Obama Decides Cancer Treatment for Children is Non-Essential

You didn't say that retard. Cheesey did. How much have you smoked today?

Im sorry, I said something similar an another thread, I figured while you were busy attacking me it was directed as a slam at me.
Again, carry on.

This thread has nothing to do about healthcare.

We know you don't like Obamacare, not that it is even close to the Canadian system.

If you like, we can debate these costs and compare them to the system you used to be on and the one being
implemented. We can compare monthly payments to insurance co's vs the way Canadians pay.

Umm I should of known better! I'll try to explain this in my best elementary teacher voice. The government shut down because the republicans won't increase debt ceiling without defunding the affordable care act. Options include the repeal of a medical-device tax enacted to help fund the health law or abolition of long-standing health-insurance subsidies for members of Congress.

This is why children with cancer are dying and fallen soldiers families aren't receiving benefits.

If u read left to right u might of just learned something!

The Republicans will cave for 6 weeks then they will threaten to shut down the goverment if they dont get to eliminate Medicare


Umm I should of known better! I'll try to explain this in my best elementary teacher voice. The government shut down because the republicans won't increase debt ceiling without defunding the affordable care act. Options include the repeal of a medical-device tax enacted to help fund the health law or abolition of long-standing health-insurance subsidies for members of Congress.

This is why children with cancer are dying and fallen soldiers families aren't receiving benefits.

If u read left to right u might of just learned something!
Obumer has had more chances to fund but noooooo he said.
Lets be realistic Berry has made this as punitive to the American people as possible.
His only goal is to continue spending like a mad man.

obama has cut the deficit in half.

the democrat before obama erased the deficit.

every single republican in modern history has done the exact opposite and exploded the deficit in record fashion.

keep on getting reality 100% backwards.
Let's talk debt not deficit.

Obama's second term, shows new numbers that the national debt has increased by more than $6 trillion under him. When Obama became Prez, the debt stood at $10.626

The Bureau of Public Debt at the Treasury Department put up their numbers showing the total public debt of the U.S. government was $16.687 trillion. (To be exact: $16,687,289,180,215.37)

These numbers come from your beloved CBS.
Cutting Medicare is an obumer thing to do and has done.

so now that he wont defund Romney Care I mean republican care i mean affrodable care act, the Republicans are holding the US hostag

over a bill passed 4 years ago almost . . . .

wah wah wah, move somewhere else if national healthcare is not your thing, WE have spoken
Well I can get on board with that. What you said is accurate. But you left out the part about Obama, and the role he is playing in all of this.

I don't understand why individual's can't get a one year delay on Obamacare, when corporation have been given a pass by Obama. And why is congress given exemption waivers that nobody at the same income level is receiving? The republicans are asking to defund the train wreck known as Obamacare for 1 year(same as Obama has done for corporations) I don't think that is asking for too much. Obama is being unreasonable. Holding our veterans and kids with cancer hostage is inexcusable.

Obamas role is that the far right has now tried 40 times since 2011 too defund and delay the AFC without success. Certain political bafoons need to learn, NO means NO! So who's being unreasonable?

As far as business vs individual delay it's quite simple. AFC is undoubtly one of the most complicated policies since social security and is going to have flaws and changes as it developes overtime. The 2010 plan was created to provide everyone a competitive market exchange including small, median, and big corporations!

Small business only received the final rules and regulations in March because politicians (lawyers) like to bury everyone, including insurance companies in paperwork. 2000 pages of complicated legal jargon which takes time to understand and even more time to fully implement policies and procedures as intended. The intention is too provide employers and employees an exchange with several choices and not just one.

95% of Big businesses already provide good benefits and health insurance to employees so this delay will have very little effect on them until the "SHOP" exchange is available. AFC is created to help those uninsured get quality coverage at a competitive rate and to drive down excessive premiums of those who already do have insurance. Example: uninsured goes too emergency room and can't pay - those insured premiums go up!

The uninsured individual/family signing up is the keystone to make this all work and still be affordable too everyone. It is up and running now (of course not without flaws/glitches ) with quality coverage and several choices as intended.

If u don't want it or aren't interested u pay an additional tax of $95 per year to help offset cost. Woohoo big deal, were already double, triple, and quadroople taxed so what's $95. If u can't afford the $95 to help others I suggest u turn off ur cable tv foxnews network for one month and use the leftover change and donate to the Republican Caucus cause their gonna need it in 2014.

Edit: Congressmen are not receiving an exemption! And FYI this portion of the bill ur speaking of incorrectly was first created by a republican, Grassley in 2009!
It's a complete and corrupt sell out the to insurance and drug companies that will
probably bankrupt us. But isn't that the goal?
Obamas role is that the far right has now tried 40 times since 2011 too defund and delay the AFC without success. Certain political bafoons need to learn, NO means NO! So who's being unreasonable?

As far as business vs individual delay it's quite simple. AFC is undoubtly one of the most complicated policies since social security and is going to have flaws and changes as it developes overtime. The 2010 plan was created to provide everyone a competitive market exchange including small, median, and big corporations!

Small business only received the final rules and regulations in March because politicians (lawyers) like to bury everyone, including insurance companies in paperwork. 2000 pages of complicated legal jargon which takes time to understand and even more time to fully implement policies and procedures as intended. The intention is too provide employers and employees an exchange with several choices and not just one.

95% of Big businesses already provide good benefits and health insurance to employees so this delay will have very little effect on them until the "SHOP" exchange is available. AFC is created to help those uninsured get quality coverage at a competitive rate and to drive down excessive premiums of those who already do have insurance. Example: uninsured goes too emergency room and can't pay - those insured premiums go up!

