Schuylaar's Sesh - SCOTUS Upholds Public Prayer..

you are hilariously sad.

thats very much like the christians insistence that jesus, the devil, various demons, angels and the holy ghost arent gods, so they can continue to claim they are monotheistic.

a non-anthropomorphized deity is still a deity.

No, for once the Obamacare cheese eater is correct. It's not a deity, but a way of life. Events occurred before this version of consciousness and events will continue well after you're dead.
or in other words:
a diety without form, just like ahura mazda.
a distinction without difference
Not really. Ahura Mazda is an actual entity for Zoarostrians (of which I know little).
Dharma is a sanskrit noun. It's dhamma in Pali.
Means: 'virtue', 'truth', 'teachings', 'Buddha's teachings', etc. It depends on the context. It's not a deity. In Buddhism there are deities but none are known as Dharma/dhamma. Hinduism and buddhism are complicated religions with a lot of local/national variations. It goes from simple to complex pretty quickly and is difficult to get a grasp on.

perhaps hinduism today will explain it.

or do they not know their own religion well enough?

The Buddha was taught using Hindu teachings. But those are much different. I'm a Buddhist and there's no such thing as a God in the sense of how Christians or any of the Abrahamic religions view "God." We don't reject such a thing can exist, but even if there is such, you can't call upon it for guidance, help, etc. You must make your own path using dharma as a guide, which we view as the force behind causation, much like science uses things like Chaos Theory.
Not really. Ahura Mazda is an actual entity for Zoarostrians (of which I know little).
Dharma is a sanskrit noun. It's dhamma in Pali.
Means: 'virtue', 'truth', 'teachings', 'Buddha's teachings', etc. It depends on the context. It's not a deity. In Buddhism there are deities but none are known as Dharma/dhamma. Hinduism and buddhism are complicated religions with a lot of local/national variations. It goes from simple to complex pretty quickly and is difficult to get a grasp on.
just like dharma, ahura mazda (lit. "light and truth") is a deity without fixed form, the demiurge of creation, and the source of everything.

dharma and ahura mazda may be difficult to describe to the western mind but they are still deities, and the embodiment of creation.

just because they dont have idols, and are not depicted as bearded skydaddies doesnt make them any less gods than all the others worshipped through history.
just like dharma, ahura mazda (lit. "light and truth") is a deity without fixed form, the demiurge of creation, and the source of everything.

dharma and ahura mazda may be difficult to describe to the western mind but they are still deities, and the embodiment of creation.

just because they dont have idols, and are not depicted as bearded skydaddies doesnt make them any less gods than all the others worshipped through history.

You don't worship dharma, but you can reflect on it. Is science a deity? For many on this forum that seems to be the case.
just like dharma, ahura mazda (lit. "light and truth") is a deity without fixed form, the demiurge of creation, and the source of everything.

dharma and ahura mazda may be difficult to describe to the western mind but they are still deities, and the embodiment of creation.

just because they dont have idols, and are not depicted as bearded skydaddies doesnt make them any less gods than all the others worshipped through history.
You're misunderstanding. That's like saying the Christian god is the ten commandments.
In the Buddhist context, 'Dharma' specifically refers to the 84,000 teachings Buddha gave or more generally to 'teachings'. Dharma's not a deity. Buddhism has lots of deities but this isn't one of them.
You're misunderstanding. That's like saying the Christian god is the ten commandments.
In the Buddhist context, 'Dharma' specifically refers to the 84,000 teachings Buddha gave or more generally to 'teachings'. Dharma's not a deity. Buddhism has lots of deities but this isn't one of them.
hinduism today and hindunet disagree.

they would be the ones to know, i am confident that their assertions about their own religion are satisfactory.

further, buddhism's re-imagining of dharma is irrelevant to this topic, much like the moslem's gritty re-boot of the jewish and christian god.

new age psuedophilosophy is pointless navel gazing and pontification on the imponderable mysteries.

better to listen to the doctrines from that religion's own scholars.

unless that religion is made of lies and deception, like islam, then you have to go to the source materials, and ignore the bullshit taquiyya (defensive lies) of the "authorities"
Hinduism is a different religion.
Now we're at apples and oranges
You don't seem to have much use for religion.
Still, always nice to have a constitution that grants religious freedom and freedom of expression.
Seems like a reasonable idea.
Many want those same freedoms badly.
You'd probably be surprised how many muslims want to practice their religion quietly, far away from extremist clerics and their fatwas.
Hinduism is a different religion.
Now we're at apples and oranges
You don't seem to have much use for religion.
Still, always nice to have a constitution that grants religious freedom and freedom of expression.
Seems like a reasonable idea.
Many want those same freedoms badly.
You'd probably be surprised how many muslims want to practice their religion quietly, far away from extremist clerics and their fatwas.

and yet in poll after poll, and election after election around the moslem world, they vote for more and more fundamentalism, sharia and repression of their own dissenters.

if the moslem world wanted religious freedom like we have in the US, they COULD have it, but they have repeatedly demonstrated that what they really crave is theocratic domination.

deeds speak louder than words.
hinduism today and hindunet disagree.

they would be the ones to know, i am confident that their assertions about their own religion are satisfactory.

further, buddhism's re-imagining of dharma is irrelevant to this topic, much like the moslem's gritty re-boot of the jewish and christian god.

