Obama Decides Cancer Treatment for Children is Non-Essential

Any business that greases his pockets enough gets a waiver...The Chicago way!
Since the law passed in 2010, 780 companies and 451 unions have received exemptions from the law’s insurance regulations. Of course, what might be considered the largest ObamaCare waiver, was the president’s unilateral decision to postpone the law’s employer mandate until 2015. This creates a particularly troubling Catch-22 for workers. With ObamaCare driving up the cost of insurance many employers may decide to take advantage of the delay and drop coverage for their workers, since they will no longer be penalized for doing so.

Republicans in the House included an amendment to the government funding bill currently being debated in Congress that would strip out Congress’ subsidy, but the Democratically controlled Senate has refused to consider it.
yeah, it's been a real tough task to cut down on that massive deficit you republicans left us (yet again).obama has done everything he could to cut it in half, but it still piles up like a shit heap with the mess you republicunts left us.don't worry though, we'll clean up your mess yet again. it's just what we do.

If there are any kids on here let this be an example of what long term crack cocaine and PCP use does to your brain. Just say no!
Any business that greases his pockets enough gets a waiver...The Chicago way!
Since the law passed in 2010, 780 companies and 451 unions have received exemptions from the law’s insurance regulations. Of course, what might be considered the largest ObamaCare waiver was the president’s unilateral decision to postpone the law’s employer mandate until 2015. This creates a particularly troubling Catch-22 for workers. With ObamaCare driving up the cost of insurance, many employers may decide to take advantage of the delay and drop coverage for their workers, since they will no longer be penalized for doing so.

Republicans in the House included an amendment to the government funding bill currently being debated in Congress that would strip out Congress’ subsidy, but the Dems refused to consider it.

If you are going to copy Michael Tanner's article word for word and then post it twice, how about providing a link to the original piece
Resorting to name calling is result of ur uninformed and honestly weak debate! Thanks for making me laugh, and don't forget to donate!

I know I have been called worse by better, these guys are yet to bring a substantial debate forward so I just bowed out for now until they do.

Weak intellect resorts to juvenile name calling.
If you are a fan of the combination between molecular medicine and rugged capitalism, you should love Obama care. Never has it been so profitable to supply medicine. Private interests have bought off gov't to get people to buy more semi-effective "medicine" with side effects that require yet more semi effective "medicine" with money they don't have.

On most medical procedures, you would actually save money by taking unpaid vacation, flying to another country, staying at a 5 star hotel and renting a luxury car while getting the procedure done, as opposed to staying in Merica for it. Not an exaggeration.

The question is, is Obama care bringing down the cost of medicine, or is it increasing profits for medical suppliers? It is certainly increasing demand, so I don't see how it can reduce any price tags.

If it was all about making healthcare affordable, it should result in lower price tags for patients, not bigger profits for suppliers. That was the real aim of PPACA, to line the pockets of suppliers by milking the public to sell more medicine, by creating more patients.
Well one thing is for certain they should not raise the debt limit. If we cant tax enough to pay for things its time to do without things. I don't live off of a credit card why should our government?
If you could force others to pay the bill, you might.
Somebody should have explained that to Bush, who as everyone knows started the downward spiral and ever growing debt of this nation.
The debt started long before Boosh. Roosevelt, hero of the left. Still trying to rewrite history, or are you really that stupid?
I am so sick of listening to republicans blaming the president for shutting down vital necessities. like it or not, the affordable care act that was voted into law in 2010 n the majority of American people agreed when they re-elected president in 2012. And they will further agree in nov 2014 when republicans are voted out of the house. The same Republicans in Congressional leadership today that combined to vote for a debt limit increase 19 times during the presidency of George W. Bush with no strings attached. In doing so, they increased the debt limit by nearly $4 trillion all for a war for a country with WMD's or Not! Its t's about time the US takes care of its own! Riddle me this? If money isn't backed by gold like the old days then where does it come from? Debt ceiling limit, I doubt it, we create money with the push of a button when we want!
The people also voted out the Democrat majority in the house, so your conclusion that re-electing Obama proves support is flawed. As you prove by claiming that if Republicans are voted out, it will prove it again. Obama voted against a debt limit increase as Senator, THREE times. The debt limit has been increased 17 times, not 19. Many under Clinton. The Federal Reserve is the only one who can create money out of thin air. The Federal government can not. The Federal government has to sell Treasury Bonds, which puts them at the mercy of the bond market. Clinton learned this the hard way. This notion that piecemeal funding of government operations is new and to be reviled ignores that fact that piecemeal funding was the norm throughout most of US history. Omnibus legislation was enacted to allow Congress to pass legislation they knew to be bad by lumping it in with the good.
I didn't make the rules for what is deemed essential. I didn't want to see the gov shut down. Here it is shutdown, and everyone is quick to point out that through the bickering and dysfunction there are services being cut because that is what they wanted. Like no one knew before hand that they would see services shutdown. So it's Obama's fault? Really look at why the services were/are being cut to begin with, look at how the PUB's are the ones who forced it by trying to have coverage for everyone cut. Then come back and call me more names for speaking the truth.
The truth? Nearly every "service" you claim is be cut has been funded by bills that passed in the House but Reid refuses to bring them before the Senate. Meanwhile, Obama is spending more money to close facilities than it cost to keep them open in a spiteful attempt to harm the people and then blame it on Republicans. The notion that the Senate leader has this veto power was started by Tom Daschle who pretended that "shall" means "has the option to". He clearly failed to perform the Constitutionally required duties of his office and should have been impeached. The same goes for Reid.
Sorry I forgot there is a few intelligent left on the right like a plan designed by mitt romney! Lol A stupid argument is when u grasp at short straws to sideline what's really on at the kindergarteners tea party. Obama wants everyone to have health care, ur right what a self absorbed narcissistic prick. Right wingers want to remove a measly 2.3% medical device tax for a industry that already has a huge profit margin lining their pockets. I'm sorry who's the narcissist? Maybe a federally run education system is necessary so u learn to read the correct way, left to right :) lol
So far, the left has resisted a Federally run education system. Teachers' unions don't like having Federal standards imposed on them.
If there are any kids on here let this be an example of what long term crack cocaine and PCP use does to your brain. Just say no!

