Petition To Change The Insult Rule To Malicious Harassment (Or Something Like That.)

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WHO THE FUCK SIGNED MY NAME TO THIS GODDAM PATITION. No Im not banned FDD unbanned me but hst to be an ass is all. I SAID IM FUCKING DONE HERE TILL THINGS CHANGE. I AM ONLY BACK TO SAY KEEP THE FUCK UP AND I WILL GET INVOLVED....DO NOT...and I REPEAT DO NOT SIGN MY FUCKING NAME TO SOMETHING. I DONT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THE RULES....number one the rulse say ONLY PPL THAT LIVE IN MMJ STATES ARE ALLOWED HERE....if you break one rule your break em all. THE RULES DONT MEAN SHIT. ITS HOW THE MODS TREAT US DIFFERANT. SO KEEP YOU FUCKING THREAD ABOUT PETITION TO YOURSELVES AND LEAVE ME THE FUCK OUT OF IT....IF I WANTED TO FIGHT I WOULD....if you cant read to fucking bad. I SAID IN MY THREAD I QUIT due to the fucking idiot fdd..................i love alot of ppl here and care about em.....but I DID NOT SIGN THAT FUCKING PETITION....Im not saying its wrong or what im saying I DIDNT SIGN IT.....................IM GONE if you will let me...........FUCK.........would you look at it....just look at it..................I MEAN LOOK AT IT>..........HEY CRYPT hows it going. BWAHAHAHAHAH IM just mad at whoever signed my name....oh and FDD TO HATE BITCH. oh BAN ME HAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHHAHAHA

See what i'm sayin......Welcome to planet's a fucked up spot!
who the fuck signed my name to this goddam patition. No im not banned fdd unbanned me but hst to be an ass is all. I said im fucking done here till things change. I am only back to say keep the fuck up and i will get not...and i repeat do not sign my fucking name to something. I dont give a shit about the rules....number one the rulse say only ppl that live in mmj states are allowed here....if you break one rule your break em all. The rules dont mean shit. Its how the mods treat us differant. So keep you fucking thread about petition to yourselves and leave me the fuck out of it....if i wanted to fight i would....if you cant read to fucking bad. I said in my thread i quit due to the fucking idiot fdd..................i love alot of ppl here and care about em.....but i did not sign that fucking not saying its wrong or what im saying i didnt sign gone if you will let me...........fuck.........would you look at it....just look at it..................i mean look at it>..........hey crypt hows it going. Bwahahahahah im just mad at whoever signed my name....oh and fdd to hate bitch. Oh ban me hahahahahhhahahahhahaha
Hi SP! I have missed you and your humor.

So someone signed you up eh? so much for the integrity of that petition.. lol...

I'm not surprised, given the source of this whole thing...

WHO THE FUCK SIGNED MY NAME TO THIS GODDAM PATITION. No Im not banned FDD unbanned me but hst to be an ass is all. I SAID IM FUCKING DONE HERE TILL THINGS CHANGE. I AM ONLY BACK TO SAY KEEP THE FUCK UP AND I WILL GET INVOLVED....DO NOT...and I REPEAT DO NOT SIGN MY FUCKING NAME TO SOMETHING. I DONT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THE RULES....number one the rulse say ONLY PPL THAT LIVE IN MMJ STATES ARE ALLOWED HERE....if you break one rule your break em all. THE RULES DONT MEAN SHIT. ITS HOW THE MODS TREAT US DIFFERANT. SO KEEP YOU FUCKING THREAD ABOUT PETITION TO YOURSELVES AND LEAVE ME THE FUCK OUT OF IT....IF I WANTED TO FIGHT I WOULD....if you cant read to fucking bad. I SAID IN MY THREAD I QUIT due to the fucking idiot fdd..................i love alot of ppl here and care about em.....but I DID NOT SIGN THAT FUCKING PETITION....Im not saying its wrong or what im saying I DIDNT SIGN IT.....................IM GONE if you will let me...........FUCK.........would you look at it....just look at it..................I MEAN LOOK AT IT>..........HEY CRYPT hows it going. BWAHAHAHAHAH IM just mad at whoever signed my name....oh and FDD TO HATE BITCH. oh BAN ME HAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHHAHAHA
Hi SP! I have missed you and your humor.

So someone signed you up eh? so much for the integrity of that petition.. lol...

I'm not surprised, given the source of this whole thing...

