Is a reversal of Roe v Wade decision next?

Why do some people love abortion? Its a selfish act that should be done in silence and great shame.

Nobody loves abortion. But no woman should have the right to her body and what she does with it taken away by a bunch of hypocritical bible thumping assholes. Those closet sinners should worry about saving their own souls instead of pushing their crap on others.
Nobody loves abortion. But no woman should have the right to her body and what she does with it taken away by a bunch of hypocritical bible thumping assholes. Those closet sinners should worry about saving their own souls instead of pushing their crap on others.

On your dime
Why do some people love abortion? Its a selfish act that should be done in silence and great shame.
It's not about being pro abortion, it's about being pro basic human rights, not even constitutional ones. A woman and a doctor decide and there are limits, the further along the pregnancy is, the harder it is to access or have a doctor perform it without a very good medical reason. It is other people's business not public business for the most part. I favor prenatal care programs and baby boxes like they use in Finland, abortion is a final option and never a preferred one.

It is no reason to vote for a criminal or corrupt lying politician however. People who spend the billions on politics and trying to control the lives and body's of others and devote it instead to supporting pregnant women without partners, if such a non religious organization arose it might sway the decision of many and would be a more useful thing to do. Economics make the calls for many people and young women are at an economic disadvantage. Another idea that should be promoted is parental responsibility, with DNA testing there is paternal certainty and take the money right off with the income tax. Why should the burden be placed on the woman and not shared, it takes two to tango.
I don't force others to do what I believe in.

For example................I believe in orgies and spooging all over the carpet while satan fucks my wife and babies are roasted in an open fire pit. Cause us democrats do stuff like that. With extra hot sauce :rolleyes:

Yeah but when it results in a pregnancy, do you believe you should be able to just pull the unborn fetus out and just throw it out? Does morality have any place in ethics and law? Who speaks for the baby at that point?
I hope you come to believe in the sanctity of life one day, friend.
Worrying about the "unborn", is like worrying about the "undead", people who deal with life and death issues everyday, doctors and their patients make the call, not you, or religious lunatics. How about fighting for pregnant women and supporting them financially, instead of moralizing and whining here. Let zombie Jesus sort out the unborn like the collateral damage from a bomb strike in war.

I mean I'd like to see Zombie worshipping restricted too, it is socially destructive and impedes progress while promoting hatred towards certain groups and are know to engage in terrorism. Ya can't have everything though, so ya make yer peace.
Why do some people love abortion? Its a selfish act that should be done in silence and great shame.
damn, decided to go full trumptard today?
why don't you take your personal inhibitions and prohibitions and shove them back up your ass? that's where they came from to begin with...
a fetus doesn't have thoughts till it is at least 5 months least...until a being has thoughts, they're not a person, they're a growth in a woman's body, a growth that will have profound consequences on her life, and the lives of those she is involved with. until at least that time, it is up to her to decide if she wants to deal with those consequences, NOT YOU, NOT TRUMP, and certainly not 6 LYING PERJUROUS PIECES OF SHIT who cheated their way onto the highest court in the land...
"great shame"....we're you raised catholic? i smell that special kind of guilt you can only get from failed catholics and orthodox Jews...and i'm betting you ain't Jewish
Do you think that a newborn should be allowed to be terminated after it is out of the mother and breathing on its own? Where do you draw the line?
Yeah but when it results in a pregnancy, do you believe you should be able to just pull the unborn fetus out and just throw it out? Does morality have any place in ethics and law? Who speaks for the baby at that point?
What I "BELIEVE" in is none of your fucking business. It's also none of YOUR business what other people do with their bodies and what's inside of THEIR bodies, irregardless of morality.

This is a concept that you cannot grasp. You do not control the fucking world. Get over it.
Yeah but when it results in a pregnancy, do you believe you should be able to just pull the unborn fetus out and just throw it out? Does morality have any place in ethics and law? Who speaks for the baby at that point?
People with better morals and clearer heads have determined it to be pragmatic, morality is not the issue, ethics is. Doctors worry about ethics, preachers worry about morality. Morality shifts with social values and in some societies lot's of outrageous things are moral.
Its not cool to make people that respect life to pay for those kind of "medical procedures"
those people don't respect life, they fear choice...they don't want people to be able to make their own decisions unless it's ok with them....FUCK THEM, FUCK THAT, AND FUCK YOU FOR BEING ONE OF THEM....
that's about as plain as i can make're supporting fascists, racist,'re supporting the party of hate and ignorance. fucking stop being an idiot...