Still cannot get roots with aerocloner.


Well-Known Member
I have a 8 site 5gal bucket aerocloner. I have tried twice and still not getting roots after two weeks. I use ro water, with the appropriate dose of clonex. I used a timer so the pump is not on 24/7, set to 30on 30 off. I am damn close because most of the clones have roots starting to form but just wont burst out like I am seeing others results. I took this batch out and put them in promix to finish rooting, which always seems to work after the clones have been in the aerocloner for over two weeks. Idont have a ph pen, I use the drops and ph the water to about 6.0 and it always rises after a day or two, to about 8.0. I adjusted it twice this time. I have heard to use tap water but my tap water is about 8.5 (with the test drops). Also started monitoring water temp and it goes from 68 to 75, I tried addinga heater to raise it a bit to about 78, not sure if that helped. Any help would be appreciated, I tried to explain as best I can, what exactly I am doing. I have been succesful everytime with the clones but failed to get the roots in the cloning machine, resulting in a much longer time for clones to root. About a month before I can start vegging them. I have been successful with rockwool rooting clones. My first batch of clones in my aerocloner that did not root, got moved to rockwool and rooted within 2 more weeks. Oh yea and lighting is t-8s 6000k and some 3000k white led.


Well-Known Member
Many wrongs things here...!
Get a ph pen even a cheap one will give you some idea

leave the pump on 24/7

please explain how a plant can be affected by clones when it has no roots thus can't drink?
maintain 24c/75f 24/7

Understand this simple cambium engineering ...the art of growing rootlets from under the bark ..easy!

vip// aerocloner is growing plants in a fog of nuted steam, this is a bubble cloner, a way to grow
roots on the stems of plants in oxygenated water ..easy

good luck and study,. study.. study

pics would be nice?
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Well-Known Member
Whatever you doing when you take clones quit it! All you need is straight water, no rooting hormones or any of that crap! Get a good timer (this is what I use) and set it for like a minute and a half on and about 8 minutes off. Leaving a water pump on 24/7 really heats up the water and hot water in hydro is bacteria's best friend. My clones from lower branches root in about 7 days, top branches take about 14-16 days.


Well-Known Member
Dude I took my kids school scissors and just hacked 14 cuttings threw them in with RO water no clonex or ph adjustment needed set timer to 1 on 5 off and my shit rooted in 11 days , areo is really simple . Good luck on the next round


Well-Known Member
I will be preparing clones tonight. So just tap water, no need to ph? Or should I keep using ro? Ill take some pics when I get back.


Well-Known Member
And I get a lot of conflicting info when it comes to cloning. One person says leave the pump on 24/7, one says 1 minute on 8 off. My temps are dipping dyring lights out. Should I be running nonstop lights on? I am doing 18/6 and water temps dip at lights out. I might be able to stabilize my temps with 24 hours of lighting. Also it doesnt seem like the pump needs to be running nonstop. When I did 30 minutes on 30 off, the steps are always still soaking wet after 30 minutes off.


Well-Known Member
For what it's worth I started with my pump on 24/7. Clearly that must work for some people, but I had very little success, things rotted staying that wet all the time. Now I'm doing about 20s on 8 min off, and changing the water every 3-4 days, which also seemed to really help. Also I'm just using tap water but mine is only around 7.2pH, 8.5 does sound high but it might be worth giving it a shot.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, im sure I will get it sooner or later. So far it has always been ro water so i am going to try tap water and switch to 24 hours on. They look like roots are just about to burst but never do and then a week goes by.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, im sure I will get it sooner or later. So far it has always been ro water so i am going to try tap water and switch to 24 hours on. They look like roots are just about to burst but never do and then a week goes by.
Your setting your self up for failure if you leave that pump on 24 hrs in the 5 gallon bucket if you got the funds buy a recycle timer and set it to no more then a min on and 8 mins off


Well-Known Member
I run my clones in the same room with my mom and they're on a 16/8 light schedule. I don't use a humidity dome and the RO water doesn't get pH'd cause there's nothing in it for that. My success rate this way is 100%. I guess like you said you'll figure it out sooner or later, I'm just trying to help it be sooner and without mutilated plants.


