"Purity tests"

read it again, chumley.

Then again, I had to explain Bernie's bill to you, so just fucking repeat your mantra and don't get hurt but the facts. Every Democratic Party Senator voted FOR the amendment that would have repealed CU. Democrats support campaign finance reform, you idiot.
Trumpers and Bernie-babies don't like facts. If it "feels true" to them - it is. There are two sides of the same, worthless coin.
You are looking at the democratic party as it could be rather than what it really is. If the dems were a girl you could be in love with her because you let your emotions overlook her bad attributes. Like she believes she is never wrong. Or she farts all night long. We don't know if we are compatible until after we live together.
Political parties promise the moon but we need to look what have they been delivering in recent years.
the dems just had 8 years in command they had both executive and legislation branch in their grasp during the obamas first term. what happened with dems in charge. let see, lots of trouble in iraq and afghanistan , obama care (good idea badly implemented . Lots of money given to green tech that isn't ready yet, why nothing done at home. no infrastructure, a costly stimulus that made some rich. why no laws helping with drug prices or anything else. lots of new regulations on nearly everything. See the economy take off without all the regs on country. You are seeing a businessman run the economy not a teacher. makes a big difference. We have now have the democrats wrapping themselves in the flag and pretending they are doing just like the founders of country. Its great theater but the dems can't act worth a damn and anyone watching them knows what they really believe.
Its a shame because in the past the democrats were good Americans but now they dream of socialism and can never agree on a good idea even if it is good for the country.

Imo, I think if the Democratic party committed to only accepting individual donations and collectively refused big dollar donors and Super PACs funded by billionaires, they would gain a huge amount of support from voters. In the black and white world of politics, you could show by action one party represents the people and the other party represents corporations, and I think that would have a big impact in the result of elections.
You are looking at the democratic party as it could be rather than what it really is. If the dems were a girl you could be in love with her because you let your emotions overlook her bad attributes. Like she believes she is never wrong. Or she farts all night long. We don't know if we are compatible until after we live together.
I am not sure who your talking to, but figured I would respond. There is no reason to believe anyone is never wrong, the Democratic party is not a cult.

Political parties promise the moon but we need to look what have they been delivering in recent years.
the dems just had 8 years in command they had both executive and legislation branch in their grasp during the obamas first term. what happened with dems in charge. let see, lots of trouble in iraq and afghanistan , obama care (good idea badly implemented . Lots of money given to green tech that isn't ready yet, why nothing done at home. no infrastructure, a costly stimulus that made some rich. why no laws helping with drug prices or anything else. lots of new regulations on nearly everything. See the economy take off without all the regs on country.
Obama had 2 years in his first term to #1 Fix the economy the Republicans broke, passed a healthcare bill that got us up to 91% of Americans with healthcare coverage, regulated the financial industry to try to plug holes exploited leading up to the Great Recession, etc. At which time the online trolling hit hard and we got the "Tea Party" madness that then stonewalled anything that Obama tried to get done during the next 6 years.

You are seeing a businessman run the economy not a teacher. makes a big difference.
And he is a failed businessman that really is just a spoiled rich kid who blew through all the money his daddy gave him as he bankrupted company after company, until he started money laundering for the foreign criminals. It does make a big difference, Trump just complains, rants and rages as he tries to destroy whatever he happens to be told he doesn't like, and when it is walks away as others are left to try to fix his mess as he claims victory.

We have now have the democrats wrapping themselves in the flag and pretending they are doing just like the founders of country. Its great theater but the dems can't act worth a damn and anyone watching them knows what they really believe.
Its a shame because in the past the democrats were good Americans but now they dream of socialism and can never agree on a good idea even if it is good for the country.
Quit listening to what people who want to get you to vote for Trump are telling you that the Democrats are saying/doing. They are liars and have been proven on multiple occasions to not care about lying to the American public in the name of Trump and the office he holds. Until they get caught in their lies while under oath and their lying could land them in jail.
I am not sure who your talking to, but figured I would respond. There is no reason to believe anyone is never wrong, the Democratic party is not a cult.

