Produce weed in 43 days

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this thread is funny. 3 zips a plant when they're put into flowering at 2in lol. professor if you're so into donating and giving back, then why not just post the info on here? its because you want to get gullible people to pay a bunch of money for false claims. do you run the doggy nuts seed bank also?
Yeah and the breeder says 53 days... read it before responding. that's not 11 weeks is it, and is much closer to 47 days. AK is also so strong that taking at 47 days is no problem, especially when getting a nice phenotype.

i read, hence i know it doesn't say 47 as you claim the whole name is based on. please quote where i stated 11 weeks? where has that number come from.

I know how websites work, i even run a server. The URL usually changes when you visit different pages on the site. That site appears just to be using flash, so the page never actually changes even when you change the page. It's just simpler for me to call it dodgy because... well, it's dodgy. I can't link directly to the URL that displays the info on AK47.

Who needs to do research now?

uhhuh. never mind the fact that it is specifically coded like that? dodgy because it's not the same as what you "usually" see. a site is not dodgy because it is created in an alternative manner to what you yourself are accustomed to. not being able to link directly top a page on a site does not make it dodgy. sheesh. dodgy would be that it is run by a mystery man not related to the content in question, or that it re-directs to ad sites etc etc, not because they opt to keep the url the same....

Just because the only people you know are selling wet crap doesn't mean it's the same everywhere. You should come to my area, every second house has a crop on. connoisseur city here my friend.

um, so early harvest can be identified via wet bud, and not by the high and such, LOL

so a 4" clone stretched 9 times it's original starting height? yeah, you're full of shit. genetically impossible. your plant was either much larger and you don't know what 4" looks like or you just lie for the sake of it.

uhhuh, i'll go grab some photo's for you in a second. my clones start at 4 inches, once they have rooted out of the rockwool cube they go into flowering, they are immature enough that in the flowering cabinet they grow upwards, prior to actually blooming and growing hairs. i do not have to sit here and try and defend my plants against someone who doens't knwo the first thing about me or my plants haha. onlyu an idiot calls bullshit on something they don't know anything whatsoever about.

all my clones are taken like this, and they finish up like this. so i was about 2" over on the full height and about 1/2" off on the clone, my bad..


but right, i'm making it all up of course just to try and win a lie i created blah blah, grow up.

and genetically impossibe? what strain is that for you to know it's genetics?
whether you veg'ed them for 4 weeks or for 2 weeks you still veg'ed them.

The stretch count starts from the point of 12/12.

Even Landrace sativas will only stretch by 7.
well done, you miss the point.

my previous plants have been vegged, as it all clearly states, but my current ones do not.

once again, last proper comment on that grow
that's the top of my first cheese plant to come out. the other 3 will get a further 2 weeks of flowering as i've nowt to put in there ye
there were no plants to put in, there were no 2 week vegged, no 4 week vegged, just unrooted clones, hence why my perpetual never really worked as intended.

and once again, what proof do you have that my plants are not growing as i state they are, other than an uneducated guess. my thread bares no relevance, it was not updated past the last harvest, so where is your proof please. or are you going to continue to ignore every point you have no answer to and just try and pick at one little non-issue you think is relevant?
I'm having difficulty making out wtf you're talking about.
Let's just get this straight. You're claiming a 4" clone will stretch to 3ft from 12/12?

Then, are you also claiming that the clone was unrooted when you placed it into flower?
I'm having difficulty making out wtf you're talking about.
Let's just get this straight. You're claiming a 4" clone will stretch to 3ft from 12/12?

Then, are you also claiming that the clone was unrooted when you placed it into flower?

yes, i am claiming exactly that. i have done it, that is all the proof i need. you have done nothing but state this is bullshit without one piece of evidence to back thi up other than your own opinion. you state it is genetically impossible, you did not even know what the genetics were.

i then state that i had no plants to put into my 12/12 flowering cabinet so i let half the crop go a bit longer until my clones had rooted and i could as a result, place them inside the 12/12 cabinet.

iot is very clear, and very simple, yet you still claim it is bullshit without offering a single piece of contradictory evidence other than an uneducated personal opinion.

the very fact that you will openly call bullshit on something you know zero about is rather silly. (in this case, my grow, and as stated, my thread is old, so is not relevant in terms of what i have going on) should i sit here and just throw baseless accusations at you, i mean you can't grow for shit, so who're you to comment. see how stupid making statements without an knowledge can be? i know nothing about you and your grows so i will not comment on them in a critical tone unless i have valid reason to do so.

so once again, can i have some factual evidence to why i am bullshitting, or are you simply bullshitting?

and yes 806breeder, it is rapidly becoming very much like idiocracy :lol: i just need to look at skunkush's replies to bricktop to let me know this isn't worth my time
Plants are genetically coded to stretch a certain amount. It's a simple response to the dark. Every grower knows the stretch limits on plants because of height restrictions. Dominant sativas will stretch by 7, dominant indicas can stretch as little as twice their height.

