my first indoor poppy grow

Yeah no morphine aka Norman. But there's only small testing fields highly unlikely that anyone would get these privately. I've been growing somniforum for years myself. But I also as of lately been trying to cross breed with Setigerums. Which is my first year ever growing these.. I've done my home work but feel free to grade my paper.
i have full tazzi breed poppies also afgan ill post some pics for u later in the day as u are in luck cause its frosty blue lanceing day today so ill show off some of latex
Definitely not drama queen.q
i have full tazzi breed poppies also afgan ill post some pics for u later in the day as u are in luck cause its frosty blue lanceing day today so ill show off some of latex
Love to see some pix. This was a bad year here, with the heat in the 90's+. No ideal for growing A one's. Don't let the pics of mine full ya. I'm a seasoned grower and have had beautiful poppy flower beds. The last two years was the first two seasons that I was able to grow them again (four year break) ..
I was locked up..
I've been trying different venders and seein who's cool or just a total ripoff ... Luckily my LOVED ones have been growing my giant turks, Tasmanians (tazzies), hens'n'chicks and my Gigatimums/Gigantinums. And my Zahir (Fucking awesome color)..
I'm fortunate and blessed with plant and flower freaks for family.
So I think I'm going to snag a few pods from Mom's and throw a few seeds in a pot a give'r another go at a H.I.D. indoor poppy grow and enjoy some late blooms when falls all gloomy. Well at least I'll try it's amazing how any bright cool flower can brighten the mind. Even some of the biggest asshole's
Trust me on this, every prison that I went to had nothing but bright eye grabbing/pleasing flowers everywhere, including the small and big yards.( Not coincidence,,)
Thanks psychology! Lol..totally gay the place up even more..lmao
Oh yeah. The seeds my peep"s are/were growing of mine were from pods I bought in 08' and are legit, the Zahir I got from KT botanicals before they got popped..I'm not sure if their still around. And if so...! FUCK u Tyler....
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Yep they look kinda pale and crowed in that container. Are you gonna be able to harvest seeds from any of the poppies? I've just been cleaning and saving pepper and tomato seeds.
Yep they look kinda pale and crowed in that container. Are you gonna be able to harvest seeds from any of the poppies? I've just been cleaning and saving pepper and tomato seeds.
I may save seed from them just to see what they can do giving proper planting instead of a pot sitting in the blazing sun all day.. I didn't care about these much . I was just doing germination tests between three venders. This half of this pot germinated, yay lol..
Like I said in that sorta long winded post at Rob. I'm snaggin some pods from the Mom for next year along with New stuff from liget venders to mix it up..
The last two weeks I've been slowly working on next years beds(amended) all over the yard that I feel has the right amount of shade during the hottest part of the day.. If I'm blest I'll be posting fucking awesome pics of different poppies. Thiebane ones or not.. Preferably
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At some point maybe u or rob can explain what kind of tea preparations you've tried. I follow what you're saying about germ tests and sample grows from new breeders/varieties etc
At some point maybe u or rob can explain what kind of tea preparations you've tried. I follow what you're saying about germ tests and sample grows from new breeders/varieties etc
Swapping tea recipes? Perhaps
Rob I think miss read my journal or something..I'm not afraid of showing off hits or misses, it's a journal. I like input from others, that's fine but don't come on here troll sounding blabbing about thoughs are Norman poppies and high thiebane yahda yahda and be quoting those are not tazzies, tazzies are not red those are hight it was a picture of one of my Setigerums and if you have grown somniforum you would be able to see by the leaves and stems it wasn't somniforum. Setigerum , the ones I have , have a lot of hair and more of a sharper serrated leaf instead of a lobe looking serrated leaf and bald stem . well there is some hair just below the bud
.. I don't know. He made me scratch my he an asshole or for real? Or just fucking with me
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Maybe I'll give his stuff a look
I just discredited him and proseved him as a troll spouting off trying to be smart sounding... How ever the thiebane warning was nice.. Its something I didn't bring up because it's mainly a grow journal. And not 101 uses of BUT!!! There is inexperienced poppy lovers who are unaware of thiebane and effects and I should of covered a little bit on the subject..
rob can be a dandy, he's ok and has some knowledege. you guys shld share ideas since ya both know something.
depends mr man on a cloud what we want to do with them in senses of do we want to drink the tea ? or we can refine it down to some flake or we can tar it up but sure i can give u a tea recipe
rob can be a dandy, he's ok and has some knowledege. you guys shld share ideas since ya both know something.
i have 3 diff recipes one that will hit u quick and hard one that will tend to hang around all day or the one im on atm the glowing stoned i call it it hits u hardish but i glow all day if i move to much i may feel a bit sick but i love glowing cruzing doing things @farmerfischer i come across as an asshole bro but once u get to no me im a pretty cool dude i also did 12 and a half for a few things i would rather not get into
i have 3 diff recipes one that will hit u quick and hard one that will tend to hang around all day or the one im on atm the glowing stoned i call it it hits u hardish but i glow all day if i move to much i may feel a bit sick but i love glowing cruzing doing things @farmerfischer i come across as an asshole bro but once u get to no me im a pretty cool dude i also did 12 and a half for a few things i would rather not get into
I hear ya man. Float me some seeds lol.. The past couple years it seems like bullshit on the net for quality seed.. I see Izmir farms is gone and a ton of venders are stamping the name on seed packs just to sell them. Fucking lame. Izmir farms was ridiculously priced but for a good reason..