nute burn, cutting affected leaves

Am sorry but how are you helping me ? Youve been a dick and told me to ditch my nute plan even though its been working for me, why cant u just accept im new and im gonna learn from my mistakes, the guys on this post give me advice and speak to me with respect you come and tell me im failing with a stupid amount of arrogance then you get mad because i chose not to take the advice, yet you call me a kid? Nah mate i just dont take orders off a guy who knows nothing of my grow, and when i finish this grow ill be sure to drop you a line just to show ya uncle ben aint always right

I know you feel like someone is putting you down, and he is NOW!!! But you have to realize you're the one who came to ask for help, and believe me when I say, he did the same thing to me, BUT, I took it in stride and actually listened to him, and others, and now I grow some of the best shit in my area....It's like when you're growing up and Dad tells you don't do this or that will happen, and then you do it anyway and what dad said would happen, well it happened...Now just suck up your pride and take good advice when you get it, no matter what someone says, cuz buddy if words were weapons, I'd be afraid of nothing at all, so don't let it get to you..............Believe it or not we are all here to help............good luck and loosen up man
Bravo Tio
"Lockout", another term or "advise" used by those who don't know what they're talking about. There is a concept that all gardeners should get to know and understand - nutrient antagonism where too much of one element induces antagonism or "lockout" if you will of one or more. HIgh P foods induce a lockout of micros for instance, especially Fe and Zn. This needs to be printed out and used as a reference: Staff/Web Pages/Fent, Roger/NUTRIENTS.pdf

Other erroneous pieces of "advice" common to cannabis forums (which become paradigms) is adjusting pH, "you need epsom salts", etc. These are clueless people who write to just be seen.

Dboi87, you understand and articulated it well. If you don't know what your inputs are, then WTF? He's just gonna have to learn the hard way and will drive with his rear view mirror rather than consulting a botanical roadmap (like Mel Franks' book).

Dankfactory said:

Lacks growing skills you're just being rude there Dumpfactory
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Dumpfactory is actual a fitting moniker, and I welcome it wholeheartedly homes. My shit is glistening like Aspen every cycle. It's just business as usual dude. Its never even occured to me to run such a photo as my Av(lol) Keep me posted on your latest avatar update the next time youre able to run some trichs a half inch down a few blades!
And, speaking of avatars bro: Your's looked a little familiar....Along with the photo you threw in to show us what an accomplished Trichman you are.:lol:
Ready for this? Sitting down?
So, "Riknstein" actually bogarted an OG18 pic of Loompa's, made it his Avatar, and then, wait for it..: keeps it in his toolbelt to front like its his nuggetry whenever he stumbles into some stormy weather on the forums. Ponder that for a moment.
Exhibit A

Before the damage-control excuse of " uhh, dude I never said, like, that third pic was my pic" is laid upon the stand, please refer to the aforementioned post highlighted in blue, along with the three subsequent photos.

