"Purity tests"

Easy to say now. If you were 18 in 1968 would you be saying the same thing. I don't think so. you don't have any idea of what it was to live in this country in 1968. You didn't live here and you were probably not even born yet. So don't tell other people how they felt about their country 50 years ago. you weren't there. When I speak its from my perspective which saw and heard the news of the time. There was a huge fear of communism at the time and people talked about countries falling like dominoes to the communists. That is why many of us enlisted. We were kids and wanted to do something. So to us we were protecting our country. If you want to score points on the viet nam war go find somebody that cares about it. When someone else speaks you need to look at what they say from their perspective instead of your perspectives very narrow view. You know jack about Viet Nam , you have a lot of nerve pretending you know anything compared to a person that actually lived it. From the way you talk you aren't even from this country. Where did you study our history? Oh you didn't big surprise. Go flush yourself back across the border we don't need another self involved jack ass in this country.
so you were a dumbass as a kid, grew up to be a dumbass adult, and now youre a dumbass old racist

I’ll buy that
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Okay we have had two of our guests reveal themselves. anymore ready to step out of your closet. In review we have the mind reader who knows all about my secret past as what was it, oh yeah as a socket puppet. Don't flatter yourself If I left this forum I would say good riddance and wouldn't be coming back, your insults are only c- minus at best. There just aren't enough people here to get people to foam at the mouth. Normally I can drive a few over the edge but here we don't have the right material for the true fanatic. Not many people can implode online.
and most of you know our second guest, you know the one that lectures others others about the viet nam war. he even lectures veterans that were there 50 years ago and he's not even from our country. He must be a hot shot professor of some kind. where did you say you taught? I missed that.
boy you guys one at a time are stepping up to plate and swinging for strike 3 before the ball has been thrown. the pinto league would be proud. Okay who is next to reveal themselves to be a whack job. number 3 come on down, you know your gonna do it sooner or later. You Don't want to leave brothers 1 and 2 to die of exposure by themselves do ya. Your right we have two casualties down on the first day of combat. we can save a few for the future when they lose the guard on their thoughts and get pinned to the wall for others to laugh at. I can hardly wait to learn the secrets of your true character and I really mean that.
Okay we have had two of our guests reveal themselves. anymore ready to step out of your closet. In review we have the mind reader who knows all about my secret past as what was it, oh yeah as a socket puppet. Don't flatter yourself If I left this forum I would say good riddance and wouldn't be coming back, your insults are only c- minus at best. There just aren't enough people here to get people to foam at the mouth. Normally I can drive a few over the edge but here we don't have the right material for the true fanatic. Not many people can implode online.
and most of you know our second guest, you know the one that lectures others others about the viet nam war. he even lectures veterans that were there 50 years ago and he's not even from our country. He must be a hot shot professor of some kind. where did you say you taught? I missed that.
boy you guys one at a time are stepping up to plate and swinging for strike 3 before the ball has been thrown. the pinto league would be proud. Okay who is next to reveal themselves to be a whack job. number 3 come on down, you know your gonna do it sooner or later. You Don't want to leave brothers 1 and 2 to die of exposure by themselves do ya. Your right we have two casualties down on the first day of combat. we can save a few for the future when they lose the guard on their thoughts and get pinned to the wall for others to laugh at. I can hardly wait to learn the secrets of your true character and I really mean that.
You're insane.

"socket puppet"

Okay we have had two of our guests reveal themselves. anymore ready to step out of your closet. In review we have the mind reader who knows all about my secret past as what was it, oh yeah as a socket puppet. Don't flatter yourself If I left this forum I would say good riddance and wouldn't be coming back, your insults are only c- minus at best. There just aren't enough people here to get people to foam at the mouth. Normally I can drive a few over the edge but here we don't have the right material for the true fanatic. Not many people can implode online.
and most of you know our second guest, you know the one that lectures others others about the viet nam war. he even lectures veterans that were there 50 years ago and he's not even from our country. He must be a hot shot professor of some kind. where did you say you taught? I missed that.
boy you guys one at a time are stepping up to plate and swinging for strike 3 before the ball has been thrown. the pinto league would be proud. Okay who is next to reveal themselves to be a whack job. number 3 come on down, you know your gonna do it sooner or later. You Don't want to leave brothers 1 and 2 to die of exposure by themselves do ya. Your right we have two casualties down on the first day of combat. we can save a few for the future when they lose the guard on their thoughts and get pinned to the wall for others to laugh at. I can hardly wait to learn the secrets of your true character and I really mean that.
What a convoluted load of complete horseshit.
I could start tagging this forums Nam vets to shut you the fuck down but I dont want to be the one to subject them to your nonsense.
wow now I see why you must be a democrat. No not even democrats are this slow. you can't even follow logic when its laid out before you. simple logic like the person that lived in a place and time just might know a whole lot more than someone who may have read about it or seen a documentary. Is that beyond you? Is it beyond anyone else. you can be number 4, we have found number 3 another brain without connections. talk about dense people.
heh bring the nam vets on, they will munch on you guys. You think they would rag on me. how can you be so wrong about so much?



Nofuckingbody reads walls of texts. Don't you get that yet?

nobody is forcing you to read it. :-) Why would me of all people care if you read it or stick a pencil in your eye. Its not my fault you can't wait to learn what I have to say. Your life has been pretty empty up until now but maybe we can stuff a whole bunch between your ears before long. good now go sit in a corner with a cookie.
nobody is forcing you to read it. :-) Why would me of all people care if you read it or stick a pencil in your eye. Its not my fault you can't wait to learn what I have to say. Your life has been pretty empty up until now but maybe we can stuff a whole bunch between your ears before long. good now go sit in a corner with a cookie.
Nobody IS reading it, trust me.

