Riots in Baltimore

Where was it severed, I'm having a hard time finding out. I wonder if it was down low where they bury their knees into your back to put the cuffs on.
In his neck, is my understanding. They bury their knee in your neck frequintly. You can see them doing it in the video.
actually, I'd say that your statement is stereotypical. There is nothing particularly "black" about rioting and looting. The tut tutting from whites is pretty stereotypical.
Once again, read something into a statement that wasn't there.
A black Jewish boy runs home from school one day and asks his father, “Daddy, am I more Jewish or more black?” The dad replies, “Why do you want to know, son?” “Because a kid at school is selling a bike for $50 and I want to know if I should talk him down to $40 or just steal it!”
Q: Why do black people hate country music?
A: Because when they hear the word "hoedown" they think their sister got shot.
Sounds like a conservative, type I'd prepare a nice dinner for and share a glass of wine and joint with.

Most liberals don't have a sense of humor.

yeah, liberals don't have a sense of humor. which is why most comedians are conservatives. amirite uncle benis?

@Bugeye , i just thought you'd like to see who your buddy @bravedave considers to be a "class act".

maybe you'll stop wondering why he sported a white power avatar!

anyhoo, best regards!
yeah, liberals don't have a sense of humor. which is why most comedians are conservatives. amirite uncle benis?

@Bugeye , i just thought you'd like to see who your buddy @bravedave considers to be a "class act".

maybe you'll stop wondering why he sported a white power avatar!

anyhoo, best regards!
Sorry, I don't understand the context of the UncleBen quote or know anything about his views on racial issues.

I don't wonder at all why @bravedave sported a rather funny poster of Ted Cruz as his avatar. I wonder how stupid a person has to be to think that hispanic guys are using Ted Cruz as a white supremacist avatar!

Stay classy!
Sorry, I don't understand the context of the UncleBen quote or know anything about his views on racial issues.

so you're gonna sit here and try to play stupid after uncle benis reels off half a dozen racist "jokes" and tell me you can't tell that he's clearly a racist?

yep, you're fucking stupid. i have no use for idiotic shitbags like you.
so you're gonna sit here and try to play stupid after uncle benis reels off half a dozen racist "jokes" and tell me you can't tell that he's clearly a racist?

yep, you're fucking stupid. i have no use for idiotic shitbags like you.
Shame we can't be friends.

I was wondering what percentage of hispanics you think are white supremacists?
What percentage of hispanics do you think identify Ted Cruz as white?
Do you think March 15 should be removed from the calendar?

Didn't see UncleBens racist jokes so still don't now what you are talking about. I have about as much control over what UncleBen posts as I do over what you post.

Who's trolling who now?