Your plants are standing around 2.5ft not 3ft by the way... and we have only your word for it that they started at 4". You're clearly not the full ticket.
Placing unrooted clones into flower will cause them to veg a little first before flowering. I've seen clones hesitate two weeks because they have undeveloped root systems. Plants can still veg in flower if they haven't rooted properly. Known as laggers. Then they catch right up and can even overtake. However they won't be 4" when they start actually flowering and even then you've added 2 weeks on the flower time.

didn't know you were brick top's bum buddy. Now i know his woman is going to come cursing when i respond to his posts maybe i best keep away from them.
Plants are genetically coded to stretch a certain amount. It's a simple response to the dark. Every grower knows the stretch limits on plants because of height restrictions. Dominant sativas will stretch by 7, dominant indicas can stretch as little as twice their height.

a. what are the specific genetics of these plants then, please explain to me exactly what genetics it is compromised of. b. genetics are not as simple as A and B, look at Robert Wadlow, shit can happen.

Your plants are standing around 2.5ft not 3ft by the way... and we have only your word for it that they started at 4". You're clearly not the full ticket.

i think i am in a slightly better positiion to be telling you how tall the plant is. the measuring tape hits the top of the tub at 33 inches, you will notice that this is not as it initally appears in the photo due to the height and angle of the photo, i thought that was painfully obvious. yes, you only have my word, so you can either take my word or prove me wrong, else you have no grou/nds on which to call bullshit.

Placing unrooted clones into flower will cause them to veg a little first before flowering. I've seen clones hesitate two weeks because they have undeveloped root systems. Plants can still veg in flower if they haven't rooted properly. Known as laggers. Then they catch right up and can even overtake. However they won't be 4" when they start actually flowering and even then you've added 2 weeks on the flower time.

i am well aware of this.. they have still been in 12/12 from clone, no "veg" in it's strict sense of the word, or are you now trying to argue the meaning of 12/12 from clone/seed? what is your obsession with unrooted clones though? you seem to be reading everything out of nothing.

i did not in any place state that i start counting at either X or Y, i start counting when they go into the cabinet, and they come out when they are ready. they go in at 4-5" and they are coming out at just shy of 3 foot.

didn't know you were brick top's bum buddy. Now i know his woman is going to come cursing when i respond to his posts maybe i best keep away from them.

your maturity level is quite and acomplishment..

again, you have yet to make a single point of factual content relevant to this. only the REALLY uneducated person fails to realise that their opinion is not fact.
Books are still around, and inside of them they have these weird ass things called words. Words make us smart. Or so some would assume. I can only say that for somebody to be able to tell you miles away from a photo what the genetic capabilities are of your plants....gotta be like the rainman of cannabis. Please sir, take a second from life and lay your profound knowlegde of the plant on me as I've been working for literally YEARS with the SAME EXACT STRAIN and know roughly 25% of what it is genetically capable of, so PLEASE save me the next planned 5 years of my breeding project and let me know what my strain is homozygous or heterozygous seem to have the power of seeing allele's from photograph.........Point is, DONT read books and then claim to know everything. It's great to get the information but it wont become knowledge untill you use it, and once you understand it and it becomes you only then can it be considered wisdom. And i am astonished that landraces got brought into this conversation...REALLY? Dude, just sit down and grow some bagseed or somethin.
again, you have yet to make a single point of factual content relevant to this. only the REALLY uneducated person fails to realise that their opinion is not fact.

OK... well it seems i've been misreading you because of your terrible grammar.

The whole point of my argument is that a 2" full blown indica will not stretch to a size capable of supporting 3oz in 43 days.

The sole reason your plants have stretched is because while they were rooting they were also growing, therefore adding time to the actual flower time and the height of the plant when it actually starts flowering.
Books are still around, and inside of them they have these weird ass things called words. Words make us smart. Or so some would assume. I can only say that for somebody to be able to tell you miles away from a photo what the genetic capabilities are of your plants....gotta be like the rainman of cannabis. Please sir, take a second from life and lay your profound knowlegde of the plant on me as I've been working for literally YEARS with the SAME EXACT STRAIN and know roughly 25% of what it is genetically capable of, so PLEASE save me the next planned 5 years of my breeding project and let me know what my strain is homozygous or heterozygous seem to have the power of seeing allele's from photograph.........Point is, DONT read books and then claim to know everything. It's great to get the information but it wont become knowledge untill you use it, and once you understand it and it becomes you only then can it be considered wisdom. And i am astonished that landraces got brought into this conversation...REALLY? Dude, just sit down and grow some bagseed or somethin.