You silly ass 'socket puppet'. Lol.
wow now I see why you must be a democrat. No not even democrats are this slow. you can't even follow logic when its laid out before you. simple logic like the person that lived in a place and time just might know a whole lot more than someone who may have read about it or seen a documentary. Is that beyond you? Is it beyond anyone else. you can be number 4, we have found number 3 another brain without connections. talk about dense people.
heh bring the nam vets on, they will munch on you guys. You think they would rag on me. how can you be so wrong about so much?
The Vietnam war was an arms war. And I can promise you, those who saw the most say the least, so spare me the glamorized self-servient memoirs you insist on posting while in the same stank breath you uphold a draft-dodging twat that regularly disparages our men and women in uniform.

The hypocrisy with your MAGAts is boundless.
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The Vietnam war was an arms war. And I can promise you, those who saw the most say the least, so spare me the glamorized self-servient memoirs you insist on posting while in same stank breath you uphold a draft-dodging twat that regularly disparages our men and women in uniform.

The hypocrisy with your MAGAts is boundless.

Did he say what he did for a living, I couldn't get through his shit posts.

Probably a proof reader for the Enquirer.
Okay we have had two of our guests reveal themselves. anymore ready to step out of your closet. In review we have the mind reader who knows all about my secret past as what was it, oh yeah as a socket puppet. Don't flatter yourself If I left this forum I would say good riddance and wouldn't be coming back, your insults are only c- minus at best. There just aren't enough people here to get people to foam at the mouth. Normally I can drive a few over the edge but here we don't have the right material for the true fanatic. Not many people can implode online.
and most of you know our second guest, you know the one that lectures others others about the viet nam war. he even lectures veterans that were there 50 years ago and he's not even from our country. He must be a hot shot professor of some kind. where did you say you taught? I missed that.
boy you guys one at a time are stepping up to plate and swinging for strike 3 before the ball has been thrown. the pinto league would be proud. Okay who is next to reveal themselves to be a whack job. number 3 come on down, you know your gonna do it sooner or later. You Don't want to leave brothers 1 and 2 to die of exposure by themselves do ya. Your right we have two casualties down on the first day of combat. we can save a few for the future when they lose the guard on their thoughts and get pinned to the wall for others to laugh at. I can hardly wait to learn the secrets of your true character and I really mean that.
Are you gonna methpost all night again
The Vietnam War had nothing to do with protecting your country. Your country was not harmed whatsoever, even after the United States lost.

You know I could use a man like you. I could really use a history expert such as yourself to give us random lectures on the more interesting parts of history you have found on your sabbaticals or monk retreats of pure study. I find history full of little adventures don't you? :-) maybe we can romp thru some of hitler"s death camps for a while. You can play with the gas canisters and I can step out and shut the door. Oh the humor we could have watching the jews in the polish ghetto being dive bombed by german planes. Oh well I will close my eyes and wish real hard and see if all my wishes come true. We can surprise the french and blitzkrieg our asses out of the impassable ardenne forest and surprise the french and British. We can be the first to race to the coast and trap the british and french forces at dunkirk. I am sure somebody will give us flags or jackboots or something. How does that sound to you. Here we barely know each other and we are already using our vacation time together. maybe after the french surrender we can go over to amsterdam and visit some coffee shops. cu there
You know I could use a man like you. I could really use a history expert such as yourself to give us random lectures on the more interesting parts of history you have found on your sabbaticals or monk retreats of pure study. I find history full of little adventures don't you? :-) maybe we can romp thru some of hitler"s death camps for a while. You can play with the gas canisters and I can step out and shut the door. Oh the humor we could have watching the jews in the polish ghetto being dive bombed by german planes. Oh well I will close my eyes and wish real hard and see if all my wishes come true. We can surprise the french and blitzkrieg our asses out of the impassable ardenne forest and surprise the french and British. We can be the first to race to the coast and trap the british and french forces at dunkirk. I am sure somebody will give us flags or jackboots or something. How does that sound to you. Here we barely know each other and we are already using our vacation time together. maybe after the french surrender we can go over to amsterdam and visit some coffee shops. cu there
You're a disgrace to the outfit
The Vietnam war was an arms war. And I can promise you, those who saw the most say the least, so spare me the glamorized self-servient memoirs you insist on posting

glamorized memeoirs ? you wouldn't want to show where i wrote this drivel would you? Once again I thought not.. if you think anything in there was glamorous then reading comp should be in your future. damn how many times can you go down this embarrassment road and still have the dignity of a turd.

while in same stank breath you uphold a draft-dodging twat that regularly disparages our men and women in uniform.

that's right try to link me to trump. I talk policy you talk person , they are far from the same. Can't figure out the difference not my problem just shutup when the grownups talk. Maybe when you are older you somebody will explain it to you. do you understand policy and person, i guess not since you continue to link them. its not good when your brain is stuck in a shit hole with trump. talk about obsession on one man. Don't you get tired of the one liners? don't you want to understand policy? i can't keep wasting my time schooling you everytime on the same subject. If you don't learn soon i will bypass your ass as not being able to learn. do you have some problem I should be aware of. Are you a graduate of special ed?

The hypocrisy with your MAGAts is boundless.