Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

there was not a SCIENTIST in that room, you unmitigated failure.

everyone in that room was a politician a bureaucrat and/or a lawyer.

you are hilariously incompetent
Are you basing that conclusion on the traditional definition of scientist, or the Pada version?
It's people like Pada who "peer-reviewed" the literature to come up with the 97% figure.
And according to their "research" they can't tell the difference between papers that take a position on AGW or not >30% of the time.
And 86% of climate scientists consider such studies a waste of effort.

This is why politics and science is akin to politics and religion.
They don't mix very well...
Gallup sides with the science, dumbass

Almost as bad as when Kynes attempted to use NASA to refute it

You people are goddamn pathetic
when did i "use Nasa" to "Refute Nasa"???

i think i have been very clear on the Nasa issue.

i believe the organization DOES exist, so did that clear up whatever nugget of feces was choking off blood to your brain?
I'm only addressing the mean spirited comment of wishing evil on someone that simply disagrees.
dont tell me thats the first time you have seen "The Kinder Gentler Pada"?

he gets all butthurt and mean spirited whenever things arent going his way.
Your theory that more carbon dioxide introduced into the atmosphere is a good thing because the increases in temperature will save people from "the coming ice age" is idiotic beyond reason

Why do you think virtually all scientists in the world wouldn't reach that same conclusion? Do you people ever ask yourselves these questions?

Dude, I saw this on the Discovery Channel, How the Earth Works.

I told you about it the next day. I don't make this up.

It is logic.

A - Ice Age is coming
B - We only found out about ACC by seeing the Ice Age is being held off

We want to be in the Ice Age, in about the time it took from the end of Rome, to today?

Why? Tell me in your own words how this idea of seeing we are stopping the Ice Age
means, we should stop that, and let the Ice Age happen.

So, Dodge Ball, it is is a simple question. Why not Stop the ICE AGE?
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How do you suggest we "bring our species to the next level"?

The science says we have a window of opportunity to act before it becomes too late to act. The metaphorical meteor is heading towards Earth, now is not the time to sit around and wait for it to hit us, we need to act now. The climate is changing now more rapidly than ever recorded, change is inevitable. The longer we wait to enact that change, the harder and the more expensive it will be.

Completely wrong. Why do virtually all scientists agree with the IPCC's conclusion on ACC?

Nothing but a talking point right from senator Boozman's mouth, and accurately addressed by Christine Whitman on post #2129. Watch the CSPAN video

how to get the species to the next level: well we could start by finding whatever school you graduated from, and bulldozing it. Then we could explain to dumbasses like you, that consensus only matters in politics and fucking, while in science, business, economics, and all the really important shit in the world, DATA Matters, Expertise Matters, and Results Matter. everything else is just opinion.

science says, meteor, window, too late, scary metaphor, It's Comin Right For Us!! Think Of The Children!! there is no such meteor. you are a fearmonger, misquoting fearmongers, and exaggerating the doomsday scenarios of doomsayers who already exaggerated the doomsayings of the left wing fringe cassandras.

the climate is changing now, more rapidly than ever (recorded), change, inevitable, time is running out! no, it is not. even the IPCC has jumped on their tricycle and are pedalling as as fast as possible away from those previous claims. the climate has changed before, much more rapidly as well, without any human influence. you are chicken little.

operators are standing by! the first ten callers get a Bonus Gift (you just pay shipping and handling) Act Now! only 300 easy payments of 33.33% of your gross income adjusted by your quintile, divided by whether you vote for democrats or not! Dont Miss This Once In A Lifetime Opportunity! you are a sad clown, singing sad songs in the rain... but everyone else is enjoying a nice summer day.
if you ever stopped selling your bullshit your heart would implode, just like Billy Mays'
Why would you think someone who doesn't understand what science is is qualified to open their cake hole about how it works?

We don't, but you won't shut up. The first time I ever read one of your posts, on a different subject, I thought you were an idiot, and told you so. The only way my opinion of you has changed is I now think you are a religious fanatic idiot.
Cite IPCC - "it's phony!". Cite legitimate climate scientists - "they have an agenda!!!". Cite anyone who accepts the overwhelming scientific consensus on climate change - "LIARS!!!!!!!". Cite the goddamn EPA, who Nixon, a republican, created, and THEIR OWN PICKS as EPA admins for fucks sake - "BULLSHIT HAXORZX CHEATERSZ!!!!"

Just give up, man...

Accept that you're a fanatic and move on.. Just like you're a racist, just like you hate the poor, just like you probably harbor homosexual fantasies.. Hey, I'm not hating, go for it, do you if that's your thing. "Gurl power" and all that..

Be who you are, dude. Don't be afraid of being judged by anyone
You're not hating???????????
Prove that "fact" true

One of the major problems with these retards is you can show them the foundation of the science is flawed and yet they cling to it blindly rather than do what actual scientists do.

Which is what makes it a religion, not science.