Riots in Baltimore

You fucking stupid dipshit. CNN is the one who interviewed the witness and splattered it all over everywhere. Fucktard.

tell it to @see4 , it's his point that he's trying to make. and you haven't provided any evidence for anything, so we can dismiss your claims outright.
tell it to @see4 , it's his point that he's trying to make. and you haven't provided any evidence for anything, so we can dismiss your claims outright.
Well you are the one throwing your ape shit around dick. What do you have to say about Freddie standing on the bumper? Nothing because you all know you are wrong. Just like all the other times. Hands up, don't shoot.
i'm never wrong!

you are at least a decent adversary, and don't make white people look so incredibly stupid, like some members on here.
I'm sure we agree on far more than we disagree on. Yet you believe we are adversaries? I know we disagree on bravedave being a white supremacist, him being hispanic and all. I would like to think we could sit down as men and have a beer and a cigar and disagree on whatever we wanted to in a respectful manner. You know, dialogue and thought exercises just to expand our minds?

I think you make very clever arguments when you are not throwing bombs. But I am high as fuck and throwing some bombs of my own I'm arguing for the sake of arguing to some extent. Glad I don't do it everyday.
Final analysis: Freddie sees cop who knows him and knows he has 4 warrants outstanding, runs. Gets caught and gets dragged to wagon, screaming "the cuffs", gets placed up on load ramp/bumper, stands on his own, tosses himself around and gets his spine broke. End of story.

2:23 standing on his own. NEXT
Yeah, I dont take that as evidence he was standing on his own at all. Not even close to clear cut evidence. Hard to tell, and he was damn sure moaning about something.

Police are out of hand, it all starts with the national training policy that switched from avoiding deadly force with the past director to using deadly force with the new director. I heard an interview with the previous director a couple of years ago and he was saying exactly that. He basically said he retired and the new director was pushing for more and more use of deadly force and he predicted exactly what is happening, there will be a lot of cops killing people and riots breaking out everywhere.
Yeah, I dont take that as evidence he was standing on his own at all.

I don't see how he could get in that position and then hunch down to enter the wagon like that with a spinal injury. The burden of proof would be for the prosecution to explain how he could do that with a spinal injury, if there is to be a charge of murder.

Everything else you posted I 100% agree. I hate it when they put a knee to the head directly on the concrete. Pisses me off to no end.
Final analysis: Freddie sees cop who knows him and knows he has 4 warrants outstanding, runs. Gets caught and gets dragged to wagon, screaming "the cuffs", gets placed up on load ramp/bumper, stands on his own, tosses himself around and gets his spine broke. End of story.
I think I understand your logic.... its not my fault if you run into my bullits right? its ur own damn fault
I don't see how he could get in that position and then hunch down to enter the wagon like that with a spinal injury. The burden of proof would be for the prosecution to explain how he could do that with a spinal injury, if there is to be a charge of murder.

Everything else you posted I 100% agree. I hate it when they put a knee to the head directly on the concrete. Pisses me off to no end.

To be clear, I am not saying he didnt, I am just saying that video isnt enough to clear cut say "yes, he was standing on his own and he was uninjured at that point". Bad angle and he could have been leaning against the officer that was directly behind him.
So MLK's superb leadership abilities and influence had nothing to do with Johnsons' final push for the Civil Rights Act? . How violent was the Social Security Act? Medicare?Medicaid? It takes leadership and the voting power of the citizens. You are right in situations like Nam though . Took a big wakeup call. But maybe if we elected people who hire the right people to bring about this change we would get somewhere. Take the Attorney General. Holder sucks ass and incapable of demonstrating anything remotely resembling leadership; but I do have confidence in Ms Lynch. She can bring about this change in the justice system provided Obama grows a pair and become a leader himself and compromise. With compromise comes change.

Compromise ! How the hell do you compromise with police ? The way i compromise is pray they dont kill me at every interaction.

Every compromised with a bully to keep from getting your ass kicked , it dont work you have to bash the fuck out of them , thats what they understand .

Burn that shit down & snipe the shit out of the cops , after enough of them bleed maybe they'll loose their taste for violence against citizens .
you just answered your own question before asking it. you clearly don't get it.

i will let see4 explain.

that's been done already you dumbass.

you are making white people look so fucking stupid. please let smart whites like myself and see4 do the talking so you don't embarrass our race.

you are so incredibly dumb.

that's been done already you dumbass.

you are making white people look so fucking stupid. please let smart whites like myself and see4 do the talking so you don't embarrass our race.

you are so incredibly dumb.

The official autopsy has not been released:
The police inquiry originally was due to wrap up Friday. Baltimore officials, however, had sought to lower expectations for any immediate answers on the unexplained spinal injuries that the 25-year-old Mr. Gray suffered in police custody after his April 12 arrest. He slipped into a coma and died a week later.

Police have cautioned that results are confidential and it may be many more weeks before the outcome of the case is known. Autopsy results for Mr. Gray haven’t been released.

You are the stupid one. Autopsy has NOT NOT NOT been released. You are WRONG AGAIN RACIST
I'm sure we agree on far more than we disagree on. Yet you believe we are adversaries? I know we disagree on bravedave being a white supremacist, him being hispanic and all. I would like to think we could sit down as men and have a beer and a cigar and disagree on whatever we wanted to in a respectful manner. You know, dialogue and thought exercises just to expand our minds?

I think you make very clever arguments when you are not throwing bombs. But I am high as fuck and throwing some bombs of my own I'm arguing for the sake of arguing to some extent. Glad I don't do it everyday.

i don't know anything about bravedave besides the fact that he is easy to rile and comes off as a major dipshit. and i got permission from the top to troll him after he pissed the wrong person off.