Schuylaar's Sesh - SCOTUS Upholds Public Prayer..


the library at alexandria remained in operation for some 200 more years after hyapatia was murdered by blood crazed jesus freaks

the library was finally destroyed, and all of it's books were burnt by the moslems under caliph omar ~628 AD

you can look that shit up.
Yup, and the particular riot that set her death in motion was started by the Pagans of alexandria.
implying Dharma is not a diety...


i wasn't referring to the gods. and dharma is not a god; it is all things good and bad in life.

aren't you in the least bit upset that these people believe the 1st amendment is for christians only?

you being a jew, persecuted?..
i wasn't referring to the gods. and dharma is not a god; it is all things good and bad in life.

aren't you in the least bit upset that these people believe the 1st amendment is for christians only?

you being a jew, persecuted?..
you are daft, dharma is a diety without fixed form, like ahurua mazda (zoom zoom) for the zorosatrians.

your desperate need to be edgy, and anti-christian triggers an automatic "you is a christian" response, despite my complete lack of christian faith.
publicly embracing asian religions with little understanding of their concepts is one of the key attributes of a "new age" religious conversion centered soley on the need to be "different"

or in simpler terms: Teen Angst
Yup, and the particular riot that set her death in motion was started by the Pagans of alexandria.
ohh you mean the majority religion of polytheistic greeks?

yeah christians dont like competition, and hate being around those who reject their crazy bullshit, so those evil "pagans" forced the peaceful jesus freaks to riot.

back in the day christian crazy was indistinguishable from moslem crazy
i think that is wrong because we should not have to be subject to someone else's beliefs (religious) regardless of whether or not our founding fathers believed in such. I do understand they would open public meetings with prayer but that ship has long sailed..why not something then from the quran or torah?

prayer should be like smoking, like anything else that others deem offensive to them..i find it very offensive to have to listen/subject to that shit.

freedom of religion also means freedom FROM religion.
ohh you mean the majority religion of polytheistic greeks?

yeah christians dont like competition, and hate being around those who reject their crazy bullshit, so those evil "pagans" forced the peaceful jesus freaks to riot.

back in the day christian crazy was indistinguishable from moslem crazy
I don't doubt that for a second.
I think a lot of their craziness is cultural, predating Islam.
you are daft, dharma is a diety without fixed form, like ahurua mazda (zoom zoom) for the zorosatrians.

your desperate need to be edgy, and anti-christian triggers an automatic "you is a christian" response, despite my complete lack of christian faith.
publicly embracing asian religions with little understanding of their concepts is one of the key attributes of a "new age" religious conversion centered soley on the need to be "different"

or in simpler terms: Teen Angst

Dharma is a meta concept, it has nothing to do with a deity. Everything you do is Dharma (the way), while what you cultivate is Karma (organizing). The whole idea about good and bad Karma is from idiots who don't know what they're talking about. The way you cultivate leads to enlightenment.
you are daft, dharma is a diety without fixed form, like ahurua mazda (zoom zoom) for the zorosatrians.

your desperate need to be edgy, and anti-christian triggers an automatic "you is a christian" response, despite my complete lack of christian faith.
publicly embracing asian religions with little understanding of their concepts is one of the key attributes of a "new age" religious conversion centered soley on the need to be "different"

or in simpler terms: Teen Angst

here you go jackass:

In Hinduism, dharma signifies behaviors that are considered to be in accord with order that makes life and universe possible,[10][note 1] and includes duties, rights, laws, conduct, virtues and ‘‘right way of living’’.[7] In Buddhism dharma means "cosmic law and order",[10] but is also applied to the teachings of the Buddha.[10] In Buddhist philosophy, dhamma/dharma is also the term for "phenomena".[11][note 2] In Jainism dharma refers to the teachings of the Jinas[10] and the body of doctrine pertaining to the purification and moral transformation of human beings. For Sikhs, the word dharm means the "path of righteousness".
here you go jackass:

In Hinduism, dharma signifies behaviors that are considered to be in accord with order that makes life and universe possible,[10][note 1] and includes duties, rights, laws, conduct, virtues and ‘‘right way of living’’.[7] In Buddhism dharma means "cosmic law and order",[10] but is also applied to the teachings of the Buddha.[10] In Buddhist philosophy, dhamma/dharma is also the term for "phenomena".[11][note 2] In Jainism dharma refers to the teachings of the Jinas[10] and the body of doctrine pertaining to the purification and moral transformation of human beings. For Sikhs, the word dharm means the "path of righteousness".
or in other words:

a diety without form, just like ahura mazda.

a distinction without difference
it doesn't say deity anywhere and my definition is spot on.
you are hilariously sad.

thats very much like the christians insistence that jesus, the devil, various demons, angels and the holy ghost arent gods, so they can continue to claim they are monotheistic.

a non-anthropomorphized deity is still a deity.