Killing Fields Is Killer!


Well-Known Member
Stay away from Sannies Hericules though....... it's feminized and hermied twice destroying (seeding) my grow rooms


Well-Known Member
i had a problem getting hercules to grow for me they started as runts & never improved my jackberry is progressing good though


Well-Known Member
Actually, they grew out fine. Just noticed some hermies too late in flowering to do anything about it.

His other stuff is fine........ I own a lot of it.


Well-Known Member
what temps should your room be when lights are off? humidity? how many weeks does killing fields stretch in flowering?


Well-Known Member
1. Temps should be no more than 10 degrees cooler than when the lights are on. If you room runs at 80 degrees, night time should be about 70 degrees.

2. This should be no problems except when the lights are off. Humidity rises at night as plants transpire- so I kick in ventilation or use a dehumidifier. If you are flowering- high humidity can cause mold in the buds.

3. I believe K.F. is stretchy and will continue growing long into flowering- maybe up to 4 weeks.


Well-Known Member
SSHZ have you grown out killing fields or extrema from sannie?? when does the buds start really fattening up on killing fields??


Well-Known Member
Picture 017.jpgPicture 016.jpgPicture 015.jpgPicture 014.jpgkilling fields really packs it on in the final 3-4 weeks the calyx really develop k/f really saves the best for last my first grow was from seed this grow [2nd] is from clone & is better & my 3rd grow of it is already cloned & vegging here is a few quick pics i snapped today this is a good strain just how good remains to be seen but out of my better grows [superlemonhaze,707 headband , querkle, sour diesel, & pineapple chunk to name a few] its holding its own


Well-Known Member
Picture 020.jpgPicture 021.jpgPicture 018.jpgPicture 019.jpgPicture 023.jpghad a little time thismorning so i took some pics & things are looking pretty good outside of spidermites [2 outbreaks so far] this grow has gone pretty good & true to form the pheno that stays green is the stickiest & reeks of blueberries a much stronger smell than the pheno that turns blu/purp it also had a slight edge in yield in my last grow but its still to early to tell right now out of more than 2 yrs of indoor growing most of it hydro superlemonhaze has been my best to date & at some point im gonna grow it again i know greenhouse dont have the best rep in the business but slh is good i'll try to go back in my photos to see if i can pull up some some old pics just for comparrison sake


Well-Known Member
Picture 201.jpgPicture 195.jpgPicture 204.jpgPicture 205.jpgPicture 208.jpgPicture 216.jpgPicture 036.jpgPicture 037.jpgas promised here are some of my pics from past grows of superlemonhaze all are mine except the jack daniels bottle pic which was grown by my partner ol'country but theyre all decendants of the same 10-pack of seeds


Well-Known Member
Picture 031.jpgPicture 030.jpgPicture 028.jpgPicture 027.jpgPicture 026.jpgPicture 027.jpgPicture 026.jpgmy buds are starting to show the first signs of turning color it looks like i screwed up & posted 2 of the pics twice:-?


Well-Known Member
i flipped the light 12/12 on aug 11 today is sept 16 im gonna just keep reading the plants & play it by ear i think i harvested too early last time im guessing right around halloween which would be about 2 weeks longer than last time im bad about running out of patience at the tail end of the grow when i need it the most


Well-Known Member
Picture 052.jpgPicture 053.jpgPicture 051.jpgPicture 048.jpgPicture 049.jpgive fired up my junk-shed hydro set-up 4x4 1000.w e&f rockwool slab & just a reminder from my security staff football time is at hand:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Picture 057.jpgPicture 056.jpgPicture 055.jpgPicture 054.jpgnow getting back to my 600w. soil grow things are shaping up nicely & it looks like the yield is gonna be decent as well i still estimate harvest sometime around halloween its looking as if the green pheno[i call it #3] will finish first im gonna clone my jackberry today to go back in this room when the k/f finishes ive also got female seeds pure ak to clone as well winter is right around the corner & we get fog & high humidity & these strains with a little more indica seem to resist bud rot a little better & this has been a bad year for spidermites they just love k/f for some reason & its a never ending job to keep them under control