National Gun Owner's Insurance


Well-Known Member
Because a mass murderer would never think to bring extra mags or guns.
and history shows us how the simple act of changing the mag can allow people to escape or, in the case of a fumble, end the massacre altogether.

massacre control and mitigation, buddy.


Well-Known Member
Totally controvertible. Show me factual data that shows exactly how many extra people livewhen shooters have to reload. go ahead, you made the claim, now back it up.
jared loughner was about to load up 33 more shots. how many more people and kids do you think he could have offed with an extra 33 rounds?


Well-Known Member
FTR Buck, I'm not trying to trap you, I'm trying to get you to think. Watching you tie yourself into knots trying to justify some of things you are claiming is highly entertaining, but this is my public service day.
Is that the same as court-ordered community service?


Well-Known Member
I saw some libtard "news" broadcast where they went on and on about the "dramatic" drop in gun related violence. They were very careful to say "gun related violence", but not once did they ever even hint that the amount of total violence barely declined, if at all. After about the tenth "gun related violence" quote, I began to become suspicious that they were cherry-picking statistics.
who wants to walk away with a stab wound when you can die with a bullet hole in your chest?


Well-Known Member
mass murderers extend their thanks to you for making it so easy for them to acquire the tools needed to wipe out a classroom full of kindergarteners. :clap:
second graders* Odd how you keep misstating this so often. This is like the 20th time I've seen you do so. Can't break away from the script?


Well-Known Member
second graders* Odd how you keep misstating this so often. This is like the 20th time I've seen you do so. Can't break away from the script?
does it really matter? they were 6 year olds.

of course, by asking you i'm really asking the wrong person. we all know what happened to your kids.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
and history shows us how the simple act of changing the mag can allow people to escape or, in the case of a fumble, end the massacre altogether.

massacre control and mitigation, buddy.
If the shooter pinches their finger after the first shot, no one may actually die.

If they weren't disillusioned into thinking government will take care of them no matter how much of a lazy fuck up they happen to be, maybe they wouldn't feel that need to go on a massive butt hurt shooting spree.

Is the real reason for all your bullshit because you can't trust yourself and need government to protect you from yourself?

You're some sick fucking racist, bro. Without white men like you "protecting" the black man, they're not all of a sudden gonna get rounded up by other black men to sell to the white man.

You need to cut back on the weed, it's making you paranoid.


Well-Known Member
That's right, stab wounds are never fatal.
what was the body count from the most recent stabbing spree in texas? contrast that with the body count of any of the recent massacres involving high capacity mags and semi automatics.

then promptly slam your face into the nearest blunt object.


Well-Known Member
jared loughner was about to load up 33 more shots. how many more people and kids do you think he could have offed with an extra 33 rounds?
Laugner DROPPED THE MAGAZINE you fucking DOLT! That's why there was time to subdue him, it wasn't because he was changing magazines. When are you ever going argue with ACTUAL facts instead of made up fantasy land shit you come up with?


Well-Known Member
Laugner DROPPED THE MAGAZINE you fucking DOLT! That's why there was time to subdue him, it wasn't because he was changing magazines. When are you ever going argue with ACTUAL facts instead of made up fantasy land shit you come up with?
he dropped the magazine because he wasn't changing magazines?

i believe the record will show he dropped the mag in the act of attempting to change it out so he could fire off 33 more rounds.

too bad for him he didn't think ahead and bring a 66 round mag (imaginary, i know).


Ursus marijanus
he dropped the magazine because he wasn't changing magazines?

i believe the record will show he dropped the mag in the act of attempting to change it out so he could fire off 33 more rounds.

too bad for him he didn't think ahead and bring a 66 round mag (imaginary, i know).
The new hawtness is the 666-round magazine. cn


Well-Known Member
what was the body count from the most recent stabbing spree in texas? contrast that with the body count of any of the recent massacres involving high capacity mags and semi automatics. then promptly slam your face into the nearest blunt object.
So the only incidents we are allowed to consider are those you choose for us? Are you still insisting stabbings are never fatal? There were 1800 fatal stabbings in the last year. They don't count?