Mass Murder by Blade, you Vast Idiots

read the news report.

gramps had the oldzheimers and drove through a farmers market.

he wasnt going super fast, nor was he seeking a kill count.

he just ran through a crowd at 40mph

With intent the number could be much higher.

Kelly, that answers you question. I don't know an exact number, but quite a few. Dozens?

You never answered mine though.

How many people given the perfect scenario, could one person possibly kill with firearms?

Kynes; Thought it said he was doing 60mph....?
Look Beef, we know your argument is that mass murders would no longer happen if guns were gone. You got proven wrong a long long time ago, let it go.

Here is a 1 pound cannon ball. I have a few of them. I have a pair of 2 pounders, also. And here is my modern version of a Palestine, single lace, rock sling.
photo 1(6).jpgphoto 2(7).jpg

I don't think I ever mentioned how I would throw a rock, did I? Oh well. Just needs to go fast enough to cave in a face, as I am sure you remember. And if, I said, I could get it to could go 70 mph then it would have about the same energy as a 9mm slug. And I never said, that was the speed that was was needed to kill.

And wooops, I never mentioned really the amount of metal in the rock that I would use for this particular test. Are the baby brain out the ditch yet?

And btw the most heavy impact from a fist would be about 200 ft pounds. HA haaaaaa. A black belt will have arm weight of 15.5 pounds, an average punching speed of 23 feet/second at the point of impact, ...

Here is a Shoilin monk gently tossing a sewing needle through glass plate. It clocks at about 120 mph, I think.


And I believe all this was in comment to the most far fetched idea, that "only guns can kill from a distance."

Where is the beef in the moo-patty?
Easy with the comrade stuff unless you are prepared to bring unconstitutional war arms into the equation....comrade would be way appropriate for that discussion though.

As much as you quote the dictionary I'm surprised you didn't pull it out for this particular battle of semantics:

com·rade *(kŏm′răd′, -rəd)
1. A person who shares one's interests or activities; a friend or companion.

noun companion, friend, partner, ally, colleague, associate, fellow, mate (informal), pal (informal), buddy (informal), compatriot, crony, confederate, co-worker, main man (slang, chiefly U.S.), homeboy (slang, chiefly U.S.), cobber (Austral. or old-fashioned N.Z. informal), compeer
1) So what? By the time cops know what's going on...dozens are already dead.

2) Since we are talking about mass killing people in public. Do you think Adam Lanza thought he was getting away?

3) Someone who wants to kill as many people as possible will find a way. Do you think James Holmes could have afforded a truck? I also didn't realize this argument had a salary cap.

4)do you think that every Mercedes and BMW stolen is left unlocked in a dark alley?

5) If the truck is doing 50 mph from behind... How much noise does it make? How much time would it take for everyone to realize what's going on? How many shots would have to be fired to kill me? Also, how many marathons are ran inside of buildings?

6) I'm saying it's better. How many we're killed in Sandy Hook? You seriously don't think an F350 with lift, mudders, plow, and a suicidal driver on a marathon course would kill more people?

7) I didn't realize that we were talking about efficiency of killing...when was efficiency brought into the equation? If we're going to talk efficiency, then guns lose out to bombs. Just ask Timothy Mcveigh. Or doesn't that count since most people can't afford a bomb that big?

I never said a plow truck was a better weapon. I said it's a better choice than a gun if you want a higher death toll in a mass killing.
All of this shit is situational.. we can all change the scenarios and weapons to make one weapon look "better", more fatal, more catastrophic, more destructive whatever the argument may be.

Evaluating guns at Sandy hook vs. a "F350 with lift, mudders, plow, and a suicidal driver on a marathon course would kill more people?" is absurd. Two very different "venues". Take that truck and put it in a parking lot at Sandy Hook while students are in classrooms (same situation that the shooting took place in), and your argument would fail miserably.

"If the truck is doing 50 mph from behind... How much noise does it make? How much time would it take for everyone to realize what's going on?" - Speed is irrelevant for one. The screams of the first person would undeniably provide warning to other people in harm's way much quicker than the sound of the vehicle. Not to mention a person with a gun can pick targets from front of a crowd to the back or anyone in between on spilt seconds. Meaning scrambling out of the way is just a nuisance for a shooter, not a killing spree stopper..

"How many shots would have to be fired to kill me?" - That's a stupid question but I'll answer it anyway - one.
With intent the number could be much higher.

Kelly, that answers you question. I don't know an exact number, but quite a few. Dozens?

You never answered mine though.

How many people given the perfect scenario, could one person possibly kill with firearms?

Kynes; Thought it said he was doing 60mph....?

and my 6 weed plants are worth $250,000 on the streets.

cops inflate the numbers every time they open their lying gobs.

doing 40 on that street is a stretch, but possible only on a saturday or sunday when they have the market.

60 is absurd.
Just imagine you are looking at this.

And if you think you can heave a big rock and kill, why to do you think this guy is armored?

Mexican citizen, 41, killed by US Border Patrol agent, threw basketball-sized rock


Smashed and robbed


And I notice you are prosing another lie. If I bean you with a rock, I can finish you. I shoot you, most guys will run off, unless I ticked the right little spot. We see that very often on those CCTV foots.

