Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

One of the major problems with these retards is you can show them the foundation of the science is flawed and yet they cling to it blindly rather than do what actual scientists do.

Which is what makes it a religion, not science.

religion has no predictive value.

climate science has great predictive value.

you are a deluded AJ drunkard.
religion has no predictive value.

climate science has great predictive value.

you are a deluded AJ drunkard.

I dont live in AJ or drink and climate science couldnt predict how hot it was going to be here on this specific day much less next week, much less a hundred years from now.

Congrats on being wrong on at least 3 things in 2 sentences...
lol prove that fact true? Aren't facts the essence of truth?
for most of us, yes, a fact must be true, which makes it TrueFact.
pada prefers to re-design TrueFact to bring it in line with Official Policy, making it GoodFact, which, while not particulalry useful in practice, GoodFact can really muddy up the waters in an argument.

when you live your life according to GoodFact, you may not get very much done, but you FEEL really good about it.
for most of us, yes, a fact must be true, which makes it TrueFact.
pada prefers to re-design TrueFact to bring it in line with Official Policy, making it GoodFact, which, while not particulalry useful in practice, GoodFact can really muddy up the waters in an argument.

when you live your life according to GoodFact, you may not get very much done, but you FEEL really good about it.
You know, for a doctor, you can be a total dummy sometimes.
You know, for a doctor, you can be a total dummy sometimes.
really no my fault that Pada prefers Reverse-Correct InfoSpeak and GoodFact, which bears no relation to TrueFact, or RealFact.

when RealFact and Truefact are counter to Official Policy, they must be Deconstructed, and re-designed to align them with GoodFact.

this can be done through "Re-Education" through rhetorical fallacies or re-defining words in the classic NewSpeak of Orwell, or treating political machinations as "Science" by simple pretense and repetition.

the extensive use of The Bandwagon Fallacy, or if you prefer, Argumentum Ad Populum, and the complete disregard for actual scientists (unless they agree with your position) while attempting to elevate mere politicians to the level of Scientists are just typical methods of creating Reverse-Correct InfoSpeak, and it's attendant GoodFacts.

sadly for pada et al, most people on this forum are not so stupid as to accept these claims, since we have ample evidence of political "experts" and their "wisdom" with regard to cannabis.

just like cannabis prohibition, the politicians and opportunists will simply not allow the facts to get in the way of the agenda.

and after a while a lot of people actually believe there are scientific studies that show cannabis is addictive, harmful, and medicinally useless.
but nobody on this forum could be so retarded, they know weed, love weed, and are well aware that the "science" proclaimed by the touts is simply a fabrication by bureaucrats and assholes who had an agenda.

the climate issue is much more complex, and there is science on BOTH sides, pada et al. however, prefer to look only at evidence that supports their agenda, and hurl all sorts of calumny at any who disagree, regardless of their scientific credentials.

really no my fault that Pada prefers Reverse-Correct InfoSpeak and GoodFact, which bears no relation to TrueFact, or RealFact.

when RealFact and Truefact are counter to Official Policy, they must be Deconstructed, and re-designed to align them with GoodFact.

this can be done through "Re-Education" through rhetorical fallacies or re-defining words in the classic NewSpeak of Orwell, or treating political machinations as "Science" by simple pretense and repetition.

the extensive use of The Bandwagon Fallacy, or if you prefer, Argumentum Ad Populum, and the complete disregard for actual scientists (unless they agree with your position) while attempting to elevate mere politicians to the level of Scientists are just typical methods of creating Reverse-Correct InfoSpeak, and it's attendant GoodFacts.

sadly for pada et al, most people on this forum are not so stupid as to accept these claims, since we have ample evidence of political "experts" and their "wisdom" with regard to cannabis.

just like cannabis prohibition, the politicians and opportunists will simply not allow the facts to get in the way of the agenda.

and after a while a lot of people actually believe there are scientific studies that show cannabis is addictive, harmful, and medicinally useless.
but nobody on this forum could be so retarded, they know weed, love weed, and are well aware that the "science" proclaimed by the touts is simply a fabrication by bureaucrats and assholes who had an agenda.

the climate issue is much more complex, and there is science on BOTH sides, pada et al. however, prefer to look only at evidence that supports their agenda, and hurl all sorts of calumny at any who disagree, regardless of their scientific credentials.

Tell me more about how you're being persecuted out of academia!

It's the same story with all the fringe retards that buy into bullshit, creationists feel persecuted because intelligent design isn't taught in science classrooms, Christians feel persecuted because they can't force their religion on everyone, Muslims feel persecuted because they can't install Sharia Law in western culture, etc..

Fortunately, science doesn't really give a shit about what you feel, playboy

This is pretty much all I took from your incessant blatherings. At least, now, I can post some youtubes.

lulz. the band was passably skilled,

the frontman was screamo and ruined it.

the vidya offered the usual selection of "anarcho-______ist" tropes, and was laughable in it's naivete.

randomly places home made pipe bombs destroys an evil city (and it's presumed capitalist ovelords...) through the skill daring and dedication of a small band of immaculately coiffed, elaborately tatted out, and ludicrously pierced twenty-somethings, and their angsty anarcho-_____ism.

yeah twentysomething hipsters are really a force to be reckoned with. they get so much done.

and twentysomethings are so good at keeping secrets, nobody twatted, instabooked or facegrammed anything about their Thuper Theekrit Thkeem and tipped off the cops.


those morons plots are Self Foiling

who needs the Goddamned Batman when the super-villains cant resist detailing their plot on their FaceSpace Page
Tell me more about how you're being persecuted out of academia!

It's the same story with all the fringe retards that buy into bullshit, creationists feel persecuted because intelligent design isn't taught in science classrooms, Christians feel persecuted because they can't force their religion on everyone, Muslims feel persecuted because they can't install Sharia Law in western culture, etc..

Fortunately, science doesn't really give a shit about what you feel, playboy

nicely done petunia.

you very nearly used "I'm Rubber You're Glue" to repeat my own charges against YOUR fail and redirect it at me.


every single spurious claim you made in the above post is a POLITICAL agenda, and has DICK to do with Science (seriously, look that word up, it does not mean what you think it means) and not a single one of those spurious claims has EVER been supported by me.

in fact, each one of them is derided by me whenever they are brought up.
though that is usually in a thread where these claims have some relevant context, rather than here, where they appear ONLY when YOU pull them out of your ass, to ineffectively hurl in my direction.

really, check back, ill wait, you insufferable dimwit.

not one of those issues has appeared in this thread at any time before the post above, when YOU drug those idiotic strawmen, kicking and screaming, into the fray.

you have provided even more evidence that you have no concept of the difference between Political Agendas and Science (a word that you abuse constantly, until it is chaffed and raw).

why dont you give Science a break, to let it's blisters heal, while you read up on how Science works and what it does (and does NOT) do.

after a week or so you can get right back to flogging that word like a rented mule, and continue being irrelevant.

there is a small chance you might actually discover how utterly useless all your "evidence" has been, and seek out some Realfact.

if you somehow pull off that minor miracle, and learn how to make a citation that's not ridiculous, doesnt lead to some dickheads blog, and opinion poll, wikipedia, or a 404, i promise i wont bring up any of the shameful, embarrassing, and utterly retarded assertions you have made in this tread at any time in the future.

Pinky Swear.