Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

Are you this desperate when you look for men, too?

Educate yourself, retard.

Scientists believe that half of the population of penguins in the Antarctic region has been depleted in the last 50 years due to the climate change. It is the species known as the Emperor Penguins that have seen the largest losses. This is due to the warming trends continuing for several years. There is plenty of change that takes place over that span of time, and most of it isn’t positive when it comes to the natural habitat of the penguins.
warmer temps will only help the penguins.

think of what would have happened in happy feet if the ice had been 5 degrees warmer when he dropped the egg on it.


"never drop your egg" could be a thing of the past with global warming.
warmer temps will only help the penguins.

think of what would have happened in happy feet if the ice had been 5 degrees warmer when he dropped the egg on it.


"never drop your egg" could be a thing of the past with global warming.

This is twice now you've posted something I like. This could be the start of something special. :hump:
Blah, blah, blah, "PROBABLY", blah, blah, blah, "LIKELY", blah, blah, blah.

And that's just the first sentence. :roll:

UN panel: Global warming human-caused, dangerous
Global warming already dangerous, risks being irreversible, says new UN global warming report

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Global warming is here, human-caused and probably already dangerous — and it's increasingly likely that the heating trend could be irreversible, a draft of a new international science report says.

The United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change on Monday sent governments a final draft of its synthesis report, which combines three earlier, gigantic documents by the Nobel Prize-winning group. There is little in the report that wasn't in the other more-detailed versions, but the language is more stark and the report attempts to connect the different scientific disciplines studying problems caused by the burning of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil and gas.

The 127-page draft, obtained by The Associated Press, paints a harsh warning of what's causing global warming and what it will do to humans and the environment. It also describes what can be done about it.

"Continued emission of greenhouse gases will cause further warming and long-lasting changes in all components of the climate system, increasing the likelihood of severe, pervasive and irreversible impacts for people and ecosystems," the report says. The final report will be issued after governments and scientists go over the draft line by line in an October conference in Copenhagen.

Depending on circumstances and values, "currently observed impacts might already be considered dangerous," the report says. It mentions extreme weather and rising sea levels, such as heat waves, flooding and droughts. It even raises, as an earlier report did, the idea that climate change will worsen violent conflicts and refugee problems and could hinder efforts to grow more food. And ocean acidification, which comes from the added carbon absorbed by oceans, will harm marine life, it says.

Without changes in greenhouse gas emissions, "climate change risks are likely to be high or very high by the end of the 21st century," the report says.

In 2009, countries across the globe set a goal of limiting global warming to about another 2 degrees Fahrenheit above current levels. But the report says that it is looking more likely that the world will shoot past that point. Limiting warming to that much is possible but would require dramatic and immediate cuts in carbon dioxide pollution.

The report says if the world continues to spew greenhouse gases at its accelerating rate, it's likely that by mid-century temperatures will increase by about another 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit (2 degrees Celsius) compared to temperatures from 1986 to 2005. And by the end of the century, that scenario will bring temperatures that are about 6.7 degrees warmer (3.7 degrees Celsius).

"The report tells us once again what we know with a greater degree of certainty: that climate change is real, it is caused by us, and it is already causing substantial damage to us and our environment," Pennsylvania State University climate scientist Michael Mann wrote in an email. "If there is one take home point of this report it is this: We have to act now."

John Christy of the University of Alabama, Huntsville, is in the tiny minority of scientists who are skeptical of mainstream science's claim that global warming is a major problem. He says people will do OK: "Humans are clever. We shall adapt to whatever happens."

While projections show that the world will warm and climate will change, there's still a level of uncertainty about how much, and that makes the problem all about how much risk we accept, said MIT climate scientist Kerry Emanuel.

If it's soon and only a little risk, he said, that's not too bad, but when you look at the risk curve the other end of it is "very frightening."

The report used the word risk 351 times in just 127 pages.
Hey, it must be time to move the goalposts.

Hot, hot, hot coming in 40 years, give or take a couple decades.

At least they're wising up and avoiding the ten and twenty year predictions.

"Just push the dire consequences off into the distance and by the time these gullible half wits catch on, we'll all be dead already." - progressive douchebags
Didn't we pretty much already doom the earth when we sank over 2 million barrels of oil into the gulf of Mexico with a toxic poison and then the radiation emanating from Fukushima going directly into the Pacific?

Sorry folks, the big corporations are allowed to pollute and you get to pay to clean it up. Most of us just become the sponges that soak up the toxins and the radiation and then die a shortened life.
...coming in 40 years, give or take a couple decades.

