Well-Known Member
The putrid stink of desperation is thick in the air.
that wouldn't be the first thing you've deluded yourself into believing.
The putrid stink of desperation is thick in the air.
Next time you could probably make the assumption that my simple math is probably correct.
Perhaps you could gain some extra points by proving my 150 million was a fabrication, I am assuming that is what feasy is doing as we speak.
that's why they would go into overdrive mode to find a bullshit reason to rescind, dummy.
you're as bad at common sense as you are at simple math.
If it only happens .0027% of the time, its not really happening much at all, which I presume is because rescinding on "bullshit" reasons would actually be illegal and so the insurance companies only do it to people whom they can prove as having committed omissions in order to deceive or fraud.
If you had a million dollars and you earned .0027% interest per year. How much money would you have at the end of one year?
Naw Feasy doesn't give a fuck about your fake numbers. I can see from just a few post you say what you think with no proof and or back knowledge so I don't expect you to say anything factual.
your presumption is mostly correct, but there are some legitimate horror stories out there about getting rescinded for truly bullshit reasons at truly horrifying times.
Yes PRESUME, not ASSUME. Presumption is based on probability and logical thought, while assumption is based on bias, ignorance, general knowledge and gut feeling. I assume plenty of things, but I wouldn't ASSUME that insurance companies act in an illegal manner in which you or feasy could possibly prove yet no companies have been indicted.
hard for a broke person with massive medical bills to mount any kind of legal challenge against an army of insurance company lawyers.
hard for a broke person with massive medical bills to mount any kind of legal challenge against an army of insurance company lawyers.
a tiny number of people does not make an entire industry a bunch of immoral jerks
Too scared?
C'Mon, show us you got the balls like bucky does to take being flat assed wrong. I mean just 100% fucking utterly WRONG, and then be a man about it and accept it.
A new Bucky groupy in the making. You know Buck can only rep you once from each of his accounts right? He is all played out for a while and will have to go on a rep rampage to get back to you.
Just imagine if Romney were elected and stirred up all this shit.
The liberal media would have been calling for impeachment since the "law" was declared "constitutional" by the liberal supreme court.
there is no need to put "law" and "constitutional" into quotes.
the law was found constitutional, and all your sandy vaginaism ain't gonna change that.
and there is no need to imagine a romney administration, as he put his ideas in front of the american people and was roundly rejected in yet another obama electoral landslide.
Ya, LIBERAL majority is really the talking point.
Here you go with your 1% or 2% "landslide".
More like a mudslide.
what liberal majority? the court leans slightly conservative right now.
and obama's electoral landslide gave him 62% of the electoral votes (ya know, the ones that matter). 62-38 is a 24 percentage point win.
suck it, every freudian slip lets us know that your latent side is just dying to do so.
.... freudian slip...
like comparing your life partner to a walrus?
4000/1500000 = .00266666666
expressed as a percentage, that is 0.266666666%, or 0.3% for those of us who like to round.
1/10 = .1 = 10%
1/100 = .01 = 1%
4k/1.5 million = .00266666 = .26666%
your problem is that you fucked up the first step and it all fell apart right there.