Well-Known Member
And thats why I finally posted. I am going to give it a shot with plain ro water. Do you still prepare cutting the same way as you would for rockwool? Should I still be scraping the stem with the aero cloner? This clone run is pretty important, I already sexed plants and have 3 fem out of 5 to clone the strain that I may likely run for the next year. JOTI deep purple and I would like to put two of the 3 into flower soon. Heres a few pics of what im working with.



Well-Known Member
Last pic was the 8 clones from the aerocloner after 16days, put them in pots and in my experience half should make it and recover. Strains are blue cheese and el jefe. The next pic is the joti in veg. Taking clones now. Also in the pic two autoflowers and two seedism taste bud clones, the last two of what im going to be running of that strain.



Well-Known Member
And thats why I finally posted. I am going to give it a shot with plain ro water. Do you still prepare cutting the same way as you would for rockwool? Should I still be scraping the stem with the aero cloner? This clone run is pretty important, I already sexed plants and have 3 fem out of 5 to clone the strain that I may likely run for the next year. JOTI deep purple and I would like to put two of the 3 into flower soon. Heres a few pics of what im working with.
I've never used rockwool for clones so I can't tell you anything about that. What are you talking about scraping the stem with the aero cloner?! I'm so confused by that question!


Well-Known Member
If its an important run get a recycle timer set it to 1 on 5 off and like I said I grab a pair of my kids scissors and hacked 14 clones no scrapes no split none of that cut the fucker at an angle and put it in a netpot collor and for get about it for 10-14 days good luck


Well-Known Member
I've never used rockwool for clones so I can't tell you anything about that. What are you talking about scraping the stem with the aero cloner?! I'm so confused by that question!
Ok, when I prepare clones for rockwool I use a new razor and slice about 1-1/2" below a node and cut off the lower foliage that would end up inside the cube and the use the razor to scrape the lower 1" of the stem, reason behind that which was explained to me is its easier for them to root when you scrape into a certain layer of the stem. Ok maybe scraping has been my problem with the aerocloner.


Well-Known Member
Ok, when I prepare clones for rockwool I use a new razor and slice about 1-1/2" below a node and cut off the lower foliage that would end up inside the cube and the use the razor to scrape the lower 1" of the stem, reason behind that which was explained to me is its easier for them to root when you scrape into a certain layer of the stem. Ok maybe scraping has been my problem with the aerocloner.
I've scraped my stems and when they rooted they had a ton of roots, here's an example. It took a lil longer for them to root but they did. I usually don't scrape though, just my preference.


Well-Known Member
you may get conflicting information from some rollitup members on pump timing, yes

but look at every aero cloner manufacturers recommendation.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but every one that I know of says 24 hour pump timings.

- Jiji

P.S. cool and cold temps slow things down, in every stage of growth


Well-Known Member
you may get conflicting information from some rollitup members on pump timing, yes

but look at every aero cloner manufacturers recommendation.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but every one that I know of says 24 hour pump timings.

- Jiji

P.S. cool and cold temps slow things down, in every stage of growth
Yea they say that because they want to include a cheap five dollor timer but I do agree with the cold slowing down growth


Well-Known Member
68 to 74 degrees for the water. Too warm and oxygen gets depleted fast. I do 18/6 for lights. I like to RO water and add clonex cloning solution at 20 ml per gallon of water. Do not adjust PH. I repeat, Do Not Adjust PH!!! Clonex is ph stable and will be between 5.8'and 6.3. When you adjust ph you break down clonex's ability to stay stable. I run continuously for a month and only add mixed water to keep full. And hydrogen peroxide every week or when adding water. Rinsing mother for a few days before taking clones will reduce nitrogen and speed up roots. That will increase yellowing of leaves, that's where they get the energy to make roots..