National Gun Owner's Insurance


Well-Known Member
mayor bloomberg is restrained by the constitution, just like every other mayor. perhaps you did not notice a court striking down his beverage ban.

and yeah, you've definitely got "deprave syndrome", a condition which causes internet gaylords to repeatedly edit their online posts.
so you are saying the gun bans in NYC are unconstitutional?


Well-Known Member
FTR Buck, I'm not trying to trap you, I'm trying to get you to think. Watching you tie yourself into knots trying to justify some of things you are claiming is highly entertaining, but this is my public service day.


Well-Known Member
the constitutionality of those things is up to that pesky supreme court and its lower courts.

and i don't need any lessons from a reagan worshipper, thank you very much.


Well-Known Member
the constitutionality of those things is up to that pesky supreme court and its lower courts.

and i don't need any lessons from a reagan worshipper, thank you very much.
you mean like this one?
1856: Dred Scott v. Sandford Upholds Individual Right The Second Amendment as an individual right was affirmed by the Supreme Court of the United States in its decision in Dred Scott v. Sandford in 1856. With the rights of slaves in question, the nation’s highest court opined on the intent of the Second Amendment for the first time, writing that affording slaves full rights of American citizenship would include the right “to keep and carry arms wherever they went.”


Well-Known Member
So let's review.

Bloomberg has the right to limit guns but not soda size according to the constitution.

Going after handguns is not necessary because everyone has one and it's a level playing field but Bloomberg was in his rights because then nobody would have one which is still a level playing field but we can't do it nationally because everyone has one.

We can restrict the rights of people based on what YOU feel they need, smokes pot.

There has been only a small fraction of high capacity mags used in murders but that's what you want to focus on because what what is used 98% of the time in gun deaths everybody has one (except in NYC, which is cool because you can't ban soda, gotta ban something for our own protection).

Acts as if the scotus is omniscient and is never wrong, but they have ruled that blacks can't be afforded the same rights as whites or they would be able to carry arms anywhere they went according to the 2nd, and corporations are people.

Will freely admit that only law abiding citizens will follow the law, but denies that the law only restricts law abiding citizens.

Edited to save fail: I have accurately represented Buck's position.


Well-Known Member
you forgot the part where you accurately represent my position, so 100% fail.

but other than that 100% failure, it was not fail at all.


Well-Known Member

I accurately represent your position. Now that part is there too.

Thanks man.
mass murderers extend their thanks to you for making it so easy for them to acquire the tools needed to wipe out a classroom full of kindergarteners.



Well-Known Member
mass murderers extend their thanks to you for making it so easy for them to acquire the tools needed to wipe out a classroom full of kindergarteners.

Because a mass murderer would never think to bring extra mags or guns. Or couldn't get one of the millions that already out there. Or couldn't find somebody making them illegally, because THIS is the law everyone will follow.

I'm going to go ahead and give you the last word on this. It's becoming circular again and we are boring the forum. Make it count.


Well-Known Member
your argument seems to be that mag capacity doesn't matter, but empirical evidence and very recent history prove you completely wrong.

there's a reason why these mass murderers take high capacity mags instead of smaller ones, and it is demonstrable that people have lived because they had to reload.

that is what we call "incontrovertible fact".
Totally controvertible. Show me factual data that shows exactly how many extra people livewhen shooters have to reload. go ahead, you made the claim, now back it up.


Well-Known Member
Because overall they are not. Handguns are the tool of choice for murderers. Why don't you have the stomach to go after what commits 98% of all murders with guns? You are nothing but a hippytwit going after something used in less than a fraction of a percent in gun murders while ignoring something used in 98%. You guys make no sense.

Another question you will probably avoid like the Bloomberg one. Why aren't you for banning hand guns?
Actually 75% of those murders are gang related inner city killings, 10% are justified homicide, while the last 15% (or about 1400 people) are actually "murdered". Which makes guns the number 2 object used to murder people, right after knives at 1800 a year.

Its like when buck says that statistics show that you are more likely to be harmed by a gun in your home than an intruder. Take out the suicides from the numbers and your more likely to be killed by lightning while riding on a dolphin in the Caspian sea.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
the constitutionality of those things is up to that pesky supreme court and its lower courts.

and i don't need any lessons from a reagan worshipper, thank you very much.
Yet we need the Voter Rights Act, because by the time the Supreme Court deems it unconstitutional, the black man was harmed. But all those other things you poo poo affect white people too. I think you're racist, bro.


Well-Known Member
There is no way to measure prevented deaths ... or prevented attacks. The Australian and British experiences are telling. After sweeping gun restrictions were imposed, deaths by violence dropped or remained stable. Gun-caused deaths plummeted. The real kicker is that violent assault doubled to quadrupled. It's all in what one chooses to present. cn
I saw some libtard "news" broadcast where they went on and on about the "dramatic" drop in gun related violence. They were very careful to say "gun related violence", but not once did they ever even hint that the amount of total violence barely declined, if at all. After about the tenth "gun related violence" quote, I began to become suspicious that they were cherry-picking statistics.


Well-Known Member
so now its all about how much youre allowed to have in your pocket before The Man can come and take if from you. you may as well have that argument with the a fire hydrant cuz i know where you stand, you know where i stand, and all this will turn into is a shouting match. the proposal put for by yourt Original Post is LUDICROUS, UNCONSTITUTIONAL, and just a trick to create the already proposed, and already determined to be unconstitutional gun registration schemes. shit, the last gun registration bill got dismantled before it got out of committee. it's not gonna happen, not until you lefties pack the court with more dim witted harebrains like sotamayor. try again in 20 years.
Ginsberg isn't going to last 20 years. Hell, she looks like she won't last two years.


Well-Known Member
put that list next to the gun massacre list and it's like putting your tiny white pecker next to an asian's comparably larger pecker, which is really saying something considering that asians have small penises.
You must spend a lot of time looking at peckers.