Obama had 2 years in his first term to #1 Fix the economy the Republicans broke, passed a healthcare bill that got us up to 91% of Americans with healthcare coverage, regulated the financial industry to try to plug holes exploited leading up to the Great Recession, etc. At which time the online trolling hit hard and we got the "Tea Party" madness that then stonewalled anything that Obama tried to get done during the next 6 years.

And he is a failed businessman that really is just a spoiled rich kid who blew through all the money his daddy gave him as he bankrupted company after company, until he started money laundering for the foreign criminals. It does make a big difference, Trump just complains, rants and rages as he tries to destroy whatever he happens to be told he doesn't like, and when it is walks away as others are left to try to fix his mess as he claims victory.

Quit listening to what people who want to get you to vote for Trump are telling you that the Democrats are saying/doing. They are liars and have been proven on multiple occasions to not care about lying to the American public in the name of Trump and the office he holds. Until they get caught in their lies while under oath and their lying could land them in jail.
Jesus, you read that shit?
"I am not sure who your talking to, but figured I would respond. There is no reason to believe anyone is never wrong, the Democratic party is not a cult.

Do you know the history of the democrats since 1960? I am 70 years old and I know It was Kennedy and then Johnson that earned me a trip to vietnam as infantry. At that time the enemy was communism not the republicans. Both sides of the aisle supported the war and kept it going. The two parties were not that far apart and did not regularly fight in public. They were mostly civil because they had different ideas but the members of the same country and both sides worked together for the sake of the country.
Since that time our country has had numerous crappy presidents of both parties that have pushed the country apart. We had Nixon who was caught lying, clinton caught lying, the old bush caught lying about taxes. We are electing the wrong people because the democrats and republicans are responsible for it because they nominate two poor leaders and we are left with no choice but to elect one or the other.
No the democrats are not a cult but they sure do have the same words and ideas coming from all members because they have their talking points where the same words descriptive words are released to the public as they talk from subject to subject. Let me know if you think the republicans do the same.

So you think obama had his hands tied and could do nothing more than he did even with both houses of congress in his pocket. Come on he could have done a lot more with his majority but he didn't. You talk about me believing trump and his minions but instead of being neutral you defend obama whose record as a human being may be good but as a president he was a joke. Your excuses for his lack of results is all about how other forces stopped him even when he had the majority. Come on if you have both houses of congress you can do anything and fast. But if you build a monster like obamacare it will fail and you will be responsible. I believe in universal healthcare but implement it better.
I know you don't like trump (I don't like him either, he is a bit of ass) but take a look what he has done in office as president. He is not just talking he is acting. All of his changes to the tax laws, his dropping of obama regulations and his handling of trade. All of these things and more have jump started our economy and pushed our unemployment lower than its been in my lifetime. And don't tell me he has had less resistance that obama did. The dems have been after him since before he was elected.
He has barely used the military compared to obamas days and he is still getting results. Look what he did to the Iranians. The Iranians have been playing in IRAQ and other countries for a long time. Finally someone has told them if you kill Americans you will pay the price.
The democrats screamed world war III and doom, what happened. Iran looked at choices and decided to back down, they shot 15 missiles into the sand at one of our biggest bases. They even contacted us thru the iraqs and told us when attack would start because they didn't want to hurt Americans. Then they told us they were done attacking us.
deterrent is a word the dems should put in their game plan. appeasement doesn't work ever . The dems at one time knew how to use a deterrent . After all they did drop two atomic bombs on Japan and that deterrent ended the war and saved millions of lives. I would have been a democrat then.
I see you don't like the way Trump talks. He lies. All presidents lie. Everybody is different and handles the job differently. Don't look at his words look at the results. The job of president is too complicated to look at anything else. Curse him as a man but love his hard working attitude as president.
Do you know anything about the burnham doj investigation. That is going to be very interesting to both parties . keep your eyes open