Oh I read the post you responded to and agree that it is not a simple and I don't think blanket price fixing is a good idea. Maybe for some specific categories of products( essential goods food, med supplies, base materials)But a equation that automatically adjust min wage based on growth of gdp, inflation is a relatively simple and effective solution. $22/hr sounds about right for what is needed to pay a mortgage keep the lights and water on and feed 4 people with just a little left over for quality of life spending. The idea of $30/hr sounds excessive to me but I live in a relatively low cost of living area so that may affect my perception or others who don't to them I would say your don't live in a high cost of living area and work a min wage job.I don't think you understood the post I responded to. It was about price controls and forcing costs onto producers. I didn't say it was a bad plan, just not simple and most times things aren't simple. Usually, simple plans that are announced to solve complex problems turn out to be wrong. Or at best, poorly thought out. I agree with Canna that the accounting and controls would be a bitch to do, so maybe we shelve it while looking for something better.
This article claims MW rose with productivity growth and if it had continued to do so after 1968, MW would be about $22/hr
Yours, I think, is a good suggestion.