Obama Decides Cancer Treatment for Children is Non-Essential

Resorting to name calling is result of ur uninformed and honestly weak debate! Thanks for making me laugh, and don't forget to donate!

LOL! You still can't answer one single question. Trading water is the same thing as drowning for people like you. That's a weak exit. If you won't debate, it sounds like you're the one that's weak. What, you want me to prove to you that Congress is getting exemptions, and how democrats and republicans are getting away with it? Obama is the person who made it all happen. So should we pretend that he is the invisible hand in all of this, and that only congress is to blame? You're retarded
"WE" are represented by the House according to the Constitution. Passed over 200 years ago. So "WE" have spoken something different than what YOU are claiming.... PS. Mandatory purchase of insurance is not "national healthcare"

actually, we the people are represented by the house, the senate, and the president.

and the 17th amendment, which gave us direct election of senators, wasn't around 200 years ago.

nice try though red.

by the way, democrats gained seats in the house and senate in 2012.

we had every chance to install a republican legislature that would get rid of the PPACA, and that didn't happen.

go cry in your cornflakes.
I am so sick of listening to republicans blaming the president for shutting down vital necessities. like it or not, the affordable care act that was voted into law in 2010 n the majority of American people agreed when they re-elected president in 2012. And they will further agree in nov 2014 when republicans are voted out of the house.

The same Republicans in Congressional leadership today that combined to vote for a debt limit increase 19 times during the presidency of George W. Bush with no strings attached. In doing so, they increased the debt limit by nearly $4 trillion all for a war for a country with WMD's or Not!

Its t's about time the US takes care of its own!

Riddle me this? If money isn't backed by gold like the old days then where does it come from? Debt ceiling limit, I doubt it, we create money with the push of a button when we want!

Sorry I forgot there is a few intelligent left on the right like a plan designed by mitt romney! Lol A stupid argument is when u grasp at short straws to sideline what's really on at the kindergarteners tea party.

Obama wants everyone to have health care, ur right what a self absorbed narcissistic prick. Right wingers want to remove a measly 2.3% medical device tax for a industry that already has a huge profit margin lining their pockets. I'm sorry who's the narcissist?

Maybe a federally run education system is necessary so u learn to read the correct way, left to right :) lol

Obamas role is that the far right has now tried 40 times since 2011 too defund and delay the AFC without success. Certain political bafoons need to learn, NO means NO! So who's being unreasonable?

As far as business vs individual delay it's quite simple. AFC is undoubtly one of the most complicated policies since social security and is going to have flaws and changes as it developes overtime. The 2010 plan was created to provide everyone a competitive market exchange including small, median, and big corporations!

Small business only received the final rules and regulations in March because politicians (lawyers) like to bury everyone, including insurance companies in paperwork. 2000 pages of complicated legal jargon which takes time to understand and even more time to fully implement policies and procedures as intended. The intention is too provide employers and employees an exchange with several choices and not just one.

95% of Big businesses already provide good benefits and health insurance to employees so this delay will have very little effect on them until the "SHOP" exchange is available. AFC is created to help those uninsured get quality coverage at a competitive rate and to drive down excessive premiums of those who already do have insurance. Example: uninsured goes too emergency room and can't pay - those insured premiums go up!

The uninsured individual/family signing up is the keystone to make this all work and still be affordable too everyone. It is up and running now (of course not without flaws/glitches ) with quality coverage and several choices as intended.

If u don't want it or aren't interested u pay an additional tax of $95 per year to help offset cost. Woohoo big deal, were already double, triple, and quadroople taxed so what's $95. If u can't afford the $95 to help others I suggest u turn off ur cable tv foxnews network for one month and use the leftover change and donate to the Republican Caucus cause their gonna need it in 2014.

Edit: Congressmen are not receiving an exemption! And FYI this portion of the bill ur speaking of incorrectly was first created by a republican, Grassley in 2009!

Resorting to name calling is result of ur uninformed and honestly weak debate! Thanks for making me laugh, and don't forget to donate!

I can tell you are a very young impressionable youth. A few reasons why. First of all your grammar is shit, you talk like you text. Only people under age 35 do that. Second, your understanding of facts sucks ass, you have so many things factually wrong, your statistics are completely erroneous.

Debt ceiling raised a total of 7 times under Bush, even Obama knows that.

The government does not control the issuance of "money" as you put it. The Federal Reserve does, the Fed is a PRIVATE CORPORATION, like the bank down the street is. The only way Government can get "money" is to either tax for it, provide an actual service for it ( never happens) or sell US Treasuries (Bills, Bonds, Notes) for it. They certainly CANNOT push a button for some.

Obama does not want everyone to have health CARE, he wants everyone to pay for and have health INSURANCE. They are not the same thing.

95% of BIG businesses provide good health insurance???? Small business makes up 99.7% of US employers. 99.7% of US Employers now gotta pay more, so they will end up doing what they have to to survive, cutting hours and benefits or raising prices, most likely a combination of all three.

Were already taxed so whats the big deal on more taxes that rise each year?
Eventually the exponent reaches the upper bounds and were all paying 100% of our earnings to government, that's whats wrong with it.

Want to talk about a weak and un-informed debate?

I think Health care for everyone at a small cost is admirable, but it will NEVER happen if government is involved. Anyone who says that something is free has the other hand in your wallet while you aren't looking.

The words "to" and "too" are different words. You should verify this with an online dictionary, I swear knowing the difference will help you in the future.