I actually know Loompa through The Farm and have grown a grip of his offerings. Cant wait to relay via PM!!
Let the hilarity ensue.
I know you feel like someone is putting you down, and he is NOW!!! But you have to realize you're the one who came to ask for help, and believe me when I say, he did the same thing to me, BUT, I took it in stride and actually listened to him, and others, and now I grow some of the best shit in my area....It's like when you're growing up and Dad tells you don't do this or that will happen, and then you do it anyway and what dad said would happen, well it happened...Now just suck up your pride and take good advice when you get it, no matter what someone says, cuz buddy if words were weapons, I'd be afraid of nothing at all, so don't let it get to you..............Believe it or not we are all here to help............good luck and loosen up man
Ive listened i just think its abit extreme to tell me to ditch a nute plans thats worked for me, my plants look amazing since i switched to flower it might be my first grow but when i look at my plants, when i look how far theyve come and the work ive put in from knowing absolutly nothing and still managed it, yh it does piss me off when someone says my whole grows a failure without seeing it, but this isnt aimed at anybody else on the post as all have give me good advice, ive added some nitrogen to my plants as of last night, i only come on here to ask if i could clip the dead bottoms, its been a struggle getting this far especially in the circumstances and space that im.growing in, i just think some yellowed bottoms dont warrent me to scrap everything that ive done especially when there getting bigger everyday especially now ive switiched to 12 12, went in this morning and it looked like a jungle, my gripe is its my first time, if uncle ben had of come n talked to me like a normal human being i wouldnt of been so reluctant to speak to the guy, i even told him i didnt wanna argue, way i see it, for me im happy, it could be better but ill keep posting and letting you guys know how its going, im sorry for arguing i cant help it sometimes, im quick to go on the defensive in the the real world too so its nothing personal ha ive had problems with temps humidity, because im using 3 600w in quite a small space, but i managed to get my temps 2 no higher than 75f and i had to buy a humidifier for when the lights are on which keep it around 50% so belive me when i say ive had problems but ive learnt because thats what you do, i didnt have a clue how to put the extractors up or anything when i first started, the only thing i had help with is the nute plan, obviously im gonna be pissed when someone tells me my mates nute plan is shit even though ive been smoking his jacks for years and it always the best, i will say after reading some nutrient info i might go for an organik approach next time
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The organic approach is a good way to go. There's a very good organic section in this forum with good soil recipes.
The real challenge of growing pot comes about week 3 of the flip. It's just when things can go to hell.

What separates the master gardener men from the boyz is how adept they are at retaining a large volume of healthy, productive, green leaves until harvest.

Dumpfactory is actual a fitting moniker, and I welcome it wholeheartedly homes. My shit is glistening like Aspen every cycle. It's just business as usual dude. Its never even occured to me to run such a photo as my Av(lol) Keep me posted on your latest avatar update the next time youre able to run some trichs a half inch down a few blades!
And, speaking of avatars bro: Your's looked a little familiar....Along with the photo you threw in to show us what an accomplished Trichman you are.:lol:
Ready for this? Sitting down?
So, "Riknstein" actually bogarted an OG18 pic of Loompa's, made it his Avatar, and then, wait for it..: keeps it in his toolbelt to front like its his nuggetry whenever he stumbles into some stormy weather on the forums. Ponder that for a moment.
Exhibit A

Before the damage-control excuse of " uhh, dude I never said, like, that third pic was my pic" is laid upon the stand, please refer to the aforementioned post highlighted in blue, along with the three subsequent photos.

I actually know Loompa through The Farm and have grown a grip of his offerings. Cant wait to relay via PM!!
Let the hilarity ensue.

If I misunderstood your post I apologize in advance...

Resin gland development is more dependent on genetics than anything else. A lot of people pat themselves on the back for something the plant does on it's own. As long as you keep the plant healthy it will do it's thing
How long before my plants start to show signs of flowering? I flipped them like 4 days ago and theyll be 5 weeks old on tuesday


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Depends on the strain really. Most hybrids within a couple weeks into the stretch. Actual sativas sometimes take ages though
Depends on the strain really. Most hybrids within a couple weeks into the stretch. Actual sativas sometimes take ages though
Oh ok mine are all indica apart from 2 amnesia haze which i hear can takr a while, i just read an article about nitrogen deficincy and it said if my nutes already has nitrogen in it which they do then it may well be something else, if its not nute burn on the bottom leaves what else could of caused that? Cause i accept that i maybe wrong also, and if i can could get my leaves a little darker that would great but i dont wanna keep adding more nitrogen if my plant doesnt need it, what other defs could it be? The new growth looks nice and dark but i read if it has a def then the new growt tends to steal from the old leafs and spread, if its spreading then its doing it very slow, but i still want to get it sorted, is there anything extra i can add to my nute plan, what are epsom salts? I think its called? Sorry for all the questions
What are you growing in? Also, look at the bottles of whatever you're using and let us know their npk ratios and whatever other nutrients are listed on the labels
Im growing in 100% coco, no nutes, and the feed i am using is specially for coco grows, when u say the npks im not quite sure what you mean do you want to just write down everything thats in it with the percentages or is there an easier way of doing it?
If I misunderstood your post I apologize in advance...

