Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

The Indian's and the Chineese are putting out multiple times more than we are and it is growing at an incredible rate.

Will the global warming just keep to their side of the globe?? Will Europe be able to pay enough to prevent global warming over that region??
So, the Chinese are polluting, therefore everyone else shouldn't care about the environment? Nice.
yes, the science is as settled as the "fact" that termites dont make co2, they only make methane.

the ONLY place i can find that crazy ass, wrongheaded, impossibly retarded, assertion it on "wikihhow"

and what have i told you about "wikiwisdom" so many times?
That's not accurate.

Termites do produce CO2 according to M.G. Sanderson, Centre for Atmospheric Science, Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge.

Please go to page 2.


No wiki required, just and the phrase "Do termites produce CO2"....

Pretty easy to get an answer.


Read: Cant afford one.

Seriously?? The great thing is I can afford anything I want. A pool on this property would be a huge problem because it is a corner lot with a septic system.

I could just use my neighbors. I get paid to clean her pool. Now that is an idea, swim in a pool I get paid for!!! LOL!!

The condominium I own has 2 pools and 2 heated spa's and the entire time I lived there I was in the pool like 4 times.

Some people are pool people, some people are not. It doesnt mean I cant make bank on maintaining and repairing them.

However, I have another opportunity that will be more lucrative as a senior home inspector. Does lead home inspector sound better? I havent figured out the title I am going to ask for ;]
Pools? I've had that. No way again!

Someone's pool, their hassle, not mine? Much better.

Owning a pool is like owning a yacht..

Lots of maintenance and expense and you have to really use it to get your money's worth.
water vapor gets blown away by a gust of wind.

CO2 hangs around for hundreds and thousands of years.

cite your "hundredfold" claim so we can all point and laugh at it like we got to do with kynes all day yesterday and today.

or don't cite it and be, by your own words, "a liar who deceives".

See ?
probably has something to do with the difference between CO2 and H20.

maybe bring upi your earth-shattering thoughts to the 34 national academies of science who have apparently neglected to go through the rigorous thought processes that you clearly have.

Well Buck,

Since there is between 2 and 3% water vapor in Earths atmosphere at all locations on the average day and 0.04% CO2 I find it difficult to believe that air currents (wind) will concentrate the CO2 to above water vapor levels.

Both CO2 and Water vapor are greenhouse gases that trap longwave radiation inside the atmosphere and the result is air temperatures holding more heat. However since there is 60 times more water vapor in the atmosphere, the airborn CO2 is a less likely factor in holding the heat in the atmosphere. If both water vapor and CO2 were at equal levels in the atmosphere, CO2 would be the greater factor, ...but they are not in equal quantities. But...BUT, CO2 trapped in the oceans is the root cause of the weather heating or cooling the atmosphere.

So while the CO2 is the root cause it is not what holds the heat in the atmosphere. An example would be that cloudy nights are warmer than clear nights because clear nights are cooled by radiational cooling, and hazy, humid days hold more heat because warm air hold more humidity.

Yup, water vapor is the reason the atmosphere holds more heat while CO2 trapped in the ocean water, not the air, is the driving element.
Maybe buck meant that CO2 hangs around in the ground and oceans for hundreds and thousands of years,....but he sure didn`t clear that up. He typed it so the reader is led to believe it is held in the air that long.

Stop drinking Buck, you`re F`n up the story !i
Same as a boat

Big hole that is supposed to hold water
:) If you can throw in $$ fast enough
I have one of those intex pools, woke up this morning to find 4500 gallons had leaked out due to a leaking air ring. We found the leak , fixed it and am filling it with water and salt now ( its a salt water pool). The water is free, but the salt cost $4.98 for each of the 4 bags needed.