Let's talk... Trump Biden

Some came as political refugees escaping absolutist monarchies in Europe, especially Germany and later, Russia. But most came as economic refugees.

Also, before declaring they came for freedom, let's not forget that there was a quite a bit of land taken away from first people and used to encourage European immigrants to this country. Not sure the first people would agree that this country offered freedom to all.
Your absolutely right and btw Washington established that the land to the west was off limits. It wasn't until the 1830s when Texas joined the union and flooded Comanche territory that the native people decided enough is enough. Nothing is simple when you include the human factor we can fuck anything up. :P bongsmilie
I'm cornfused here. Why are we denying the reality when the population made its biggest growth? It's just numbers, follow the link. Do you guys think I have some ulterior motive? I don't even know what that could be.
I'm ballparking and enjoying intellectual exchange. Hell last grade I finished was 7th cut me some slack
He was and is
I pity him.

Terribly sorry for Brady & I guess Reagan, but mental illnesses, which only now are being understood as far as the chemical/pathololical nature of that disease/illness, is a fucking curse that your unfortunately born with.
I know that personally.
I was born into 2 separate families, both named Coyne (yea, that's my name & I don't give a fuck if you know it & no they weren't related (they lived on opposite sides of the mountain & never met until they ran into each other in Chicago in 1938/fuckin true :) )
Anyway, both side were full of drunks & moaners & I guess it was just natural for me to continue on with it.
Previously before the advent of Zoloft, I used alcohol & every other drug known to man to calm/kill the fucking demon's in my head & make them stop/go the fuck away.
I saw my 1st Dr/shrink when I was 16 after my mother died & they thought at that time it was just saddness, which was an immense portion of it, but it was more than that.
I grew up in an age of where they shoved ice-picks up noses to lobotamize as a treatment.

Chemical imbalances?

Wha theee fuck is dat?

Oh, well :(

They didn't know

( I'm manic.depressive/bi polar & have been treated since around 1985-86 for those illnesses. (no, it was not just Mom)(that motherfucking Dr. told me, actually did tell me, a fucking 16 year old kid that had lost his mother 6 months before "that if you continue on the way your going, you'll be dead by 40 (wrong motherfucker/your very likely dead NOW/how's it feel/I'm STILL fucking ALIVE!!!!! :) )
(But I must admit, I did just have a Bud before I walked in :) )
Anyway, point being Mental illness & how much more needs to be done to REALLY understand/treat it.
I take 3 pills a fucking day now to maintain balance & it took a LONG time for them to get the pharmacology correct, like years.
I'm relatively cool now though/i'm eating the right drugs :)
(except for fukwad setting me off :( )

No one buys into it, it's all in the cards that are dealt.

Hey y'all/wanna feel good/click below/$5?/done :)

Donate to NAMI

Wear a mask (and smack those that don't :) )
I'm cornfused here. Why are we denying the reality when the population made its biggest growth? It's just numbers, follow the link. Do you guys think I have some ulterior motive? I don't even know what that could be.
Is my criterion, percentage of population that recently immigrated, wrong? Of course once we had the steamship, millions came over while it was hundreds, possibly thousands, who went east over the Ice Age land bridge. But I’m gently suggesting there is more than one valid criterion.
Is my criterion, percentage of population that recently immigrated, wrong? Of course once we had the steamship, millions came over while it was hundreds, possibly thousands, who went east over the Ice Age land bridge. But I’m gently suggesting there is more than one valid criterion.

When I google around, various places show ~5 million at ~1800. It's the best I have to go on, but I certainly welcome any links you may have which show something else.
I'm cornfused here. Why are we denying the reality when the population made its biggest growth? It's just numbers, follow the link. Do you guys think I have some ulterior motive? I don't even know what that could be.
No I don't think that. I was just pointing out that 0 white men to 100 is a 10000% increase. So the highest rate of new immigrants would have been in the years that the white men first started to immigrate to this land. I don't think that starting once it was already tore away from the original people for hundreds of years is a good place to start I guess is all I was saying. Especially when we just genocided them all until we felt better calling them 'Mexicans' and claim that they are immigrants now.
No I don't think that. I was just pointing out that 0 white men to 100 is a 10000% increase. So the highest rate of new immigrants would have been in the years that the white men first started to immigrate to this land.

I hear you. Wasn't talking percentages for that very reason, they can paint an innacurate picture.
No I don't think that. I was just pointing out that 0 white men to 100 is a 10000% increase. So the highest rate of new immigrants would have been in the years that the white men first started to immigrate to this land.
Why not count all immigrants?