meanwhile a 30 year old unemployed and unemployable man who sponges off his wife is the pinnacle of success?as a 30 year old man?
what went so horribly wrong?
and what does that prove?
meanwhile a 30 year old unemployed and unemployable man who sponges off his wife is the pinnacle of success?
honest work shames no-one, but idleness and ignorance do.
unless your name is bucky, then all bets are off.
tell us more about how rich successful and classy you wouldn't even hire me because it is below my level. they tend not to hire anyone who was making three times their wage at their last job, not a wise move.
i would not be classified as unemployed since not only am i not looking for work, i am turning it down.
and my wife owes me over a couple grand still. it would be more but i am just gonna let it go towards my half of the rent.
working at walmart as a 30 year old man is the definition of shame, by the way.
but whatever you need to believe to convince yourself.
walmart wouldn't even hire me because they require their employees to be able to lift forty pounds. They tend not to hire anyone who has arms like a malnourished nine year old girl.
walmart wouldn't even hire me because it is below my level. they tend not to hire anyone who was making three times their wage at their last job, not a wise move.
i would not be classified as unemployed since not only am i not looking for work, i am turning it down.
and my wife owes me over a couple grand still. it would be more but i am just gonna let it go towards my half of the rent.
working at walmart as a 30 year old man is the definition of shame, by the way.
but whatever you need to believe to convince yourself.
tell us more about how rich successful and classy you are...
So, we have established that Bucky cannot even get a job at Walmart.
No wonder he is pissed at the world....
Nothing wrong with Walmart workers, Ditch Diggers, Landscapers, Pool Men, Mechanics, etc...
It is sad that you have to put people down to stave off your inferiority complex.
hate to burst your bubble, but not working at walmart as a 30 year old is basically my minimum standard for continuing my existence, not some kind of brag.
you'd be at about their level. scrubbing shit off pools for $25k a year wouldn't raise any red flags with HR there.
do you think i have anything against manual labor? my work is manual labor.
it's just that working at walmart as a 30 year old or scrubbing pools under the arizona sun as a 50 year old is kinda pathetic.
You are not working at all...
Judgement from some unemployed guy that has to hide his shit in a Uhall because he isnt man enough to own property at 30 while claiming to be a multi-millionaire...
Keep the lulz rollin bucky!!! That plus platinum trainwreck is working!!
i know you were really hoping i'd be "outed" and "thrown in the street for the police waiting" because you are a snitch, but sadly the dude from solar city didn't really give two shits.
by the way, please show me where i ever claimed to be a multi-millionaire.
thanks again, snitch.
walmart wouldn't even hire me because it is below my level. they tend not to hire anyone who was making three times their wage at their last job, not a wise move.
i would not be classified as unemployed since not only am i not looking for work, i am turning it down.
and my wife owes me over a couple grand still. it would be more but i am just gonna let it go towards my half of the rent.
working at walmart as a 30 year old man is the definition of shame, by the way.
but whatever you need to believe to convince yourself.
Well then you would be surprised again cause I dont really give a shit...
You are a play toy on the internet...
While poking you with a sharp stick today I managed to also get 10 pools cleaned and 7 home watches done and I finished grouting the downstairs bathroom. I admit it has taken a while. When my housekeeper pointed out that I said it would not take very long at all I had her laughing out loud because I told her that what I said was true. The remodeling was not taking that long at all. It was the pauses in between that were causing all the delays ;]
And I am high on Platinum Train Wreck and I am sad because I only bought 1/4 of it and it is so incredibly fine... Fruity taste, great head, smooth... Wish I would have bought an ounce but they are out now... Oh look, a kitty!!! Whee!!
Well then you would be surprised again cause I dont really give a shit...
You are a play toy on the internet...
While poking you with a sharp stick today I managed to also get 10 pools cleaned and 7 home watches done and I finished grouting the downstairs bathroom. I admit it has taken a while. When my housekeeper pointed out that I said it would not take very long at all I had her laughing out loud because I told her that what I said was true. The remodeling was not taking that long at all. It was the pauses in between that were causing all the delays ;]
And I am high on Platinum Train Wreck and I am sad because I only bought 1/4 of it and it is so incredibly fine... Fruity taste, great head, smooth... Wish I would have bought an ounce but they are out now... Oh look, a kitty!!! Whee!!
I had a busy day too. I sold two houses of faux wood blinds and a large home of plantation shutters. Should clear about four grand for about three hours "work" today and about six hours of assisted "work" to install. I may not take another customer for a month as I'm all tuckered out from the exertion of running my gobber for a couple hours.
Do I qualify for a gig at Wally World?