

He also argued strongly against comments made during the congressional Republicans' response to the decision, particularly Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J., who said the opinion protects the rights of fetuses, but "the rights of their co-victims, their mothers."

"How dare he?" said Dershowitz.

"Mothers are intelligent people. They have the right to make decisions. They may not have the right to kill a fetus; that's an issue up for dispute. I happen to think that within a few beginning of the pregnancy, they do, but that's not the issue. The issue is, don't say this protects the rights of women. Women are human beings with agency and autonomy, and he denies them the right to choose."

Even if the right to choose conflicts with the rights of a fetus, "the women's rights, we know that has been taken away and you can't soften this opinion by saying it also supports the rights of 'co-victims,' who are women," he added.

Dershowitz further argued that the Fourth Amendment guarantees people the right over their bodies, and "that includes the right of women to make good choices."

"For example," he continued, "If the court had said women cannot choose to have their appendix removed without their husband's approval, obviously, that would be unconstitutional, even though there's no explicit mention of the appendix in the constitution."

Fetuses are "real people" and not appendixes, he concurred, so the decision "requires a balance," but "to say that just because the word is not mentioned in the Constitution, that's absurd. Neither is birth control. Are we going to now attack birth control?"

The decision must also not be applied to other issues, including same-sex marriage, Dershowitz insisted.

"There are no victims of gay marriage," he said. "It is nobody's business if a gay man marries another man, it's nobody's business if a black man marries a white woman. And yet all of those rights and hear from a right of privacy growing out of the Fourth Amendment, that amendment and the 10th amendment, then that has been undercut."

That means there is "legitimate concern" that those rights could be taken away, even with the court's statement that it is limiting Friday's decision to abortion, as lower courts could take up the other issues, Dershowitz added.

He knows they went too far.

Um actually we do realize, a door was opened just like when on the witness stand and they ran with it.

Now how do we have trust in this lifetime group appointment in which THREE OF THE NEWLY APPOINTED, LIED!?

The tom-toms of war are beating there was a huge event in town that was so loud it sounded like a stadium of angry women that I could hear all the way to my house.

I'd like to say I can't wait to decide a mans fate..but I already did:wink:
Trump: Supreme Court Abortion Ruling 'Only Made Possible Because I Delivered '
Former President Donald Trump praised the Supreme Court's Friday ruling overturning Roe v. Wade as "the biggest win for life in a generation," noting that it was "only made possible" by his actions as president.

The court overturned the 1973 landmark decision that legalized abortion nationwide. The decision sends the issue back to the states to regulate.

In a statement issued by his Save America PAC, Trump said:

Today’s decision, which is the biggest WIN for LIFE in a generation, along with other decisions that have been announced recently, were only made possible because I delivered everything as promised, including nominating and getting three highly respected and strong Constitutionalists confirmed to the United States Supreme Court. It was my great honor to do so! I did not cave to the Radical Left Democrats, their partners in the Fake News Media, or the RINOs who are likewise the true, but silent, enemy of the people. These major Victories prove that even though the Radical Left is doing everything in their power to destroy our Country, your Rights are being protected, the Country is being defended, and there is still hope and time to Save America! I will never stop fighting for the Great People of our Nation!

In an earlier interview, Trump praised the court for "following the Constitution, and giving rights back when they should have been given long ago.

He told Fox News, "This brings everything back to the states where it has always belonged."

Asked whether he felt he played a role in the court’s decision given his conservative nominees, Trump said, "God made the decision."

During his presidency, Trump appointed conservative Justices Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. All three were among the majority in a 6-3 decision on Friday for Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization.

When asked if he had a message for any of his supporters who might be pro-choice, Trump told Fox News: “I think, in the end, this is something that will work out for everybody."
Remember that ladies, it was all him!!! Oh and he still thinks he can grab you by your #&$$@. Just give that some thought, he’s a fucking waste of flesh and air :(.
But Schumer can bring that 400 to a vote or does he need Mitch's approval? Please tell me what Schumer has accomplished lately..don't say Gun Bill.
Prisoner of the moment much?

Senators passed an anti-lynching law after literally 200 failed attempts, gave sexual misconduct claims firmer legal footing and approved sweeping postal reform. That’s on top of $14 billion for Ukraine as well as a long-awaited reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act as part of a massive spending bill, not to mention last year’s huge bipartisan infrastructure bill.

count em, 153 bills passed through 117th Congress thus far.

Why do people like you blame Democrats for the bad behavior of Republicans? Seems pretty stupid to me.
I drove by Kingston last week coming home from the east coast and was thinking about you. We’re you able to get your heart procedure lined up yet?
They cancelled it and ended the meds to see what will happen :o! The heart actually seems to have gotten lots better/stronger so we’ll see in the next month or so. I’m actually feeling great, thanks for asking!!! Next time your driving by let me know and stop in, I’m 10 min north of 401 on Loughborough Lake?
It was too late once progressive democrats helped to defeat Hillary. Progressive democrats own this court...

I'm going to have to disagree with you's a different take on the same old.

Blaming one particular group is broad and undemocratic, JJ.
Prisoner of the moment much?

Senators passed an anti-lynching law after literally 200 failed attempts, gave sexual misconduct claims firmer legal footing and approved sweeping postal reform. That’s on top of $14 billion for Ukraine as well as a long-awaited reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act as part of a massive spending bill, not to mention last year’s huge bipartisan infrastructure bill.

count em, 153 bills passed through 117th Congress thus far.

Why do people like you blame Democrats for the bad behavior of Republicans? Seems pretty stupid to me.

I was asking a neutral question in a debate scenario..why do people 'like you' often use that phrase? It's rude, crass to use with fellow members who you've been conversing with for years and frankly makes me wonder about your mind's stability.
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The thing about that line is it comes from people who are seriously in the minority. Left and Right, that kind of complaint comes from authoritarians who would trample the will of the majority. On the left are perma-Bernie babies who would haver forced most people to give up healthcare coverage that they liked and wanted to keep for Bernie's vague promises. On the right, Trumpers would have cut coverage for tens of millions of people and left them with nothing.

Fortunately, moderates prevail. For now.