my first indoor poppy grow

I just checked out that thread and all I can say is WHAT THE FUCK!!! He needs his own Lot of funny shit though..had me laughing..I guess gravity pushed the world flat..:roll:
according to @Mellowman2112 that's not possible, as gravity doesn't exist.

he thinks the only reason he doesn't float is because he's fat and 'too heavy'... cuz you know, gravity has NOTHING to do with that kind of stuff... and doesn't exist...

i think we should stop calling these people flatlanders and start calling them flat IQ'rs...
according to @Mellowman2112 that's not possible, as gravity doesn't exist.

he thinks the only reason he doesn't float is because he's fat and 'too heavy'... cuz you know, gravity has NOTHING to do with that kind of stuff... and doesn't exist...

i think we should stop calling these people flatlanders and start calling them flat IQ'rs...
I feel like I have a flat IQ after reading just 45% of his
I hear ya man. Float me some seeds lol.. The past couple years it seems like bullshit on the net for quality seed.. I see Izmir farms is gone and a ton of venders are stamping the name on seed packs just to sell them. Fucking lame. Izmir farms was ridiculously priced but for a good reason..
to be honest man my mate has just got a very nice breed just from a food barn shit u not in the spice section after reading the bottle they were imported from asian he thought what the hell chucked em in off the went now the latex from him is just magic little stronger then mine but not as long lasting mine stinks like flowers were his smells like more burnt plastic but u can really feel it in the arms when eating or smoking he collects the latex adds cornwells white vinagar no water 50/50 latex vinagar then heats it ever so lightley on a fllame turns it into like a black tar he will mix it with water and fliter with cigarete tips and iv that shit it must convert it into something not herion like many posts say but it rocks him like megga chucks for 2-4 hours straight then he glows for about 5 but fuck that now way im shuving plant matter into my bodie but he has been doing it for 7 years and he looks cleaner then most herion junkies and he works and he keeps jimself going so what ever floats ya boat russian from the commie years so he said that all they had for herion in russia for 9 years
You think someone can develop a habit just from occasional tea?
Yeah u can. BUT!!!! "heavy users of "say MORPHINE &OR HEROIN (di.act.) " it ain't shit, just to curvwithdrawl.. 7 year's of sorta being drug free. It's a good go to for pain then pills or H. now it's cool with control, which is a discipline to maintain.. But with 25 over your head it's not..( walk a foot in my shoes)
One of the reasons I grow them is to cut ties with the governments pharmaceutical companys. Every year that I have a chance I grow a full medicinal garden along with my vegi's. theirs a wide veriaty of plants that treat certain ailments and everyone should grow them.
Yes..just fucking yes..
I have a few tips for ya

- Be carefull with some of the smaller seed vendors who specialize in poppy seeds like the izmir and such. Izmir has ben out of business for some time (I think 2013) (Wayback machine Izmir-- ) . And some of the biggest growers how sell his genetics have shitty seed breeding practices, and their stuff suffers from Inbreeding depression, genetic drift and even some cross polination. Off coarse thats not everyone thow.

Great reading hear ---
-Poppy the genius papaver Medicinal and Aromatic Plants—Industrial Profiles
-Opium made eazy. despite the name the book is actually good, theirs a great perspective on its history, and legality/illegality
-Hydroponic herion.
-The birth of heroin and the demoralization of the dope fiend.
-Addicts who survived a oral history of narcotics use in america before 1965
-Dark Paradise a history of dope in america.
-The historical shift in the perception of opiates from medicine to social menace.
-Scientific opinion on the risks for public health related to the presence of alkaloids in poppy seeds

The UNODC, The one about artifical lighting was already posted but their are so many more, their are 6 documents documenting the local groath of poppy in forien countrys , USSR, Turkey, Hungry, India,ect. Their are also documents about scientific experiments with fertilizers, spacing, and all kinds of other stuff.
-UNODC Archive, ---
-UNODC the supression of cultivation in the US (great article dealing with legal aspects) ---

Some other intersting reading
-Detailed history of opium with photo's ---
-Ghazipur opium factory --- (I dont know how to turn the large print/highlights off) Sorry
- Tasmania alkaloids ---
-Washington state university the culinary poppy ---
-opium museum ---
-poppy agriculture in turkey past to present ---
-19th century america - a dope fiends paradise ---
Nineteenth-century America - a "dope fiend's paradise"
Noscapine = Cancer Suppressant? ---

(Dam highlights) Sorry
- Tasmania alkaloids ---
-Washington state university the culinary poppy ---
-opium museum ---
-poppy agriculture in turkey past to present ---
-19th century america - a dope fiends paradise ---
Nineteenth-century America - a "dope fiend's paradise"
Noscapine = Cancer Suppressant? ---

(Dam highlights) Sorry
Thanks for the links Roosterman
Boredom is in full swing this winter so I'm at it again..
I planted a few poppy seeds awhile back. I got tazzies, pepperbox, hens & chicks going.. The Peshawar Persian whites ( var. Album) didn't come up which is a bummer..
So far I have four small pots and a planter box ( windowsill flower pot) of small seedlings.. I'm trying a couple different lights on them.. Right now I have one small pot growing under a 125 cfl blue. Set at 18/6 the rest are under h.p.s. 600 watt running on a 9/15 schedule..