Let's talk... Trump Biden

Kinzinger is my US House Rep. He sure does not reflect his current voters. But he is looking for his future voters as Illinois has lost enough population to lose two house districts. And Kinzinger's is one of them. And his new district will be a Dem one, he is just prepositioning himself.

If the GOP wants to come along there are 81 millions voters that voted for Trump.
81 million voted for biden and kinzinger reps illinois, not estonia you retarded foreigner
Anyone who opposes trump is a rino, right?
Which is why traitriots are wailing “treason!” while pointing at their opponents. It is frightening how effective these unsophisticated rhetorical devices are with a population that has decided not to care about truth in order to wallow in grievance politics, notably railing against CRT. Methinks someone doth protest too much.
Which is why traitriots are wailing “treason!” while pointing at their opponents. It is frightening how effective these unsophisticated rhetorical devices are with a population that has decided not to care about truth in order to wallow in grievance politics, notably railing against CRT. Methinks someone doth protest too much.
That is why I don't think we should let them have any ground on getting to decide who the RINO's are.

We should have learned when they branded 'activist judges' as not them, which has shown to be utter bullshit since they are the ones disregarding our nation's laws.
That is why I don't think we should let them have any ground on getting to decide who the RINO's are.

We should have learned when they branded 'activist judges' as not them, which has shown to be utter bullshit since they are the ones disregarding our nation's laws.

We seem to be hip deep in actual activist judges. Another successful dishonest smear wrought by the rogue party.

Word. Specifically, our Constitution. And same as how we've forgotten why Roe v. Wade exists, apparently we'll need to be reminded of why the Constitution exists. With that reminder will hopefully be a reunification.

There may be a parallel or two in here...

I’m telling you, mammoths.
Some came as political refugees escaping absolutist monarchies in Europe, especially Germany and later, Russia. But most came as economic refugees.

Also, before declaring they came for freedom, let's not forget that there was a quite a bit of land taken away from first people and used to encourage European immigrants to this country. Not sure the first people would agree that this country offered freedom to all.