The uninsured individual/family signing up is the keystone to make this all work and still be affordable too everyone. It is up and running now (of course not without flaws/glitches ) with quality coverage and several choices as intended.

If u don't want it or aren't interested u pay an additional tax of $95 per year to help offset cost. Woohoo big deal, were already double, triple, and quadroople taxed so what's $95. If u can't afford the $95 to help others I suggest u turn off ur cable tv foxnews network for one month and use the leftover change and donate to the Republican Caucus cause their gonna need it in 2014.

Edit: Congressmen are not receiving an exemption! And FYI this portion of the bill ur speaking of incorrectly was first created by a republican, Grassley in 2009!

When I see you post, I see a snarky conniving arrogant prick that thinks he knows what's best for everybody else.

Obama doesn't want to give health insurance to people, and he's not going to.He wants government control over health care. Not to make it more affordable, and not provide the entire country with coverage. But you WILL talk him up to make it seem that way. Too bad for you, making insurance more expensive; is not the same thing as healing the nation.

I see you keep dancing around the fact that Obama has illegally re written the law, and given favors plus exemptions to big corporations and congress. You've ignored every question I've asked you, and then evade it with the same old tired liberal talking points. "Some past congress passed it, so we can't go back now" and " Republicans shut down the government" because they refuse to give Obama the authority to re write legislation. Why do we have a congress? If Obama can decide all by himself to steal money from kids with cancer to pay for his golf course, And now that he is apparently able to re write Obamacare all on his own, then why do we need a congress? Obama no longer needs the power of VETO, because he can now trump law with executive authority.

And you! all you do is cover for him with lies, distortions, and distractions. The only time you ever mention Obama is to say he's not in it, or his role is to make sure not to negotiate unless its in the form of a lecture with him accepting no republican questions at the end. How is Obama not in this? I see him on my TV giving us lectures about what WE NEED, and WHAT HE WANTS. You are extremely evasive, and everything about you screams Statist. The last paragraph gives it away. To demean or ridicule people for not wanting higher taxes makes you a piece of shit for sure.
Yesterday Obama sent hecklers to disrupt peaceful assembly at a Ted Cruz speech.
This is how Obama negotiates with people who don't agree with everything he says.

Yesterday Obama sent hecklers to disrupt peaceful assembly at a Ted Cruz speech.
This is how Obama negotiates with people who don't agree with everything he says.


Cruz is enough of an idiot that he doesn't need Obama sending anyone to heckle him.

There are plenty of us that do not like either of those two fellows.
Cruz is enough of an idiot that he doesn't need Obama sending anyone to heckle him.

There are plenty of us that do not like either of those two fellows.

My point was that Obama's idea of negotiating is to try and shake people down. I was simply using Ted Cruz as an example.

Obama says he will not negotiate on the debt ceiling:

Yesterday Obama sent hecklers to disrupt peaceful assembly at a Ted Cruz speech.
This is how Obama negotiates with people who don't agree with everything he says.


I really believe that if you let Rafael Eduardo Cruz talk long enough to enough news outlets , he could turn the entire country Democratic in the next election.
Every time he opens his mouth on the air a thousand moderate Republicans go independent.

I really believe that if you let Rafael Eduardo Cruz talk long enough to enough news outlets , he could turn the entire country Democratic in the next election. Every time he opens his mouth on the air a thousand moderate Republicans go independent.

I wonder what Trump will say about his citizenship
Let's talk debt not deficit. Obama's second term, shows new numbers that the national debt has increased by more than $6 trillion under him. When Obama became Prez, the debt stood at $10.626 The Bureau of Public Debt at the Treasury Department put up their numbers showing the total public debt of the U.S. government was $16.687 trillion. (To be exact: $16,687,289,180,215.37)These numbers come from your beloved CBS.
yeah, it's been a real tough task to cut down on that massive deficit you republicans left us (yet again).obama has done everything he could to cut it in half, but it still piles up like a shit heap with the mess you republicunts left us.don't worry though, we'll clean up your mess yet again. it's just what we do.
When I see you post, I see a snarky conniving arrogant prick that thinks he knows what's best for everybody else.

Obama doesn't want to give health insurance to people, and he's not going to.He wants government control over health care. Not to make it more affordable, and not provide the entire country with coverage. But you WILL talk him up to make it seem that way. Too bad for you, making insurance more expensive; is not the same thing as healing the nation.

I see you keep dancing around the fact that Obama has illegally re written the law, and given favors plus exemptions to big corporations and congress. You've ignored every question I've asked you, and then evade it with the same old tired liberal talking points. "Some past congress passed it, so we can't go back now" and " Republicans shut down the government" because they refuse to give Obama the authority to re write legislation. Why do we have a congress? If Obama can decide all by himself to steal money from kids with cancer to pay for his golf course, And now that he is apparently able to re write Obamacare all on his own, then why do we need a congress? Obama no longer needs the power of VETO, because he can now trump law with executive authority.

And you! all you do is cover for him with lies, distortions, and distractions. The only time you ever mention Obama is to say he's not in it, or his role is to make sure not to negotiate unless its in the form of a lecture with him accepting no republican questions at the end. How is Obama not in this? I see him on my TV giving us lectures about what WE NEED, and WHAT HE WANTS. You are extremely evasive, and everything about you screams Statist. The last paragraph gives it away. To demean or ridicule people for not wanting higher taxes makes you a piece of shit for sure.

Resorting to name calling is result of ur uninformed and honestly weak debate! Thanks for making me laugh, and don't forget to donate!