The genetic capabilities of all plants are around 2-7x stretch. A landrace sativa is as sativa as you can get and even they only stretched x6 or so when i grew them.

I've never grown anything yet that will stretch x9. Imagine growing a plant to 12" and it stretching to 9ft. It's unheard of. People would cry at 6ft.

I can't tell exactly how long a plant is going to take to do anyting from looking at a picture. Obviously you were at the back of the queue when they gave out the grey cells to assume such a stupid thing. What is known, as a general rule of thumb, is that indicas will stretch as little as x2, and sativas as much as x7. Most of my plants stretch x3, although i have a couple strains that stretch x5, Hijack is a x5 stretch imo. C99 x SFV is also a x5 stretch. probably the lambsbreath x Big Bud i have will also be a x5 stretch.

I'm growing 12 strains right now and i have another 5 or 6 more to germinate on friday. after that i have more beans coming. Not one of those strains stretches by 9. Not even the Indian Landrace.
:) Nicely put Bigby..... can't we all just get a long.....I have a tattoo that has a marijuana leaf and says Buds in old english under the leaf, I got this back when I was 16 clicking on 19 years ago.....It initially was going to say "Buds Bond" underneath. I guess I'm stoned and wake and baked to hard this morning but the ego trips are rabid in this thread and pot smokers in general are less combative and crass, but damn

Im genuinely surprised at the confrontational, abrasive, ignorant attitude many members on this forum appear to display. Surely some good old medicinal herbs should raise you up above that sort of petty 'I know more than you' one upmanship bullshit - it certainly has the power to do this in the right sort of open minded people. Cant help thinking that anyone involved with marijuana who displays a stressy, confrontational attitude has some genuine underlying psychological issues, ones that will not actually be helped by marijuana usage - in fact for issues like this I truly believe it can turn these issues into actual behavioural/personality disorders. Of course, by all means, have differing opinions (it is this which fuels human evolution) - but if you present these in a shitty way and then claim incredulity when you draw a shitty response then you are quite frankly a tool who should really take a long hard look at themselves...oh and give up the weed and get some therapy! :peace:

One Love!
OK... well it seems i've been misreading you because of your terrible grammar.

The whole point of my argument is that a 2" full blown indica will not stretch to a size capable of supporting 3oz in 43 days.

The sole reason your plants have stretched is because while they were rooting they were also growing, therefore adding time to the actual flower time and the height of the plant when it actually starts flowering.

while my grammar is not perfect, it's perfectly understandable. i couldn't really care for the excusers though.

that aside, once again, please give us proof. you cannot just sit there and state that everything is a lie and that it's all bullshit if the only thing you can put on the table is "The genetic capabilities of all plants are around 2-7x stretch. A landrace sativa is as sativa as you can get and even they only stretched x6 or so when i grew them.

I've never grown anything yet that will stretch x9. Imagine growing a plant to 12" and it stretching to 9ft. It's unheard of. People would cry at 6ft. "

you're whole argument is based on you having not done it yourself, and your asusmption that plants ALL grow the same way. did you not see me mention Robert Wadlow? humans, most likely dure to genetics, only really grow to about 6 foot, yet he stands at 8 foot 11 inches. 99% of the worlds population don't get anywheree near that, yet he managed it. shit happens, just look at the original cheese photo, since when have you EVER seen cannabis like that, doen't matter that 99.99999% of known cannabis looks nothing like that, it still did it. i am not here trying to claim bragging rights, i am simply stating that it can happen and has to me.

if you want to oppose a statement come up with a little more than "well you're wrong" which is essentially all you are bringing to this.

laters :)
Some of you guys get pretty uppity for potheads don't ya? Gonna have to change the website to complainitup or argueitup haha. I'm gonna start a pool too see how long it takes fdd2blk to shut this fucker down, any takers?
Some of you guys get pretty uppity for potheads don't ya? Gonna have to change the website to complainitup or argueitup haha. I'm gonna start a pool too see how long it takes fdd2blk to shut this fucker down, any takers?

between this and the duckfoot thread, it's the most excitement i've seen here all week. :)
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