National Gun Owner's Insurance


Well-Known Member
he dropped the magazine because he wasn't changing magazines? i believe the record will show he dropped the mag in the act of attempting to change it out so he could fire off 33 more rounds. too bad for him he didn't think ahead and bring a 66 round mag (imaginary, i know).
There are 60 and 100 rnd mags available


Well-Known Member
So the only incidents we are allowed to consider are those you choose for us?
we all know you're a fan of massacres, one need look no further than the buried remains of your family. the rest of us are not such big fans though.

Are you still insisting stabbings are never fatal? There were 1800 fatal stabbings in the last year. They don't count?
i never insisted that stabbings can't be fatal, you methed up stormfronter.

i simply asked you to compare the body counts of recent stabbing sprees versus recent shooting sprees and you lost your goddamn mind.

not my fault you got all butthurt.


Well-Known Member
for handguns?
You are arguing magazine limits may help because the user has a higher chance to fumble the reload? A very weak argument if there ever was. I mean, a real dedicated arms control enthusiast would demand non removable magazines only. Too bad the MSM isn't on that bandwagon yet, so you haven't even given it any thought.


Ursus marijanus
You are arguing magazine limits may help because the user has a higher chance to fumble the reload? A very weak argument if there ever was. I mean, a real dedicated arms control enthusiast would demand non removable magazines only. Too bad the MSM isn't on that bandwagon yet, so you haven't even given it any thought.
They've begun. In my state a bolt-action rifle with a detachable box mag is halfway to being an Assault Weapon. (Which is like saying Cutting Knife, Shooting Gun or Whacking Club.) (Not to be confused with a group wank) cn


Well-Known Member
They've begun. In my state a bolt-action rifle with a detachable box mag is halfway to being an Assault Weapon. (Which is like saying Cutting Knife, Shooting Gun or Whacking Club.) (Not to be confused with a group wank) cn
i own a foreign import car. it was a free gift, so there was no good alternative choice.

i went to the ATM machine, the exact same one i always go to when i need some money for the strippers. as i had done previously, i joined together with my fellow classmates for the joyous celebration.

it was a welcome respite from the frozen tundra. it really helped to lift up spirits, although my fellow classmates seemed to lag behind. we mixed together some overused cliches to a pair of twins in a lame pickup attempt. my personal friend called their ankle jewelry a passing fad.

we planned ahead to order a pizza pie, which at the present time made us rise up in desire of nutrition.

i spelled out in detail how our current location was a safe haven for pizza consumption. the twins gone, a three way love triangle was not possible. the ultimate goal of an undergraduate student is always a three way. i vacillated back and forth between the usual custom and an unexpected surprise. a wall mural was visible to the eye, i decided to write down the weather conditions.


Well-Known Member
we all know you're a fan of massacres, one need look no further than the buried remains of your family. the rest of us are not such big fans though.
That's your arguement? Repeating your ridiculous lie somehow address's my statement?
i never insisted that stabbings can't be fatal, you methed up stormfronter. i simply asked you to compare the body counts of recent stabbing sprees versus recent shooting sprees
Again, your insistence that that you and you alone are empowered with selecting what incidents we are allowed to consider is just not going to happen.
and you lost your goddamn mind. not my fault you got all butthurt.
Pretending that you have somehow "butthurt" me is typical of your habit of declaring victory where none exists, probably driven by your desperate need to compensate for your inability to have sex with your wife, or any female except for your mother.


Well-Known Member
your argument seems to be that mag capacity doesn't matter, but empirical evidence and very recent history prove you completely wrong.

there's a reason why these mass murderers take high capacity mags instead of smaller ones, and it is demonstrable that people have lived because they had to reload.

that is what we call "incontrovertible fact".
There is also a reason why this mass murderers pick gun free zones to commit there rampage. But I guess that fact is beyond your comprehension.


Well-Known Member
There is also a reason why this mass murderers pick gun free zones to commit there rampage. But I guess that fact is beyond your comprehension.
I always go to Chicago for my rampages. No one notices. It's also good if you like to watch building fires!


Well-Known Member
Pretending that you have somehow "butthurt" me is typical of your habit of declaring victory where none exists, probably driven by your desperate need to compensate for your inability to have sex with your wife, or any female except for your mother.
if you weren't so butthurt, you wouldn't have had to resort to strawmen.

you still want to compare the body coutns of mass stabbings to shooting sprees? or are you still too butthurt?

give my regards to the family!

There is also a reason why this mass murderers pick gun free zones to commit there rampage. But I guess that fact is beyond your comprehension.
that was almost a sentence in english, my white supremacist citing friend.

but the plain and simple fact is that these massacres happen in many places that are not gun free zones, such as safeway parking lots in tucson, arizona.

not sure what it is with the gun nuts and having no grasp of basic recorded history.


Well-Known Member
It's funny how UB tries to discredit everything Reagan has ever done or said...until it's something that he approves of.
it's even more funny how you righties exalt reagan yet damn obama when he does some of the same exact things that reagan did.

kinda shows how retardedly far to the right your party has gone!


Well-Known Member
if you weren't so butthurt, you wouldn't have had to resort to strawmen. you still want to compare the body coutns of mass stabbings to shooting sprees? or are you still too butthurt? give my regards to the family!
Straw men*? Still insisting that only those deaths you decide count are all that count? Pretending that you have somehow "butthurt" me is typical of your habit of declaring victory where none exists, probably driven by your desperate need to compensate for your inability to have sex with your wife, or any female except for your mother.


Well-Known Member
Straw men*?
check post 99, stormfront red. you accused me of claiming that stabbing deaths are never fatal. that's called a strawman and signals your absolute butthurt.

since you don't want to compare body counts between stabbings and shootings, i will do it for you:

last mass stabbing: 14 injured, ZERO dead.

last mass shooting: 20+ dead kids. or, as you would call it, a "very successful day".

give my regards to your wives.


Well-Known Member
Totally controvertible. Show me factual data that shows exactly how many extra people livewhen shooters have to reload. go ahead, you made the claim, now back it up.

We will never know how many extra people lived when the woman held the Gabby Giffords shooter's arm long enough to keep him from reloading - long enough for someone to take him down. Maybe none, maybe a couple. The point is that your question is unanswerable, that added damage was avoided in the Gifford's incident is fairly certain.