in modern history, every republican has piled up massive deficits.

in modern history, every democrat has either cut those massive, record deficits in half or erased them entirely.

here are some cornflakes to catch those tears of yours. i expect a little gratitude from you.

@canna Umm I should of known better! I'll try to explain this in my best elementary teacher voice. The government shut down because the republicans won't increase debt ceiling without defunding the affordable care act. Options include the repeal of a medical-device tax enacted to help fund the health law or abolition of long-standing health-insurance subsidies for members of Congress. This is why children with cancer are dying and fallen soldiers families aren't receiving benefits. If u read left to right u might of just learned something!
Republicans passed bills to fund NIH and Military benefits. The Senate failed to pass the NIH bill, and pretended that the military benefit didn't cover death benefits. All it took was Obama to sign off, but he pretends "the lawyers" told him it didn't cover them. You blindly blame Republicans, while ignoring Democratic actions. They found funds to hire guards and put up fences to keep people out of normally unmanned parks and monuments, even to barricade a privately owned and administered Mt. Vernon. Remember how the sequester was supposed to be the end of the world? Well, we're still operating under the sequester rules and nobody even notices. Tho Obama pretends it was his idea now, and claims HE cut the deficit.
If you are going to copy Michael Tanner's article word for word and then post it twice, how about providing a link to the original piece

i knew he wasn't capable of stringing together that many coherent sentences.

the guy is pretty much functionally retarded.

in all seriousness, i suspect he may actually be borderline retarded, or just suffering from a debilitating mental condition.

he is that dumb.
so now that he wont defund Romney Care I mean republican care i mean affrodable care act, the Republicans are holding the US hostag over a bill passed 4 years ago almost . . . . wah wah wah, move somewhere else if national healthcare is not your thing, WE have spoken
"WE" are represented by the House according to the Constitution. Passed over 200 years ago. So "WE" have spoken something different than what YOU are claiming.... PS. Mandatory purchase of insurance is not "national healthcare"
Obamas role is that the far right has now tried 40 times since 2011 too defund and delay the AFC without success. Certain political bafoons need to learn, NO means NO! So who's being unreasonable? As far as business vs individual delay it's quite simple. AFC is undoubtly one of the most complicated policies since social security and is going to have flaws and changes as it developes overtime. The 2010 plan was created to provide everyone a competitive market exchange including small, median, and big corporations! Small business only received the final rules and regulations in March because politicians (lawyers) like to bury everyone, including insurance companies in paperwork. 2000 pages of complicated legal jargon which takes time to understand and even more time to fully implement policies and procedures as intended. The intention is too provide employers and employees an exchange with several choices and not just one. 95% of Big businesses already provide good benefits and health insurance to employees so this delay will have very little effect on them until the "SHOP" exchange is available. AFC is created to help those uninsured get quality coverage at a competitive rate and to drive down excessive premiums of those who already do have insurance. Example: uninsured goes too emergency room and can't pay - those insured premiums go up! The uninsured individual/family signing up is the keystone to make this all work and still be affordable too everyone. It is up and running now (of course not without flaws/glitches ) with quality coverage and several choices as intended. If u don't want it or aren't interested u pay an additional tax of $95 per year to help offset cost. Woohoo big deal, were already double, triple, and quadroople taxed so what's $95. If u can't afford the $95 to help others I suggest u turn off ur cable tv foxnews network for one month and use the leftover change and donate to the Republican Caucus cause their gonna need it in 2014. Edit: Congressmen are not receiving an exemption! And FYI this portion of the bill ur speaking of incorrectly was first created by a republican, Grassley in 2009!
Many businesses are dropping insurance on their employees, so many will lose their coverage and will be forced to buy coverage in the exchanges that has unusually high deductibles with after tax income, not pretax income like they got with their employer who also usually paid most of the premium. And many will be paying that on a part-time income, instead of the full-time income they once had. These deductibles are so high that people will still be forced to get "free" treatments in ERs. The $95 figure you quote is the lowest penalty imposed. Most will pay more. And all will pay more in 2014. And more again in 2015. And 2016. And so on. Either you're not paying attention, or are speaking untruthfully. I believe the present incarnation was designed by bubbling idiots (aka Nancy Pelosi's staff) or was designed to fail, in order to provide a path to a one-payer system. Considering how badly the Healthcare.gov roll out has gone, I don't think it's wise to trust the government with administering our health.
I really believe that if you let Rafael Eduardo Cruz talk long enough to enough news outlets , he could turn the entire country Democratic in the next election. Every time he opens his mouth on the air a thousand moderate Republicans go independent.
Yeah, you speak for Republicans.