Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

i need to replace the blinds here. dogs got anxious when we've been away and chewed a viewing hole out to the driveway to look for us.

i might just roll up the blinds and hang curtains though so they don't chew through them again. those fuckers are needlessly expensive and never seem to last anyway, even the top quality ones.

The dogs usually get the ones on the doors, if you have the full length glass inserts. With no animals or kids tearing them up, a decent 2" faux wood blind should last 10-15 years if they're kept clean. The 1" mini blinds are a waste of money, metal or vinyl.
i've seen arizona dispensary product. my brother and i are both far beyond that crap.

i will put mine against theirs any day.

hell, i already snagged a consumer of the finest colorado dispensaries, and he's a member who posts on this board. we don;t even share the same political views at all either.

I dont want any of your cat piss weed even if you were paying me to take it...

You are an arrogant asshole, I will give ya that!!

I would rather stick to the dozens of dispensaries at my disposal...
I had a busy day too. I sold two houses of faux wood blinds and a large home of plantation shutters. Should clear about four grand for about three hours "work" today and about six hours of assisted "work" to install. I may not take another customer for a month as I'm all tuckered out from the exertion of running my gobber for a couple hours.

Do I qualify for a gig at Wally World?

THIEF!!! I always hated the cost of good window coverings. I need to get this house done though. You are right, the 1" mini's work but are for shit. Need some plantation shutters inside this house. It would look awesome!!
if you wanted to ask a simple question then you would have added all relevant information instead of 2 unlinked graphs

but of course honest posting isnt your style is it?

instead of a "simple question" we have you standing there with your proverbial dick in your hand demanding i join for a measuring season while simultaneously jaqing off

while posters like keynes and pinhole love a little cock, i dont play those games

So... you can't even answer a simple question with your opinion.

Those two charts mean a helluva lot to savvy alarmists.

let me guess those savvy alarmists all have them on posterform on their bedroom walls between an al gore poster and one of a sad polar bear?
But the question is, can you tell which one is "good" and which one is "evil humans"? And when you figure out how to make up your mind, can you quantify that great amount of supposed warming which CO2 is responsible for?
let me guess i need to stand backwards masterbating with my left hand while looking thru a toilet tube?
Are you afraid it's a trap?
heckler dick in hand

i said i dont play those games
I can assure you, those two charts are very different. And I'm not talking about the inadvertent "fuzz" on one of them (it was an accidental high-light).
you can assure all you wish kiddo when you post unlinked material i'll ignore the content and call you out for the comtemptable deuce that you are
One chart is a political weapon, the other is never discussed.
cool beans cite?

The fact you can't see the difference only lends more evidence to how apathetic thumb-twiddlers such as yourself have been duped and used as pawns.

i can easily tell the difference between a poster that gives supporting information in post along with their point

and a dick that wont bother to give a point just JAQ off questions
Wow, that's some forward thinking. Unwarranted prescription drugs delivered in a large scale delivery system..... ingenious.
they are already in traceable levels in municipal water supplies. we might as well use more becauz as all scientist know we don't want to build up imunities as a whole species
you mean like Fluoride?
I can't help but feel that large scale delivery for herpes medication, and large scale delivery of a chemical to fight against tooth decay are different.

Mostly because virtually every person exhibits signs of tooth decay, yet the herpes virus is seen in a miniscule portion of the population.

Might provoke some discussion.
I dont want any of your cat piss weed even if you were paying me to take it...

You are an arrogant asshole, I will give ya that!!

I would rather stick to the dozens of dispensaries at my disposal...

I don't have time to explain. But he pa.....gaaaaaaaaklkkkkkkdk Nooooooooooooo
as usual, he made them up

i do own a fedora, and i am a little overwieght, and some might argue i am a dickhead, but the rest is pure fantasy

my mother stayed with ME while her house was rebuilt after a fire, and every now and then i go to her place for a few days to help her round the house, since she is gettin older.
bucky cant understand how anyone would let their mum stay over after her house burnt down, and even less how one might go 100 miles away to help his mum around her house for a few days every month or so, thats unimaginable to a hatefilled little troll like bucky.

i DID pick fruit, for several years, but i dont follow the harvests any more.

i havent worked for any part of the walmart empire since 1999

marxism and multiculturalism have no relation to my relationships, except i would never date a leftist.

as to the main thrust "not having a girlfriend" lulz.

i see a lot of ladies, just none seriously at the moment.

very nice kynes..very nice:hug:
The dogs usually get the ones on the doors, if you have the full length glass inserts. With no animals or kids tearing them up, a decent 2" faux wood blind should last 10-15 years if they're kept clean. The 1" mini blinds are a waste of money, metal or vinyl.

i love plantation shutters.
walmart wouldn't even hire me because it is below my level. they tend not to hire anyone who was making three times their wage at their last job, not a wise move.

i would not be classified as unemployed since not only am i not looking for work, i am turning it down.

and my wife owes me over a couple grand still. it would be more but i am just gonna let it go towards my half of the rent.

working at walmart as a 30 year old man is the definition of shame, by the way.

but whatever you need to believe to convince yourself.

Working anywhere is better than whatever bullshit justifications a person can give for why they sit on their ass month after month.