alright, I gotta add more details. making ISO in my buddies basement kinda by the back door on the floor like crackheads. we were only 16 and didnt know much more than the concept of making oil. it was small batch, we were broke high school kids, I think we had a half oz and probably a half liter of ISO or something.
we cut a 1L pop bottle bottom off, turned it upside down, and made it into a funnel, tied a few coffee filters on the end, fillet it with weed/ISO mix and let it drain through there. it took forever, the weed was sitting in the iso the whole time. we would let it drip 6 or 7 times on the mirror and hit it with a lighter real quick... worked alright I guess you could say lmao. eventually the coffee filter was getting clogged, and we were getting impatient and eager to smoke the oil.
so we poked a tiny tiny pin hole in the coffee filters to help it drain faster lol... it worked I guess, but all it did was let microscopic dust and shit into our oil.
eventually it STILL clogged and we were getting more impatient, we were also getting good at the whole fire/iso game and cocky too so we basically had a tiny bonfire ON the mirror and we just kept letting it drip into the fire feeding it and keeping it going. crazy eh?? well it still wasnt good enough for us.
my buddy put his face onto the open end of the 1L pop bottle, made it air tight, and blew on it... it made a piss stream of ISO come out of the filter, speeding things way up!!!! fuck yeah we thought. so he did that onto our little bonfire we had on the mirror... kept feeding it with ISO instead of starting a new one every 10 seconds.. rushing, stupid, I know.
it worked fine the first few times,then he got real cocky and got too close, or blew too hard I think and it kinda blew out our hole in the filter, the flame travelled UP the stream, and lit the coffee filters and ISO bottle on fire, basically while it was still near his face. he was able to pull it away fast enough (kinda seen the flame travelling in slow motion... talk about a fuckin adrenaline rush!!!!) and panicked and threw the bottle into the corner, as he threw it, flaming ISO went everywhere, then a flaming bottle if ISO sat in the corner burning. my god what a mess and scare that was.
I panicked so fucking hard I seen my future flash before my eyes, I literally seen a year worth of shit I imagined happening if we burnt it down in about under 1/10th of a second, I could just picture me, him, our parents, and fire department on the road with a burnt down duplex. I was fucking scared, I felt sick. its amazing what the brain can do in a situation like that. I grabbed a pillow and smashed those fires on the couch as hard as ive ever hit something in my life, if that place went up in flames, I was going down with it. the ISO dish in the corner went out on its own, or my buddy put it out... cant quite remember, surprisingly it didnt do much damage. the shitty gross crack shack couch got a few decent burns, the carpet got a few decent burns, and ruined a pillow, and learned one hell of a fuckin lesson.
after everything calmed down, we cleaned up and smoked the oil haha. barely felt it though because of the adrenaline rush.