My first shot with a rock is just as likely to kill as a bullet. You want to act like everyone touched by a bullet is killed. They aren't. Look at the stats.

If you think I can't face plant a 1/4 pound rock from handgun distance, you are simply wrong about that. I have hunted with rocks. When you hit a squirrel with rock...that was my childhood. My facebook page say, I travel the world and throw rocks.

"I don't think I ever mentioned how I would throw a rock, did I?" - THE ROCKODILE HUNTER (DOER)

Holy fuck, not only are you borderline retarded you have memory problems. We were discussing throwing and you know it.

"Playing dumb is dumber than being dumb, dummy."
Let me get this straight. Guns are more dangerous than automobiles because most vehicle deaths are accidental? 32,000 people were killed in vehicles per year, while firearms killed less than half that, yet firearms are more dangerous? Death isn't death if it was accidental eh?

Do you tell your children to not worry about looking both ways before crossing the street seeing as its not dangerous considering it would be an accident and not on purpose if your child was run over?

Up until this comment above, this debate was about crime and intentional harm caused by WEAPONS.

That said, deaths occurring when a vehicle was used as a weapon would be the only relevant figures. If we are to look at your half ass attempt to contribute to this debate by bringing car accidents into the equation, then you should probably consider opportunity for accident. Meaning frequency of vehicles used worldwide vs frequency of weapons being used worldwide. Opportunity for catastrophic accident is arguably much greater for a vehicle than a firearm. IE: how many weapons are being handled as well as length of handling on average in a day vs. How many vehicles are being driven and lengthen of time being driven on an average day.
Did I ever say how I throw rocks or any limitation on rock throwing? I know I did not. I don't even have to go look. And yet you did, moo-patty. You went back and tried to be smutty. You think you is so hurtful. ohhhhhh... HA HAaaaaa.

And yet, you came back with nothing but dog shit insults again. Good job. And so mixed up you don't even see it. Good job. Face crushes, you die.

Guns are not the only thing that can kill from a distance. You can ignore you said that. But, that is what I responded to as accurately as I could.

Oh, btw, that is such a masterful set of name calling. So impressive. Like your siggy says.

My first shot with a rock is just as likely to kill as a bullet.

I am the proud author of that, but I give you absolutely NO permission to use it. But, it is brag for me. It is just that you are not worthy of displaying it.

Moderators please take note of this abuse and mis-use of my original writing. He is in fact attempting to harass me with this which really is funny and kinda sad. Maybe let him know gently?

HAAAAA HAaaaaaaaaa
Blunt objects are the most used weapon to kill, not handguns.

Far more people die in auto accidents than are killed by firearms. i.e. vehicles are more dangerous than firearms.

Vehicles in use per hour (or any measure of time) are far greater than firearms used pet equal measure of time.

So you're generalization yields little to the effectiveness or "danger" of a vehicle vs. firearm.
As much as you quote the dictionary I'm surprised you didn't pull it out for this particular battle of semantics:

com·rade *(kŏm′răd′, -rəd)
1. A person who shares one's interests or activities; a friend or companion.

noun companion, friend, partner, ally, colleague, associate, fellow, mate (informal), pal (informal), buddy (informal), compatriot, crony, confederate, co-worker, main man (slang, chiefly U.S.), homeboy (slang, chiefly U.S.), cobber (Austral. or old-fashioned N.Z. informal), compeer

Dictionaries are great, use history sparingly for context.


  Use Comrade in a sentence

[kom-rad, -rid] Show IPA
noun 1. a person who shares in one's activities, occupation, etc.; companion, associate, or friend.

2. a fellow member of a fraternal group, political party, etc.

3. a member of the Communist Party or someone with strongly leftist views.


noun \ˈkäm-ˌrad, -rəd, especially British -ˌrād\ : a close friend you have worked with, been in the military with, etc.
Comrade —used as a title for a member of a communist party

Thank you big brother may I have another?

I love free speech but please recognize the link in the mind war(semantics).
"our democracy"+unconstitutional wars+"comrades"= Comrades.
What's the body count in the single highest domestic mass killing event, which was carried out by a single person using firearms?

I don't know about your town, but people flock to the 4th of July parade here. Kids and their parents lined up 2 deep, side by side for hundreds of yards... Maybe a half mile. What percentage of the hundreds do you think would die when hit by a plow doing 50. How many rounds do you think will hit me in 30 seconds? Of couse, this is just my town. If I really wanted to kill, I would do some research first to pick the best event to maximize the carnage.

For maximum death, I'll use my truck...not my gun.

You're assuming these people would stay standing 2 by 2 while you haunt down the strip... You're an idiot.
Did I ever say how I throw rocks or any limitation on rock throwing? I know I did not. I don't even have to go look. And yet you did, moo-patty.
I travel the world and throw rocks.
My brother and I played all kinds of rock throwing games.
Just imagine you are looking at this.
The thing is, in a 50 ft throw with a 3 pound rock, both of us could nail that tree dead on and take a head size piece of bark off, most of the time.