new age psuedophilosophy is pointless navel gazing and pontification on the imponderable mysteries.

better to listen to the doctrines from that religion's own scholars.

unless that religion is made of lies and deception, like islam, then you have to go to the source materials, and ignore the bullshit taquiyya (defensive lies) of the "authorities"

Are Christians the re-imagining of the Hindu: Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, as the holy trinity? Many of the teachings by Jesus have direct corollaries to Hindu and Buddhist teachings.
and yet in poll after poll, and election after election around the moslem world, they vote for more and more fundamentalism, sharia and repression of their own dissenters.
if the moslem world wanted religious freedom like we have in the US, they COULD have it, but they have repeatedly demonstrated that what they really crave is theocratic domination.
deeds speak louder than words.
I don't worry about it. I see it as a trend that won't last. It's important to understand and not look at this stuff at it's face value and see it in stark terms.
Anyone who's seen how happy Muslims are in open countries tends to worry less. They want what everybody else wants. They take their kids to MickeyD's.

I see that voting trend as a combination of a bunch of things. US policy in the middle east/near east over 60 years, their fears over the future, anger at events in the past, Israel,etc. Going to war with a billion people may not be wise besides I don't buy the whole 'war of civilizations' theory. Muslim is as broad a term as christian. Lotta different languages, cultures, variation in religious practice.etc.

A vote for certain types of politicians is a sentiment: they feel angry about a lot, much of it justified. Do I condone terrorism? No.
Having said that, we'd be a lot better of if the U.S. had not been in bed with so many autocrats. In the near and long term the U.S. could defuse a lot of tension by normalizing relations with Iran. I doubt that will happen soon as many seem hell bent on doing anything to prevent that.
Are Christians the re-imagining of the Hindu: Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, as the holy trinity? Many of the teachings by Jesus have direct corollaries to Hindu and Buddhist teachings.
Interesting bunny.
What's your take on the reappearance of Jesus to the apostles after his 'death'? I'd be interested to hear it.
Interesting bunny.
What's your take on the reappearance of Jesus to the apostles after his 'death'? I'd be interested to hear it.

Propaganda because their teacher was gone. I also think Jesus was a mixture of lots of people. At the time everyone knew this was when the messiah was supposed to come. Another issue is tall tales, like Johnny Appleseed. He existed and planted many apple trees, but many of the stories about him can be taken with a grain of salt.
Are Christians the re-imagining of the Hindu: Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, as the holy trinity? Many of the teachings by Jesus have direct corollaries to Hindu and Buddhist teachings.
chrisitianity is the continuation of the schisms of the hebrew religion which has been ongoing for 4000 years

Protip: "judaism" is just ONE flavour of the hebrew religion, from ONE tribe of israel, it has just become dominant over the others

chrisitianity is a schism within judaism which embraces some of the tenets of the other flavours from other tribes, plus random shit from other religions. it is evolving continuously, and breaking itself into more and more disparate fractions.

you cant nail down what "christians" believe because there are just too many different types.

hinduism buddhism and daoism are all similarly diverse in expression, but the core tenets of each are internally consistent, unlike christians who's beliefs are intensely contradictory.

meanwhile moslems are just meshuggah
Propaganda because their teacher was gone. I also think Jesus was a mixture of lots of people. At the time everyone knew this was when the messiah was supposed to come. Another issue is tall tales, like Johnny Appleseed. He existed and planted many apple trees, but many of the stories about him can be taken with a grain of salt.
Propaganda. Really? Hmm. I always interpreted it as a transfer of consciousness and a demonstration of his level of spiritual attainment.
chrisitianity is the continuation of the schisms of the hebrew religion which has been ongoing for 4000 years

Protip: "judaism" is just ONE flavour of the hebrew religion, from ONE tribe of israel, it has just become dominant over the others

chrisitianity is a schism within judaism which embraces some of the tenets of the other flavours from other tribes, plus random shit from other religions. it is evolving continuously, and breaking itself into more and more disparate fractions.

you cant nail down what "christians" believe because there are just too many different types.

hinduism buddhism and daoism are all similarly diverse in expression, but the core tenets of each are internally consistent, unlike christians who's beliefs are intensely contradictory.

meanwhile moslems are just meshuggah

Hinduism is much older than Judaism. It's just a coincidence God chose for his people Abraham and Sarah, while in Hinduism it's Brahma and Saraisvati? Even more of a coincidence God changed the their names from Abram and Sarai?
Propaganda. Really? Hmm. I always interpreted it as a transfer of consciousness and a demonstration of his level of spiritual attainment.

All religion comes from one main source, over the thousands of years. The snake has been worshiped by humans for over 30,000 years ago in Botswana. Everything since then has become a deviation of what people thought in those 30,000 years or more.

All religion comes from one main source, over the thousands of years. The snake has been worshiped by humans for over 30,000 years ago in Botswana. Everything since then has become a deviation of what people thought in those 30,000 years or more.

Interesting summary.
Is that a pic of a cave in Botswana?
Interesting summary.
Is that a pic of a cave in Botswana?

Yeah, that's the python snake from the Botswana cave.

My point from before was we've been doing this before the written word, so those in power know how to abuse the ancient knowledge. But just now are those who us commoners for the first time able to gain access to their "wisdom." Which is why I call Jesus coming back from the dead propaganda, based on the Egyptian Horus myth.