In poplars defense, he has been cool with me in threads and i know he likes Dragon ;)

He is just frustrated, as we all can occasionally get, at the drastic increase in negativity being brought into our forum. He just has yet to realize that negativity begets negativity. And optimism begets good things.
It's funny you should say that..... He is frustrated with abuse.... and he is also one of the one's that gives out a lot of it...

just today he has called me an idiot, idiotic, fool, tool and told me to fuck off three times.... He just a joy and wonder to behold. I come here for entertainment and he doesn't disappoint. You see his response to differing opinions, do you want him deciding who is a troll and who isn't? I sure as hell don't.

In poplars defense, he has been cool with me in threads and i know he likes Dragon ;)

He is just frustrated, as we all can occasionally get, at the drastic increase in negativity being brought into our forum. He just has yet to realize that negativity begets negativity. And optimism begets good things.
My 2 cents.

Know why this thread has been able to continue in a reasonable discussion for 13 pages now? i think it's because we had more logical, respectful, cool stoners in here than we did negatively filled trolls. And i believe we could keep this discussion going until we reached an amicable solutions for both sides. Ummm, oh wait, high school lets out in about 2 hrs. Nevermind.......
In poplars defense, he has been cool with me in threads and i know he likes Dragon ;)

He is just frustrated, as we all can occasionally get, at the drastic increase in negativity being brought into our forum. He just has yet to realize that negativity begets negativity. And optimism begets good things.

I usually try to take a couple of tokes before I respond to negativity, sober me would respond similar to Poplars. Just another check mark for pros of me smoking weed.
My 2 cents.

Know why this thread has been able to continue in a reasonable discussion for 13 pages now? i think it's because we had more logical, respectful, cool stoners in here than we did negatively filled trolls. And i believe we could keep this discussion going until we reached an amicable solutions for both sides. Ummm, oh wait, high school lets out in about 2 hrs. Nevermind.......

Yeah man once school is out then I can't be distrubed. Snack time is serious shit...
It's funny you should say that..... He is frustrated with abuse.... and he is also one of the one's that gives out a lot of it...

just today he has called me an idiot, idiotic, fool, tool and told me to fuck off three times.... He just a joy and wonder to behold. I come here for entertainment and he doesn't disappoint. You see his response to differing opinions, do you want him deciding who is a troll and who isn't? I sure as hell don't.

Agreed Serapis. And that's why i haven't even LOOKed at the petition. I have not clicked the link once. Hell, i was too bust reading and typing. i agree with it as i posted earlier. And i also stated why i didn't sign. And yes, i do see his different reactions to different posters/topics. But everyone is passionate about something. And most people in this day and age don't know how to truly express their thoughts for one reason or another. Failed family, failed education system, brainwashing, etc. Cannabis has the ability to unlock the mind and allow you to think outside of the pre-programmed box everyone is in called society. But ONLY the ability to unlock the mind, not open it. THAT is a personal thing between the person and the powers of the universe, imho.

i was just saying that throughout many threads, he has disagreed with me, and been very harsh at times. But his INTENT is morally straight even if his METHOD is not.
change insult rule to malicious content? sounds like somebodys Pussy is bleeding overtime today.

wtf dude, really. Make the masses curb for the will of 3 or 4 sore twats? REALLY?
get a fucking life.

The petition is for how trolls and those that respond to them are dealt with, punishment wise. Did you read the whole thread? (I don't blame you if you didn't) but it's to alter the rule so that long time members that do joke around by giving people shit aren't banned while the "troll" or "flamer" is allowed to continue doing what they do. All of us that sign this and/or that have been posting have seen that it isn't an attempt to make it okay to insult people, we are just trying to revise where "insult" and, well, I guess "defense" (for lack of a better word) differ and can be handled differently as well.

FUNNY thing is we are ALL that convinced in our chosen positions or we wouldn't have chosen them, imho.
He has started another thread on the same topic as this one and added a poll... ;)

I didn't start another thread look at the fucking time... look I don't even think it's a good idea anymore but I don't think we should ban regulars for getting pissed off at times either...
Pony has a point. Who cares about the rules? A petition wont change anything. There is an easier solution to this. Leave. I'm only sticking around for one reason, a couple of you know what I'm talking about.. but once I'm done, I don't see the need to walk on egg shells any longer.

I must admit, once I saw Bartel Dew Taco, I was all like, Would you look at that, I mean just look at it! But now, Im just like, fuck it. I don't give a shit.
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