Not lucky shots. We could throw it by at the knees, and make us jump, we could lean out on the tree and taunt.
An 88 mile an hour baseball pitch is 129 ft/sec. That baseball speed is the across the plate measure, all the way from the mound. So, let me have a 2 pound rock at 10 feet at 100 feet/sec. That delivers 310 foot pounds and will not cut thru and thu like a bullet and embed itself elsewhere. It will dump all that into the brain, like a giant dum-dum.


You can try to make yourself look better by claiming you never limited yourself to just throwing, but you certainly only talked about throwing and never mentioned any other device or contraption. Bringing it up now is just a clumsy attempt to keep face.

4% fired their guns in SELF DEFENSE!!

A gun is in use when you carry it on you or close enough to grab quickly, not necessarily firing it at someone.

So you measure active use the same for a gun in a holster, bag, whatever the fuck you choose to carry it in as driving a vehicle (hands on the wheel foot on the pedal). Come on man..



You can try to make yourself look better by claiming you never limited yourself to just throwing, but you certainly only talked about throwing and never mentioned any other device or contraption. Bringing it up now is just a clumsy attempt to keep face.

Again you look so stupid you got mangled in your lack of understanding. In other words....I deeked you on purpose. Idiot.

But all I said was true I do throw rocks and any time you would like to play William Tell, just let me know. I tell you what. To make it mo better, you can wear a goalie mask, OK. Go back and read the whole thing.

Maybe you will see the careful phrasing. HA HAAAAAAA

Patty - Guns are the only things that can kill from a distance.

Dog Pile - Oh yeah? I can kill you with a rock....

....and that drove you wild. I did that to you. And I call it DMI. But, you might just feel like you have been fucked with, for the first few years. Then maybe it will work what I intend. Maybe....who cares, right?

It is a little like hypnotism, and lot like slight of hand. I admit I may have invented some of this over the years, but I got my stripes from the Buckmaster, here on RIU.

Go on. Go look. I never said I could throw a rock that fast either, ya fool. Go look. And I stand by every word, as usual.

My FIRST SHOT with a rock, says I didn't just throw it. It meant and implied of course, a a sling SHOT. OHMY GODDDDDDDDD

First shot with a rock.
google Killdozer.

ultimate win.

he was going for property damage not kills though.

so lulzy.

Hold up now, wait a dam minute. Prohibition works sometimes for the most part though, that guy was on meth, and that sir is illegal.
therefore is a Koch Brothers conspiracy media ploy surely not real footage but vastly advanced CGI commandeered with 2-3% profit margin big oil money.
Tweeker tearing down my white trash castle with a bulldozer = recorded save.

Prohibition does not work, ever...and I would think if we believe in evolution we would have evolved to this factual reasoning.

What keeps gangs active? What's the main fuel for that engine if not prohibition?
Again you look so stupid you got mangled in your lack of understanding. In other words....I deeked you on purpose. Idiot.

But all I said was true I do throw rocks and any time you would like to play William Tell, just let me know. I tell you what. To make it mo better, you can wear a goalie mask, OK. Go back and read the whole thing.

Maybe you will see the careful phrasing. HA HAAAAAAA

Patty - Guns are the only things that can kill from a distance.

Dog Pile - Oh yeah? I can kill you with a rock....

....and that drove you wild. I did that to you. And I call it DMI. But, you might just feel like you have been fucked with, for the first few years. Then maybe it will work what I intend. Maybe....who cares, right?

It is a little like hypnotism, and lot like slight of hand. I admit I may have invented some of this over the years, but I got my stripes from the Buckmaster, here on RIU.

Go on. Go look. I never said I could throw a rock that fast either, ya fool. Go look. And I stand by every word, as usual.

My FIRST SHOT with a rock, says I didn't just throw it. It meant and implied of course, a a sling SHOT. OHMY GODDDDDDDDD

First shot with a rock.

Keep trying to save face bud. You're a knob, and you didn't do shit on purpose... lol You got clowed by a bunch of people, and now you're trying to make yourself look cool.

Where did I say guns are the only thing that can kill from a distance?

Such a tool.... You must have had one hell of a shitty childhood.
So funny you grouse about me bringing it up again. But there was entire other thead, where I lead you along. And it was CLOSED!!! Score!!! And that really is the jewel in the crown of the Long Con, for me. It wasn't like the FDR Con, of course, but I feel incomplete somehow....maybe not. Great ending though of that con....kind of a tie really. My Irish friend was was there. But, we went over many threads, yet, none were closed. And this one was closed, it seems, not for being contentious, but for being utterly stupid.

So this is good. Really good. Makes my day, I tell you what!

Too funny. :)
Keep trying to save face bud. You're a knob, and you didn't do shit on purpose... lol You got clowed by a bunch of people, and now you're trying to make yourself look cool.

Where did I say guns are the only thing that can kill from a distance?

Such a tool.... You must have had one hell of a shitty childhood.

I told you that is what I responded to. Go look. And I told you. We threw rocks and worse. We learned to be men. Yeah!!!! Real shitty. HA HAaaaaaaa.

Save face! That is a pun. Crush face. Save face. I love the long con.