Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

He says "analogy fail" but what he really means is he fails to get the analogy.
No, I understood where you were going with it, it was just a piss poor attempt at illustrating your point

You're basically saying "we don't have enough evidence", except the evidence we do have shows dramatic increases in global temps and CO2 concentrations coinciding, coincidentally with the industrial revolution. Temps and CO2 concentrations we've never seen before since 400,000 years before our species evolved

You have no explanation for that

So until you can explain why temps and CO2 levels both go up, and have been going up ever since with each decade being hotter than the last, I'm afraid you will have to sit bitch to the progress NASA and the rest of the world's climate scientists make
the other 23 hours? You have no idea, do you?
Fail troll, fails
No, I understood where you were going with it, it was just a piss poor attempt at illustrating your point

You're basically saying "we don't have enough evidence", except the evidence we do have shows dramatic increases in global temps and CO2 concentrations coinciding, coincidentally with the industrial revolution. Temps and CO2 concentrations we've never seen before since 400,000 years before our species evolved

You have no explanation for that

So until you can explain why temps and CO2 levels both go up, and have been going up ever since with each decade being hotter than the last, I'm afraid you will have to sit bitch to the progress NASA and the rest of the world's climate scientists make

hiatus. gruber gruber. hoax.

i have won the debate.
The difference between you and me is that I'm trolling and you're not.

Tell me again who is failing.

Have you ever seen Network (1976)? There's one scene that strikes me every time I see it. But it's not the famed Mr. Jensen scene, as powerful as that is.
Rather, it is the reflection of Max on his differences from Diane when he is getting ready to leave.
There are several lessons in that of inter-generational conflict, another of perspectives in education.
In your case, the opening line has application:

No, I understood where you were going with it, it was just a piss poor attempt at illustrating your point

You're basically saying "we don't have enough evidence", except the evidence we do have shows dramatic increases in global temps and CO2 concentrations coinciding, coincidentally with the industrial revolution. Temps and CO2 concentrations we've never seen before since 400,000 years before our species evolved

You have no explanation for that

So until you can explain why temps and CO2 levels both go up, and have been going up ever since with each decade being hotter than the last, I'm afraid you will have to sit bitch to the progress NASA and the rest of the world's climate scientists make

/ignore...talking to you is pointless, you're drunk on the koolaid already.

I'll just say this, it's because of people like you that so many people doubt the climate is even changing irrespective of cause let alone that humans are causing it.

/ignore...talking to you is pointless, you're drunk on the koolaid already.

I'll just say this, it's because of people like you that so many people doubt the climate is even changing irrespective of cause let alone that humans are causing it.

lol, ginwilly rhetoric nearly verbatim.

tries to play the role of a fencesitter, but only ever brings up climate denial talking points and throws a friggin tantrum when simple facts are presented.

pathetically transparent.
But seriously, do you know how insignificant the emissions emitted by NASA's activity is compared to the fossil fuel industry?

Global volcanic activity is about 2-3% (also insignificant), NASA launches what, 6-10 times a year?

You do the math
The "fossil fuel industry" produces very little emissions. It's their customers, meaning YOU, who produce the emissions. Volcanic activity has wiped out 99% of all life on Earth upon occasion. You failed to cite any source for your "2-3%" figure, so I'm assuming you just made it up.
To people like you, sure

As for the rest of us, it's overwhelmingly convincing

Just like evolution is responsible for the diversity of life on earth, it's not convincing to creationists..

Or that the earth is round, not convincing to flat earthers..

Or that Jesus is a fairy tale, not convincing to Christians..

Or that man has landed on the moon, or 9/11 was committed by Islamic fundamentalists, not convincing to conspiracy theorists..

Or.. you get the idea..
You realize you could be talking about yourself just as easily. Since your sole "evidence" is an unreferenced poll by a cartoonist, your position seems based solely on religious faith, also.
So does anthropogenic climate change, you deny it

Just like creationists deny the evidence for evolution..

Flat earthers deny the evidence for a round earth..

Christians deny the evidence against Jesus

Conspiracy theorists deny the evidence we landed on the moon and 9/11 wasn't an inside job..

Are we seeing a pattern emerge..?
Yes, we see a pattern of you referencing subjects that have nothing to do with the matter at hand and pretending that somehow proves your case.
Yeah, just like science "literally cannot prove" the theory of evolution is true..

Or the earth is round..

Or we landed on the moon..

Or Islamic extremists committed 9/11..

Still citing subjects that have nothing to do with the matter at hand and pretending they are pertinent.
Every measurable metric shows the current trend in climate change to be "out of the norm", you deny it. How many times has this graph been shown?


I can honestly say there haven't been 13.950 peer reviewed articles on the subject. Really, using blogs as a source and pretending they are scientific?
You realize you could be talking about yourself just as easily. Since your sole "evidence" is an unreferenced poll by a cartoonist, your position seems based solely on religious faith, also.

yeah, that "unreferenced poll by a cartoonist" is so laughable that NASA touts it right in their website.