Skunk living under my porch!


Ursus marijanus
ok so you go some good sound advise and some bad advise... I really like the idea of feeding it and calling it flower
go and get some critter ridder, you can find it at any hardware store or even at target... and it actually works...
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if you can find the granular stuff rather than the spray you'll be better off....
that stuff is like tear gas...
the idea of waiting for it to exit (at night) and covering the hole, is a good idea but if you have multiple and they don't all come out... well you get the picture.
You can call pest control and have them come out but yes they will have to kill it as well as it is not legal to relocate pest... at least not in Ca.
some one already posted a good skunk trap but I would not open it and let it just walk out... I would drown it, but that is just me (fuck getting sprayed)

so in conclusion... ha jk... get the critter ridder and you'll be fine
hope this helps
good luck stay high
awesome ... fight stinkers with odor. cn

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
Buy a raccoon trap from the feed store/tractor supply, put it inside a large trash bag so that just the entrance to the trap is exposed. Then bait it with cat food and wait.

You won't get sprayed with the trash bag covering 90% of the trap if you hold it right. I've had to do this a few times and I've never been sprayed.
I've done this too. It works.


Well-Known Member
Propane gas seemed to work, buried the hole afterwards. Unfortunately theres a carcass of carcasses under the porch. Say what you will peta weirdos, i am a animal lover, just skunks aren't my thing...


Well-Known Member
Propane gas seemed to work, buried the hole afterwards. Unfortunately theres a carcass of carcasses under the porch. Say what you will peta weirdos, i am a animal lover, just skunks aren't my thing...
Nothing weird about wanting to protect animals but you did what you had to do.
We don't have skunks here,do they really smell that bad?
Pepe Le Pew was a right charmer:-P

Super Toker

Active Member
Get a big cheap box of mothballs and chuck all of them under the porch and that should run them out. It will definately keep cats and dogs away for the most part, Ive done it numerous times