Resin gland development is more dependent on genetics than anything else. A lot of people pat themselves on the back for something the plant does on it's own. As long as you keep the plant healthy it will do it's thing

All good D!
Let me elaborate: I was simply shining light on the fact that "Riknstein" has, for awhile now, been impostering that frosty OG18 cut he has as his avatar as his own, and blasts it on the boards in order to fish for likes. I mean, stealing others' frost shots and then pawning them off as your own since youre not able to achieve those results, simply to be revered by the community? HAHA! Shameful dude! Absolutely Shameful. Quite possibly the most heinous offense you could commit as a grower. It doesnt fall in line with what this community is all about.
So thats all dude. Not trying to derail, its just that sometimes impostors need to be called out. Alot of people pat themselves on the back for something someone else has done..
Check these out, at your leisure:lol: (scroll halfway down)
Right so ive got vitalink plant nute hydrponic bloom feed part a and part b, part A nitrogen total 5%/ nitrate nitrogen 4.625, ammonical nitrogen 0.375%, potassium (k20) 9,6%, phosphorus (p205) 4.59% / calcium 3% magnesium 1.125 / sulphur 0.8% copper 0.002%/ iron 0.068 manganese 0, 0145% / molybdenum 0.0013%/ zinc 0.0098% cobalt 0.0013% nickel 0.00013% the part b has exactly the same amount its also soft water then im using fox farm bio plus which has natural plant vitamans to help root development through out then another bottle which has no label but just like the bio, i only 1ml every 10 litres
keep in mind that during the stretch of your flowering phase the plants are in a rapid growth mode. For this reason I keep nitrogen high during this period. All that rapid stretching requires a decent amount of N. Bloom foods at this stage can be your worst enemy.

Also remember that anytime your plant has to strip it's leaves down for emergency nutrition (basically what is happening when you see a deficiency), your plant is being robbed of potential. "Keep em green" is perhaps the single most valuable advice when growing
All good D!
Let me elaborate: I was simply shining light on the fact that "Riknstein" has, for awhile now, been impostering that frosty OG18 cut he has as his avatar as his own, and blasts it on the boards in order to fish for likes. I mean, stealing others' frost shots and then pawning them off as your own since youre not able to achieve those results, simply to be revered by the community? HAHA! Shameful dude! Absolutely Shameful. Quite possibly the most heinous offense you could commit as a grower. It doesnt fall in line with what this community is all about.
So thats all dude. Not trying to derail, its just that sometimes impostors need to be called out. Alot of people pat themselves on the back for something someone else has done..

Damn straight they need to be exposed. Folks have lifted my work, stripped my handle and called it their own. Example:

The irony is when I call them out on their unethical behavior I'm the one that gets banned, hah! :)
keep in mind that during the stretch of your flowering phase the plants are in a rapid growth mode. For this reason I keep nitrogen high during this period. All that rapid stretching requires a decent amount of N. Bloom foods at this stage can be your worst enemy.

Also remember that anytime your plant has to strip it's leaves down for emergency nutrition (basically what is happening when you see a deficiency), your plant is being robbed of potential. "Keep em green" is perhaps the single most valuable advice when growing
What can i use to add nitrogen on its own?? Is there a product?
Damn straight they need to be exposed. Folks have lifted my work, stripped my handle and called it their own. Example:

The irony is when I call them out on their unethical behavior I'm the one that gets banned, hah! :)

Itsjustme84 the link posted is exactly the type of stuff I'm talkin about. In fact it's mistly where I learned from.

There's no pure nitrogen product I can think of. My advice would be to just use a different product for you next feeding. I learned that 3-1-2 is a good ratio. There are plenty cheap products with this ratio. Like dyna gro foliage pro which UB also has been promoting for years. One of the best out there.

Remember too that the NPK ratios are shown at percentage. So a 3-1-2 ratio is the same as a 9-3-6 ratio. The 9-3-6 is just more concentrated