I pity him.
Terribly sorry for Brady & I guess Reagan, but mental illnesses, which only now are being understood as far as the chemical/pathololical nature of that disease/illness, is a fucking curse that your unfortunately born with.
I know that personally.
I was born into 2 separate families, both named Coyne (yea, that's my name & I don't give a fuck if you know it & no they weren't related (they lived on opposite sides of the mountain & never met until they ran into each other in Chicago in 1938/fuckin true

Anyway, both side were full of drunks & moaners & I guess it was just natural for me to continue on with it.
Previously before the advent of Zoloft, I used alcohol & every other drug known to man to calm/kill the fucking demon's in my head & make them stop/go the fuck away.
I saw my 1st Dr/shrink when I was 16 after my mother died & they thought at that time it was just saddness, which was an immense portion of it, but it was more than that.
I grew up in an age of where they shoved ice-picks up noses to lobotamize as a treatment.
Chemical imbalances?
Wha theee fuck is dat?
Oh, well
They didn't know
( I'm manic.depressive/bi polar & have been treated since around 1985-86 for those illnesses. (no, it was not just Mom)(that motherfucking Dr. told me, actually did tell me, a fucking 16 year old kid that had lost his mother 6 months before "that if you continue on the way your going, you'll be dead by 40 (wrong motherfucker/your very likely dead NOW/how's it feel/I'm STILL fucking ALIVE!!!!!

(But I must admit, I did just have a Bud before I walked in

Anyway, point being Mental illness & how much more needs to be done to REALLY understand/treat it.
I take 3 pills a fucking day now to maintain balance & it took a LONG time for them to get the pharmacology correct, like years.
I'm relatively cool now though/i'm eating the right drugs
(except for fukwad setting me off

No one buys into it, it's all in the cards that are dealt.
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