I guess all those NASA assholes with clipboards are just counting their money huh? Those guys who say it'll take until at least 2026 to land on Mars (conservative estimate).. Just using all your money to make themselves richer the meanwhile.. Medical professionals studying AIDS/cancer/diabetes/ASL/muscular dystrophy/etc.. all shit that'll take decades of research to solve.. all of those guys are just wasting your precious money, banking on the fact you'll be dead by the time their research amounts to actual treatment or cures.. It's all a HUGE conspiracy!

Not at all like the +$200 BILLION comcast spent of your money to build a high speed internet network, and, uhh... DIDN'T!...

Dude, in all honestly, I have never seen you post a single thing worth reading. You are probably one of the worst members on this entire forum. You provide nothing of substance, only, and always, fearmongering bullshit directly from right wing news sources. When people try to tell you all of your bullshit comes directly from fearmongering right wing news sources, you take it as a personal attack and act accordingly, retaliating against their character, their motivations, instead of defending your own.

You can't defend your opinions because your opinions are indefensible.

Direct your bullshit fabricated hatred towards something that actually matters, it might actually give your bullshit life some sort of meaning in the long run, because this bullshit definitely doesn't.

Dude, in all honestly, I have never seen you post a single thing worth reading. You are probably one of the worst members on this entire forum. You provide nothing of substance, only, and always, fearmongering bullshit directly from right wing news sources. When people try to tell you all of your bullshit comes directly from fearmongering right wing news sources, you take it as a personal attack and act accordingly, retaliating against their character, their motivations, instead of defending your own.

You can't defend your opinions because your opinions are indefensible.

Direct your bullshit fabricated hatred towards something that actually matters, it might actually give your bullshit life some sort of meaning in the long run, because this bullshit definitely doesn't.


Except your fearmongering bullshit comes from even more laughable and far more partisan liberal news sources.

I should point out it's YOUR positions that require fear and predictions of doom and gloom to perpetuate their existence. I'm sorry your little feelings are hurt because the Dems didn't do jack shit about it when they had the votes in both houses of Congress and the Presidency to boot.

Keep telling yourself there will never be another Republican president and by the time you finish this cookie, you'll feel right as rain.

Except your fearmongering bullshit comes from even more laughable and far more partisan liberal news sources.

I should point out it's YOUR positions that require fear and predictions of doom and gloom to perpetuate their existence. I'm sorry your little feelings are hurt because the Dems didn't do jack shit about it when they had the votes in both houses of Congress and the Presidency to boot.

Keep telling yourself there will never be another Republican president and by the time you finish this cookie, you'll feel right as rain.



skewed polls.
I guess all those NASA assholes with clipboards are just counting their money huh? Those guys who say it'll take until at least 2026 to land on Mars (conservative estimate).. Just using all your money to make themselves richer the meanwhile.. Medical professionals studying AIDS/cancer/diabetes/ASL/muscular dystrophy/etc.. all shit that'll take decades of research to solve.. all of those guys are just wasting your precious money, banking on the fact you'll be dead by the time their research amounts to actual treatment or cures.. It's all a HUGE conspiracy!

Not at all like the +$200 BILLION comcast spent of your money to build a high speed internet network, and, uhh... DIDN'T!...

Dude, in all honestly, I have never seen you post a single thing worth reading. You are probably one of the worst members on this entire forum. You provide nothing of substance, only, and always, fearmongering bullshit directly from right wing news sources. When people try to tell you all of your bullshit comes directly from fearmongering right wing news sources, you take it as a personal attack and act accordingly, retaliating against their character, their motivations, instead of defending your own.

You can't defend your opinions because your opinions are indefensible.

Direct your bullshit fabricated hatred towards something that actually matters, it might actually give your bullshit life some sort of meaning in the long run, because this bullshit definitely doesn't.
Didn't NASA just use a massive rocket to propel the Orion capsule into orbit just to have it come back down again?

All that pollution they emit into the upper atmosphere seems like they're sorta talking out of both sides of their mouth.

Why do they use massive, outdated and hugely inefficient rockets when they are the one saying we need to cut emissions?
it's funny watching people trip themselves up in their own web of lies.

What's really funny is watching you take a quote about his positions on race and another on his positions on MMGW and try to pass them off as a contradiction. You see those little arrows in the quote? They take you to the thread they were pulled from so you can see context.

What's a matter sporto, I take some time off the board for a Caribbean cruise and you miss me?
Didn't NASA just use a massive rocket to propel the Orion capsule into orbit just to have it come back down again?

All that pollution they emit into the upper atmosphere seems like they're sorta talking out of both sides of their mouth.

Why do they use massive, outdated and hugely inefficient rockets when they are the one saying we need to cut emissions?
I don't actually have a problem with NASA, I just knew you in particular would love that post ;)
But seriously, do you know how insignificant the emissions emitted by NASA's activity is compared to the fossil fuel industry?

Global volcanic activity is about 2-3% (also insignificant), NASA launches what, 6-10 times a year?

You do the math