Is a reversal of Roe v Wade decision next?

they have desantis...a man i truly despise just for the look on his face.
the fact that he is a racist, mean spirited, vindictive, fascist homophobe who helped install white supremists in the florida government is just foul, parasite infested icing on the rotting cake...
That is why I'm afraid he is going to win. Their base loves all those traits. I kind of hope trumpf runs. He is about the only GOP Joe Rob can beat at this point.
. . . . . . . . . . . Curious how many of you believe In the bible
What do you mean by believe? I think just about everyone knows the Jewish Tarah (our old testament) was written down about 2500 to 3000 years ago after around 1000 years in the oral tradition. The dead sea scrolls showed it had much of it's current content by 2000 years ago.

The main four books of the Christian new testament was written 40 to 50 years after Jesus died. It really happened. By that I mean folks wrote a lot of religious texts.

Spoiler alert. Man creates gods in his own image.
A woman's health right huh. So we find a tiny blot of bacteria on some planet in the sky someday and we will be like we found life!

But that same tiny blot inside her is just nothing at all with no rights or life huh?

Well most of you seem to have little regard for anything but yourselves. Most of you wanna straight up kill every republican, so since you're flat out violating every law God ever made.. I just wanted to know how many of you are gonna learn about a lake of fire one day. You don't care about murder, you just wanna get your way no matter what
No, actually most of us love our neighbors, even if they suffer from pigmentation based prejudice and so forth. The reason we are worried about the county is that we do care for people.

Furious Texas Paul REACTS to Horrific Roe v. Wade Decision
68,246 views Jun 25, 2022 Texas Paul reacts to the Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade with a call to action.
Curious how many of you believe In the bible
It exists so it must be believed. Its a great collection of short stories and fables.
I don't think many would have read all of it. The chancers of you reading all the books would be extremely slim. Written over a period of a couple thousand years by 40 different authors and most books have been removed from current versions. I wonder why?

Lots of us may have read the condensed, strange and contradictory and very confusing fables in the old and new testaments. I much prefer the old one with so much hate and revenge and anger in it. The New testament is a bit blah.

Much better books out there to read. I highly recommend Free from all curses the story of kublai Khan by Amy Macgrath. Its even based on fact.

^ gas prices must of been high as God didn't travel much.
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Ruth Bader Ginsburg warned about this 30 years ago. She acknowledged that RvW stood on shaky ground, and she hoped the Democrats would codify it into law. 30 years ago. The Democrats had plenty of opportunities to codify it. Why didn't they? Also, Harry Reid's use of the nuclear option and RBG refusing to retire all but guaranteed this outcome. In other words, Democrats are entirely to blame. Republicans have been working towards this for five decades. They've won.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg warned about this 30 years ago. She acknowledged that RvW stood on shaky ground, and she hoped the Democrats would codify it into law. 30 years ago. The Democrats had plenty of opportunities to codify it. Why didn't they? Also, Harry Reid's use of the nuclear option and RBG refusing to retire all but guaranteed this outcome. In other words, Democrats are entirely to blame. Republicans have been working towards this for five decades. They've won.
Democrats are to blame for what Republicans did? Moscow Mitch and the retard president that put these assholes on the court had nothing to do with it?

That is some twisted “logic”.
Don't piss women off en masse, remember the first thing they did when they got the franchise in 1920 (US, UK, CAN) was to introduce prohibition in America! Men liked to drink back then and Saloons used to be important in politics before them, they had a lobby that put the fear of Jesus into congress until 1933 and FDR. If they got behind gun regulation and abortion with an organization don't underestimate them! Women are good at social shit and are the backbone of many organizations.

I was actually quite delighted at how quickly they mobilized themselves over Roe; the crowd in my town was massive..couldn't see them but boy could I hear them.
You are so impatient. These things are the death knell of the Republican party, maybe not today but wait, time will not be kind to them.

I took no action against the truck in my neighborhood with Dump's Revenge Tour..last I looked the people spoke by slashing at, pulling pieces off. It'll be gone soon.
I was actually quite delighted at how quickly they mobilized themselves over Roe; the crowd in my town was massive..couldn't see them but boy could I hear them.
They will do fuck all carrying signs and bitching, drop the signs, organize and pick up a clip board. Stay home and whine on social media or hit the bricks with a clipboard and a database covering every eligible voter in their districts and the visit or call every one, provided they have enough woman power. One is whining on the streets or online, the other is real action and politics. When you sit at the able of power, you don't need to be a victim in the streets and the time spent, online or carrying a sign and shouting at passing cars, can be better employed to achieve your goals. Women are better at social warfare than men and this is social warfare, you need to get more on your side at the polls where it counts the most. Also women running for all those minor positions and ones where they control the vote count, to counter act the republican attacks on these positions. Organize and get financing, come up with a plan and work it by visiting and registering voters, calling them on election day, driving those in need to the polls, making sure mail in ballots are sent in etc. There is as much work as there are volunteers to hit the bricks with clipboards and training, you are at war and your troops need to be trained too.