Well-Known Member
Why is everyone getting mad for me calling out their shitty morals? Don't shoot the messenger!
Not a question, the law is clear about this and has been for a long time. Near birth abortion is a question for the courts and doctors as special masters to decide, not religious lunatics or con artists using them to gain and hold power.Do you think that a newborn should be allowed to be terminated after it is out of the mother and breathing on its own? Where do you draw the line?
Yeah but when it results in a pregnancy, do you believe you should be able to just pull the unborn fetus out and just throw it out? Does morality have any place in ethics and law? Who speaks for the baby at that point?
thats a lie...and you expressing feelings and not reason...Some people are so down with women's rights they are willing to kill at the expense of a newborn child. What a world, what a world.
Not a question, the law is clear about this and has been for a long time. Near birth abortion is a question for the courts and doctors as special masters to decide, not religious lunatics or con artists using them to gain and hold power.
They are pointing out the flaws in your arguments that are caused by flaws in your character. You attacked others "morality" and are now playing the victim card when getting pushed back. More are laughing at you and ridiculing you than are angry at you.Why is everyone getting mad for me calling out their shitty morals? Don't shoot the messenger!
Not for me to decide, I differ to the experts, doctors who deal in life and death every day and know all about it. They and a woman should be making the calls and doctors do have ethical standards about late term pregnancy along with treatment protocols. The law should reflect this IMHO, I live in Canada and this was settled in the last century here and is a non issue, they get free healthcare too. Here it doesn't cost thousands of dollars to give birth, why don't you complain about that? All insurance companies pay prenatal and have free birthing, no copays, also free insurance for the child.I'm interested in what you think the law should be
maybe they're confused hormone filled kids who think they love each other?...maybe they're making a big mistake, but that is how young people learn, by making mistakes. maybe they wouldn't make that mistake if the same political party that doesn't want them to be able to have an abortion wouldn't oppose giving children meaningful sex education in school, instead of insisting that that is the responsibility of their parents, who's idea of sex education is an uncomfortable, confusing talk that their kid is relieved to escape.Its a gray area the whole fetus thing....but from the outside looking in, women and men who champion for abortion are spineless cowards that don;t how to pull out
See guilty mother, there you go being judgmental and prejudiced are you a woman? Or just trying to make decisions for them? If you were sincere and not lying to yourself on some level, you would be helping pregnant women to make your desired life choices about pregnancy by supporting them financially or supporting policies that did, even black women. It is easier to have children when you can support them, but not when you are struggling to survive.You would think, anything to save the life of the child. But the guilty mother would rather the baby be killed than it live on knowing it's mother didn't want to care for it
boy, the world sure is a simple place for you, isn't it?You would think, anything to save the life of the child. But the guilty mother would rather the baby be killed than it live on knowing it's mother didn't want to care for it
no, we're getting mad at you for thinking you have the right to judge us, when you embrace the political party of immorality and injustice...the party that does nothing but make judgements based on their feelings and ignoring any facts....hypocriteWhy is everyone getting mad for me calling out their shitty morals? Don't shoot the messenger!
these people are smarter than you give them credit for being...most of them had the sense not to fall for the republican horseshit lies that you've swallowed whole...I'm not religious and few people know what pernicious means, dumb it down for these people.
these people are smarter than you give them credit for being...most of them had the sense not to fall for the republican horseshit lies that you've swallowed whole...
sorry, have to ignore you now...i just don't have the time or the inclination to try to convince an idiot that they're an idiot today...or ever again...people have picked their paths by now, and those of you who walk down the republican/conservative/white christian nationalist path have fucked yourselves royally...and i'm not going to waste any effort trying to change your minds, i'm going to be expending all efforts into stopping you from getting a single thing you want, into getting your kind out of power once and for all...
why be ashamed of biology?Why do some people love abortion? Its a selfish act that should be done in silence and great shame.
Some people are so down with women's rights they are willing to kill at the expense of a newborn child. What a world, what a world.
Let me guess you saw this in a meme or some 'friend' told you about it online.Do you think that a newborn should be allowed to be terminated after it is out of the mother and breathing on its own? Where do you draw the line?
Some people are so down with women's rights they are willing to kill at the expense of a newborn child. What a world, what a world.
Pushing their crap on others is a source of pleasure, amplified by their agonized and corrupted sexual drives. It is their almightiest rush. Which to even an average intellect should (aptly) raise a red flag as to notional-whom this serves.Nobody loves abortion. But no woman should have the right to her body and what she does with it taken away by a bunch of hypocritical bible thumping assholes. Those closet sinners should worry about saving their own souls instead of pushing their crap on others.