NooB Advice


Well-Known Member
Ill need to read over all of this again but my guess..

Light penetration and water are the main factors in its grow. But usually people make it more complicated than it really is. Learn to listen and understand the plant and it's simple needs. Think of how it grows in the wild. The plant can take much abuse and still grow properly.


Well-Known Member
Ding Ding Ding we have a winner

Light Meter is the right answer

Someone has been reading Uncle Ben :bigjoint:
screw them both. don't worry about ph in soilless... must be soilless. never had a problem. always use water from tape. stands for 24 hrs uncapped. light meter? what for? you know your bulb and how long it shoud be good for. get a moisture meter, ya moisture. don't want to over water or underwater.


Well-Known Member
screw them both. don't worry about ph in soilless... must be soilless. never had a problem. always use water from tape. stands for 24 hrs uncapped. light meter? what for? you know your bulb and how long it shoud be good for. get a moisture meter, ya moisture. don't want to over water or underwater.
Well thanks for reading that far, I guess? Moisture meter is not needed at all, would be a total waste and if ya read the whole thing you might understand why the answer was light meter and what it is for???


Well-Known Member
My answer would be that it is the sum of all parts? Nothing more/Nothing less. Excess of anything, be it light, food, or water. To much light and you damage the leaves witch in turn inhibits photosynthisis and denies maximum production. To much food and you get that antagonistic effect and once again denying maximum production. To much water equals lack of O2 for the plants to breath and once again denying maiximum production.

Mother nature only provides what the plant needs to be a maximum producer.

Am I even close?




Well-Known Member
My answer would be that it is the sum of all parts? Nothing more/Nothing less. Excess of anything, be it light, food, or water. To much light and you damage the leaves witch in turn inhibits photosynthisis and denies maximum production. To much food and you get that antagonistic effect and once again denying maximum production. To much water equals lack of O2 for the plants to breath and once again denying maiximum production.

Mother nature only provides what the plant needs to be a maximum producer.

Am I even close?



All good points and shows you have read and learned everything we have covered, but not the answer


Well-Known Member
All good points and shows you have read and learned everything we have covered, but not the answer
You posted this in UB's Tweaks thread

"A great grow is the SUM OF ALL PARTS don't skimp on any of them if your looking for success"




Well-Known Member
You posted this in UB's Tweaks thread

"A great grow is the SUM OF ALL PARTS don't skimp on any of them if your looking for success"


That is very true and what I wrote for all of you explains all of them and how to tweak them, but the secret is only about one of them.


Well-Known Member
That is very true and what I wrote for all of you explains all of them and how to tweak them, but the secret is only about one of them.
When you mentioned the "secret" a light went off in the head that said he must be talking about the use of mollases and H2O2 mixture to feed. Other than what has been talked about already, the only thing left imo is when you spoke of the secret formula in your Goin Loco thread. You also mention it in the NOOB thread.




Well-Known Member
Your getting close but remember in goin loco I said I now know WHAT REALLY HAPPENED :bigjoint:
Now that I have read the thread for the 20th time I am still missing it?:wall: What about the chemical reaction you spoke of? You stated that you spoke with UB and he confirmed it.

Am I the only one trying to answer this question? Where are Jumbo and Goofy when you need them. LOL:-P

Still close?



Well-Known Member
Is it, as it said in going loco, because you used lime and were also topping it?

Or is it something simple like research research research, and experiment?


Well-Known Member
Or is it this chemical reaction and "super tonic" that you have discovered?

I may have accendentally discovered a Super Tonic plant food, though I didn't invent it, let me explain

I'm sitting here thinking what if the mixture of the 3 items had some chemical reaction? I began to research and found that mixing H202 w/molasses was used as an insecticide, still killing things? That mixed with iron (Jack's has iron in it) it is used to treat waste water, still killing things? But in reading an explanation of the process, it worked because mixing H202 & Iron released free radicals, which I do not proclaim to understand? I have also read in gardening forums that many make a molasses tea by puting an airstone in the brew and exciting oxygen molecules in the water for beter results. So I am thinking now that the reaction created by the mixture had some how performed a similar reaction? After all it bubbled for hours, why I said it looked like soda (coke)


Well-Known Member
As I said earlier, it is related to this but it is what really happened

the verdict on the super tonic is still out, I'm still experimenting with it


is it somthing along the lines of " try new things because a plant hasnt ever reached its maximum potential and there are many undiscovered ways of growing this wonderful plant?" its a shot in the dark but im otherwise lost, i just know that i have seen plants produce alot, yet they have the potential to do soo much more.


Well-Known Member
hey man, sorry my little puppy got into sum BBQ sauce yesterday, bout half a gallon =O... iv been taking care of her, it made her horribley sick.. but now im free to research =D ill b bak with the answer ina bit:bigjoint: lol


Well-Known Member
As I said earlier, it is related to this but it is what really happened

the verdict on the super tonic is still out, I'm still experimenting with it
So we have H2O2+Mollases(Carbohydrates)+Iron-= Rain Water?

We know that rain water contains those three elements so in effect did you recreate RAIN.:-(


Well-Known Member
So we have H2O2+Mollases(Carbohydrates)+Iron-= Rain Water?

We know that rain water contains those three elements so in effect did you recreate RAIN.:-(
thats wut i was thinking, been reading for about 3 hours and thats all i can think of. and about bein god of his plants, every grower (in a way) is god to his/her plants. just being a knowlegable god and giving your creations everything they need/want in the right quantity and at the right time is the hard thing lol. any body can create an invironment and make life in that invironment. keeping that invironment and form of life stable is the real task. haha


Well-Known Member
oh and for the recreating rain, rain looses most of its H2O2 befor it reaches the ground, did u replicate rain in its most usefull form (befor its reaches the ground and looses some compunds from natural chem reactions in the atmosphere)??


Well-Known Member
is this "super tonic" making the soil better for roots? killing pests, but also realeasing oxygen into the soil? you say a great grow comes from the sum of all parts. does this mixture take care of the water/food/soil parts?? of course you would still need soil that has the right NPk and all that. im pretty stumped on this one... lol


Well-Known Member
:wall:... the more i read the more everything gets jumbled up in my head lol i bet if none of us ever smoked wut we are growing we would find the answers faster ahahaha and remember it better:-P
not saying NE body should ever quit, i just thought that wus a bit funny lol


Well-Known Member
hey man, srry for gettn off subject lol but i have a 15 day old super silver haze, and 3 11 day old clones in my vegg box. iv noticed that the SShaze has yellowed a bit in the last week. i have them in SCOTTS indoor planting soil, witch has a NPK of 7-1-3. i have FF grow big, molasses, and epsom salt. would it b a good idea to add a very small amount of one of these to her water? shes the biggest plant iv ever seen at 15 days old, and i wanna try to keep her growing this quick her whole life lol the clones were yellowing quite a bit, but have started to green up in last 2 or 3 days so i think there good with just the soil nutes. but this is very cheap soil, and iv never heard of any body using it so im jus not sure when to start adding my own nutes. thanks for any input

